Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat

Chapter 15

by MCR_Vampire_321 5 reviews

Jasmine tells Gerard the truth, but he doesn't know how to tell Lucy with sad concesquences (Or however you spell that...)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2010-08-25 - Updated: 2010-08-25 - 438 words - Complete

[A/N] - Sorry it took so long to update, I've been away. Then I got back and my step-dad told me the internet wasn't working anymore. Five days later, I found out he had been lying. Thanks Mark. xoxo

NotOkay - I don't believe that. At all
blackgreenrose - Ask Mikey
NotOkay - Fine. Maybe I will

-Five Minutes later-

NotOkay - So he didn't deny it...
blackgreenrose - Because it's true
NotOkay - Fine. But I'm not just going to dump Lucy for Raechel
blackgreenrose - Raechel WAS your girlfriend first
NotOkay - It's not my fault if she ruined it herself
blackgreenrose - She did most of it to protect a friend. Isnt that the kind of girl you want to be with?
blackgreenrose - Calm. Down
NotOkay - NO!
blackgreenrose - Yelling at me, is going to get you nowhere

-WeeGirl has just entered the chatroom-

blackgreenrose - Don't get mad Raechel, but I told Gerard everything
WeeGirl - Right, like he believed you
NotOkay - I didn't at first, but Mikey said it was all true
WeeGirl - So maybe it is, but I guess it doesn't change a thing
NotOkay - How come?
WeeGirl - Well my nickname is now officially Captain Crazy and you all hate me, and anyway, Lucy will never believe the truth
NotOkay - >.<
WeeGirl - I've gotta go

-WeeGirl has just left the chatroom-

blackgreenrose - Do you feel bad? At all?
NotOkay - Yes, but what do you want me to do?
blackgreenrose - I can't tell you what to do all the time
NotOkay - I know, I'm just asking for advice!
blackgreenrose - This is something that maybe you should figure out for yourself
NotOkay - But I hate using my brain! D:
blackgreenrose - THINK FAST

-FootballFan has just entered the chatroom-

blackgreenrose - Gotta go...

-blackgreenrose has just left the chatroom-

NotOkay - Crap
FootballFan - Hey Gerard (:
NotOkay - Hi Lucy
FootballFan - What's going on?
NotOkay - Nothing, why?
FootballFan - Jasmine suddenly had to go and you randomly said crap
NotOkay - That doesn't really prove that nothing is wrong
FootballFan - >.> I never said anything was wrong, I just asked what's going on
NotOkay - Never mind then (:
FootballFan - Look, tell me what's going on
NotOkay - Nothing
FootballFan - Now
NotOkay - Nothing
FootballFan - Fine
NotOkay - Good (:
FootballFan - Guess what?
NotOkay - What?
FootballFan - You're single

-FootballFan has just left the chatroom-
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