Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Disenchanted

Our Lady of Sorrows

by disasters1 2 reviews

Baby steps towards the start of the excitement.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2010-08-11 - Updated: 2010-08-11 - 1087 words

The sky opened up grey and miserable reflecting so much of the court's faces as the funeral procession slowly went through the streets. Lila never understood how the Earth seemed to know to make the day even more dreary during sad times. She trailed with other ladies in waiting behind Princess Lindsay, pale and shrouded in black carrying her rosary sending quiet prayers with her dead prince. The prince's body had frightened Lila terribly. He appeared to be sleeping, translucent skin as always and darkened locks falling in his eyes. Had it not been for the casket he lay in or the loss of rose red coloring to his lips, she would have believed it was a cruel joke he and his younger brother concocted. As she dodged holes in the dirt road and dared to glance up she saw the slumped figure of Prince Mikey far ahead in the procession line. It was a dire reminder that there was no joke to be had. The people of Bella Muerta tossed wreaths of flowers out in the road mourning the loss of the first born and heir to their ailing King's crown, and their great country. All hopes would rest in the younger prince now.

The days slowly passed after the final prayers had been spoken for Prince Gerard and the wreaths lay destroyed in the muddy roads. Princess Lindsay was equally inconsolable in both her grief and her uncertainty of her position in the Bella Muerta's court. The ladies in waiting tried to calm her by speaking of trivial matters of upcoming balls and the blooming garden outside the window.

“What will become of me?”

“The kingdom adores you madame. They will not abandon you so easily. They too share in your grief and will bear it with you!”

“I will go and pray for guidance.”

Lila sighed in relief at her mistress's retreating back. It seemed all the Princess did anymore was “pray for guidance.”

“She would be much better begging for posistion to the King!” Lila kept these thoughts to herself.

She was sorry for her Lady's grief, but she had her own future in balance. The King could easily turn them out in favor of a match for Prince Mikey at any moment. She had hope that Princess Lindsay would remain. One of the privy council members, Lord Toro had spoken to her of Princess Lindsay's importance to make an ally country out of Brooklyn upon Hype, after he had too much ale and too little decorum. However, the young Prince Mikey was more absorbed in sport and chasing the kitchen maids around to invest much in politics. She must hope the privy council would keep him sensible once the king passed, which seemed to lure at the court from over the horizon.

“I simply can not wait until the ball tomorrow night, all this gloom has served to put everyone in such a frightful state,” noted Sara, another lady in waiting.

“I'm sure Prince Gerard had no intention of causing inconvenience. Perhaps had you informed him, he would have made less fuss with this death.”

“Well, I hope that Lord Bryar will ask me for the first dance again,” Lady Marie laughed out, pointedly ignoring Lila.

“What a smart match he would be,” agreed Sara.

“Do you hear your selves? The prince and heir to our kingdom dies merely a week ago and all you care for are dances and husbands,” Lila demanded outraged.

“If anyone has need to care for dances and husbands,” began the highest ranking of them all, Lady Alicia, “ it would be you Lila. I have no recollection of your security in this court through a suitable match or family ranking.”

Lila's cheeks flushed. Lady Alicia had no cruelty in her words, simply accuracy. If Lila was honest, she too had stopped mourning the loss of the prince in favor of mourning for loss of her gowns and security.

“You're quite right madame,” Lila murmured with a bowed head to Lady Alicia, “ I should remember when to keep my thoughts to myself.”

“Perhaps she thinks Prince Mikey will pick her to be his mistress,” Lady Marie cackled with Lady Sara.

Lila turned crimson with rage and humiliation and looked down in her hands. It was no secret in the court that her sister,Catherine, had served as a mistress to his older brother. Lila considered her no more than a common whore, but it was thanks to her that she received a position as a lady in waiting. She would no sooner have found herself in the court than a king finds himself in a peasants hut without her sister's influence. Lady Alicia shook her head in annoyance and sat near Lady Lila.

She whispered, “ never mind them, I have confidence you will make a far wiser match than either of them. I don't mean to be harsh towards you, I just expect you will find yourself long outlasting these two in court.” Lady Alicia stroked Lila's hair and went to assist the returning Princess Lindsay.

“Can you imagine the luck of that? Two whores in one family. Do you have any darling cousins to take court positions reserved for noble blood?” Lady Sara hissed through gritted teeth.

“If I were,” Lila faltered, such talk could be treasonous against the crown. Lady Alicia was right, if she did not watch her tongue, she would find herself banished from court, or imprisoned. She had thought she would first sleep with the prince and have Lady Sara imprisoned in a stony tower, like a fairy tale. Well, excluding the part where she played court whore.

Lady Marie took pity and dragged Sara with her towards the awaiting Princess Lindsay. Lila regained her composure and began to fall in step as they all headed towards the banquet hall. As they slipped into the courts dining hall, Lila locked eyes with Prince Mikey at the head of the table and nearly tripped thanks to her previous thoughts of being his mistress. His elegant mouth formed a smirk and she attempted to disappear into the silver plate that now lay in front of her as she sat down.

Hazel. How had she never noticed he had hazel eyes?

O.k! Chapter Two! Please r&r so I know if anyone's even wanting to read it or if I should leave it unpublished. Constructive criticism is completely allowed, I don't playa hate.

Northern Downpour: Panic At The Disco
Hide and Seek: Imogen Heap
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