Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hot & Cold

The Meeting

by MCR_Vampire_321 0 reviews

Lucy and Gerard meet.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-08-14 - Updated: 2010-08-14 - 332 words - Complete

Gerards POV...

I was just talking to Mikey and Frank about video-games, when Ray and Bob suddenly came running up to me "Gerard!" Ray must've ran there from the other side of the school or something...
"There's this new girl!" Ray gasped. Bob hit him on the head.
"There's three new girls." Bob reminded him.
"Whatever." Ray smiled "We didn't get the other two's names. But the girl we spoke to is called Chloe and she is hot!"
I grinned "Sweet."
"They're triplets." Bob smirked "Hot."
The bell rang and we had to stop talking and get to lesson.
I was walking down the corridor alone, headphones in my ears and my head in the clouds... When suddenly I bumped into something. My books fell out of my arms and so did someone else's...
"I am so sorry..." I said, bending down to pick up my books.
"You should watch where you're going!" A girl snapped back at me.
I looked up, and saw a girl with blonde-hair, a side fringe with a pony-tail."What's your name?" I found myself asking.
"Lucy." She picked up another book. She didn't ask for mine.
"Mine's Gerard." I told her, though I was sure she didn't care.
"Whatever." She stood up. I stood next to her.
"Are you new here? One of the triplets?"
She narrowed her eyes at me "Yeah, I guess..."
"What lesson have you got? I could show you..."
"History in Room 7..."
"That's what room I'm in!" I laughed "We can sit next to each other!"
"Yay." She replied sarcastically.
I took her arm and started guiding her down the corridor.

Hollie's POV...

I had no clue where I was. I was walking down corridor after corridor, staircase after staircase with no idea of where I was supposed to be. Somehow I had managed to lose both of my sisters, even though we all had the same lesson.
Looks like I'd have to walk down these stupid corridor's until I found Room 7.
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