Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Our Chemical Romance

Our Chemical Romance

by VampAndGerardLuver 2 reviews

A group of high school grad girls tour with MCR...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-08-29 - Updated: 2010-08-29 - 568 words

“ Lets go meet the most sexy boys in world!!” Jamie cried out in joy.

Well of course I was so fuckin happy to meet My Chemical Romance cause we’ve loved that band forever but I was so nervous. The band members were so sexy and are so amazing. When our band manger asked what band WE wanted to tour with this was the band we immediately screamed at her.

Alex started up her Jeep Cherokee as we all boarded up to go to star bucks to meet up with them.

“ I can’t believe this is happening!!!!” Jamie said while bouncing wildly in the passenger seat.

I bit my lip in frustration. What if the band wasn’t looking forward to touring with kids who just got out of high school. Two 17 year olds and two 18 year olds. I mean there in there mid twenties. It was a month after there big hit album Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. During the album Gerard had just broken up with Eliza. Which means he was single. Gerard was so fuckin great, you could say I like him but who knows maybe I’m just crazy bout him because he’s hot and he is the lead singer of my favorite band.

Caitlin went stiff. She was also crazy about Gerard. Jamie likes Mikey. Alex, well since she’s short she likes the shortest member of MCR Frank but that’s not why she likes him. But he is a good height for her.

“ Frank is so fucking sexy with the red he put in his hair.” Alex said with a hint of nervousness in her voice. I knew she wanted to get the nervous atmosphere to go away but it wasn’t working. I played along anyways though.

“ Not as much as Gerard.” I said and joked back to her.

“ I know right.” Caitlin agreed.

“ Mina did I put my phone in you pocket?” Jamie asked.

“ Yeah you did why?” I questioned.

“ Give it to me.” She demanded.

“ Fine” I snapped back. So I threw the cell at her head. Because I was sitting behind her it bounced off the top of her head and landing on the floor I front of her.

“ WHAT THE FUCK MINA!” Jamie snapped as she retrieved her phone which was fine.

I smiled knowing I pissed her off. Alex and Caitlin snickered.

“ I can’t believe after this turn we get to meet them.” Caitlin said with intensity.

“ WHAT?!” I yelled.

“ Mina were have you been?” Alex joked as her jeep pulled into the star bucks parking lot. She parked in the back and we all got out of the car.

“ How did they get here?” I asked them hopeing one of us knew what they rented to get here.

“ A black van” Jamie said with pure excitement in her voice.

Caitlin sighed. I felt the same way cause I was so ready and so nervous.

Alex and Caitlin were 18. Jamie and me were 17. The age difference bother Alex really bad for some reason.

Alex lit a cigarette up. “Not now.” Caitlin said seriously to Alex.

“ Urgg, ok.” Alex said and droped the cigg on the pavement.

“ THATS THEM!!!” Jamie screamed at the top of her lungs.

I turned around from facing the car only to find my heart dropping as the MCR crew stepped out of the black van they came in.
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