Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You But Lycans Might.


by bubbly-gum 2 reviews

Lilli-anna looses control.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-08-14 - Updated: 2010-08-14 - 554 words - Complete

Rachel's P.O.V

I listened at the door as screams and crashed echoed around me. It was like that every day. Lilli had a lot of undirected anger. She would scream, curse, pull out her hair and destory anything and everything that got in her way. Blood ran down the walls as she threw heerself against them. Anything to distract herself from any other kind of pain.

I listened as Frank spoke to her in a soft voice trying to get her to stop while her friend Georgia tried to stop her. Georgia would come out covered in scratches, bite wounds, blood the lot, shake her head and keep on walking away from the room where the crashes and screams continued.

Mikey cowered next to me, he was like a little kid. It was so sweet sometimes. He was so scared right now. Lilli mothered him, so I could only imagine how he felt right now.

Frank never seemed to quite look me in the eyes now-a-days. I always wondered what he was thinking. He was always nice to me but it seemed forced now. He was more quiet and reserved. less hyper. I know his best friend since forever died but I can't help but think its me.

Ugh, this is insane. I'm reading to far into things. I need to relax and re-group.

Frank's P.O.V

I knew Rachel was standing the other side of the door, that brat in her is making her smell all funny, and her heartbeat's different. I don't like it!

Some bastard knocked up the love of my life and she won't tell me anything!!! She just shuts her eyes and shakes her head. I'm trying to be patient but there's only so far you can push someone...

Lilli's P.O.V

"Shut up, shut up, SHUT UUUUP!!!!" I could hear my scream echo around the stone walls. But the voice never listened. It continued to whisper in my ear. Never letting me forget for a second that I was completely alone. That I had no family left. I screamed and thrashed and did everything I could to get it go away. It laughed at my feeble attempts to get it go away. It tells me I am weak, I don't deserve to live. It's all my fault he's dead.

One day something inside me snapped, like an actualy snap. I heard it as I through myself against the wall once again. My head collided with it, the crack echoing around the room. I heard the snap. I was in/out of control. It was like I had let my evil side take over. I knew what I was doing, yet it wasn't me. It was but it wasn't. I looked in the mirror. My hair had straightened and turned jet black. My eyes were a dead grey and my lips had darked to a deep red. I was evil, I had final lost control. I could feel the air crackle around me with electricity. But it was coming from me.

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. I could see them, the Elders. They were coming for me, tonight.
"Perfect" whispered the voice.

This chapter is so unbelievably shit. Lmao. I kinda like it though. In all its crappy-ness.

xoxo Vampire hatter
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