Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat

Chapter 16

by MCR_Vampire_321 5 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-08-27 - Updated: 2010-08-27 - 387 words - Complete

Bob - She broke up with you?
MWay - Yes Bob, keep up
NotOkay - It was literally over NOTHING!
MWay - Raechel isn't exactly nothing
NotOkay - Ofcourse she's not, but how did Lucy even know anything was up!? Can't she trust me or something!?
Bob - Well you WERE lying
NotOkay - Oh My God, I'd rather talk to Frank about my problems. He knows to just agree with everything I say
MWay - We're just being realastic
NotOkay - Well I don't LIKE the real world, it sucks
Bob - Deal with it
MWay - There is no easy way to say this Gerard, but you've been dumped
NotOkay - Yes Mikey. I know
Bob - No, like REALLY dumped
NotOkay - This is another reason I prefer discussing things like this with Frank
PenceyPrep - I am in the conversation dumbass
NotOkay - Why didn't you say anything!?
PenceyPrep - It's just nice to know I'm loved (:
PenceyPrep - Two simple words (: Become Gay
MWay - ... You go to this guy for advice?
NotOkay - That's not a bad idea
Bob - What!?
MWay - What!?
PenceyPrep - No need to thank me, it's what I do (:
MWay - How is that a good idea!?
NotOkay - I pretend to be gay, so that Lucy thinks I'm over here, and she calms crawling back to me (:
MWay - Why can't you just get a girlfriend instead of being gay?
PenceyPrep - Being gay would be more fun Mikey, be realistic
MWay - How would you know that being gay is fun?
PenceyPrep - I have my sources (:
Bob - I think this is a bad idea. There are so many homophobes nowadays...
NotOkay - There are also those chicks who pretend to be lesbians to turn on boys
MWay - In my opinion, they just look gay
PenceyPrep - :D Haha, I get it
MWay - I meant stupid. I wasn't meant to make a joke out of it loser
PenceyPrep - I think it's a great idea
Bob - You would, you thought of it
PenceyPrep - So it must be good right (:
MWay - No
NotOkay - Well I'm doing it. Whether it's a good idea or not
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