Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Can't Touch My Brother

Chapter 3

by WellxCarryxOn 0 reviews

Everything comes out...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-08-12 - Updated: 2010-08-12 - 1013 words - Complete

Chapter 3
There was only one thing wrong. He didn’t know about me and Gerard. He didn’t know anything and it killed me each day. Why didn’t I just tell him upfront? It’s been two months that we were actually dating now. Did I even have to tell him? No. I knew I did, I just didn’t want to. I didn’t want to ruin everything we had.
“Bert!” Mike said as he came running down the hall and into my arms. “What?” I asked kissing his head and smiling. “I did it! I PASSED THE CLASS!” He danced around the hallway waving his report card around. Ya, he was a dork and nerd, but he was my dorky nerd. I grabbed him around the waist and pressed my lips to his “I’m so proud of you, baby.” He tilted his head to the side and laughed. “No you aren’t. You don’t give two shits about school.” He was smiling. “Ya, but you do. So I do by default.” “Whatever” He said and stuck his tongue out. He was so cute, like a little kid. “Let’s go celebrate. No more studying for you!! Wooohoo!” I said smiling. He got a devious look on his face. “Celebrate? Or, /celebrate/.” He said winking and kissing me deeply. No more little kid. He grabbed the back of my head and leaned me against the lockers behind me. “Damn, babe.” I said and kissed his neck a few times before pulling away. “When we get home. But first I’m going to be a ‘gentleman’” I put air quotes around the word. “and buy you dinner before I get my dessert.” I winked and put my arm around him as we started walking. “Make you less of a whore.” I said laughing. Mikey faked shock and horror. His eyes got big in mock shock and he scolded me. Then leaned into my ear and said “Actually, I don’t mind as long as I’m your personal whore.” Then he nibbled on my ear. I held back a moan but only because we were now in the school parking lot. “Fine then. Get in the car you dirty whore.” I said smirking and opening his door. I got into the drivers seat. “Home to be my dirty whore or to dinner?” “Whore. Then dinner. Who said you can’t scramble the order.” He grabbed my hair and kissed me again. “Fuuckk.” I moaned into his mouth. “Drive, asshole.” He said licking his lip then pushing me to the wheel. I did as I was told and drove to my house, ignoring all traffic signs. Any ticket would be worth it. As soon as we got out of the car he grabbed me. He was really horny today. We awkwardly made our way to the door. I locked it and we ran to my room. I shoved him down on my bed and we were back at it. Rolling around, tongues, hands everywhere. I pulled of his shirt and then mine. “Fuck me, Bert.” He moaned as I kissed his neck again. His first time, ever. “You sure you’re ready Mike?” I asked biting my lip. “As long as it’s you who’s fucking me, I was ready two months ago.” I smiled and kissed him again. But as soon as I went for his belt flashbacks hit me. His brother, me. Our first time. Loosing my virginity. It all came flooding back. “Gah!” I scream. Mike sat up, safe to say, I ruined the moment. “What? What is it? It’s not me, did I do something? Damn.. I’m sorry!” He said frantically. “No, babe, of course not. You are sexy and adorable and I love you. It’s me.” He looked down. “Oldest line in the book.” He mumbled. A tear pricked the back of my eyes. I had to tell him; there was no way out of this. “Mike.. I have to tell you something.” The tears flooded out. “What? It can’t be that bad.. I can’t be that bad!!” Mike said alarmed. “I….” I looked down wiping the tears. I was a sick bastard. “Your…” “My what, Bert!?” Mike said getting a little frustrated. “You’re going to storm out of that door and know I’m a disgusting hoe and never come back. So just let me say, I love you Mikey Way.” Mike looked at the floor tears coming into his eyes. “I thought I loved your brother. We had a … thing to piss people off.” He tried to talk, but I covered his mouth. “Let me finish. I want you to know everything. Then you can beat me up and walk out of my life.” He nodded and stayed quite. “He got horny and we fucked. He was my first and vise versa. I thought I loved him…” I was crying so hard I was choking now. “He is straight- you know that, and I told him I loved him. I was just his fuck buddy. I meant nothing to him. Needless to say it didn’t go over very well and he avoided me. So when you asked me to pretend to be your boyfriend I knew I could through it in his face, and well that’s what I did. But I fell for you Mike! I love you! It’s nothing like what I felt for Gerard! It’s so much more!” “Done?” Mike growled and I nodded. He socked me in the eye and stormed to the doorway. “I can’t believe you, Bert McCracken! You disgust me! Maybe if you had just told me I wouldn’t care!” “I love you, Mike! That’s why I told you!” I was sobbing. “Save it, dick. I can’t believe you fucked my brother and didn’t tell me. I can’t believe I almost lost my virginity to the same guy my brother did.” He slammed the door and stormed out of the house.
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