Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IT'S ALL BOUT LUCK

...we promise.

by xxooxx 0 reviews

the final involves a phone call. ! x

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2010-09-05 - Updated: 2010-09-05 - 326 words - Complete

three days past ,gerard was thinking about going to find a job , mikey wa thinking that they should go to their grandma's, but they did neither , they just cuddled up in the car , dreaming , talking, crying, laughing ,hugging, kissing (more!) .
gerards phone rang , he and mikey looked at each other ,gerard picked his phone up of the dash board , he read the screen 'home' he looked at mikey before answering it "hello? gerard? mikey? are you there?!" it was mom "yeah were here" gerard said neviously "oh thank god your both alright!, please , please come home!" the last few words were strained "but dad..." gerard didnt need to say anymore than that "he's gone,..i threw him out!" she began to cry "i cant belive he chashed you with a knife, i saw your door.........." "it's okay mom were coming home" "oh good ,thank you, i love you, tell mikey i love him too." "i will,i love you too" he put the phone down "we're going home!?" mikey exclaimed "yeah.....dads gone......mum love's you" gerard stutterd starting the cat. "does she know?!" mikey said carefully "i dont know but dad not one to keep his mouth shut." mikey nodded.
They parked in the drive way an climbed out of the car. mum ran outside and hugged them -(it felt like she'd never let go-it was nice) "i dont car who you fall in love with, be it be with each other or with anyone else,just never run away again , promise me?!" they both nodded crying , they went inside and sat on the couch ,mum went into the kitchen to put the kettle on ,mikey scaned the living room-they'd had a fight it was recked. "i cant belive we're alright i thought he was going to kill us" gerard kissed mikey cheek "i guess we're just lucky mikes"

well thats it! hope you enjoyed it
thanks for reading, it means alot !
-afeon xoxoxoxo
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