Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Luna Lovegood's Adventures in Wonderland

Luna Lovegood's Adventures in Wonderland

by TheChimera 0 reviews

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Luna remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat. "We're all mad here."

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover,Humor - Characters: Luna - Published: 2010-09-06 - Updated: 2010-09-07 - 1418 words

This story is an extreme crossover between Harry Potter and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. There will be some things that are close to the same as in the Wonderland book, but many will be different, seeing as how I want it to be interesting for all you folks out there reading it.

If you have any suggestions or ideas for chapter two, or any corrections that need to be made for this chapter, please PM me.

And now I am proud to present:

Luna Lovegood's Adventures in Wonderland

Down the Rabbit-Hole

Luna was getting very bored with the book she had been cajoled into reading by her father. There were no pictures or interesting characters in it, and the subject matter was rather dull.

"Snorkacks can be found mostly in western Ireland, but several have migrated as far as the upper tip of London." She read out loud in a rather droning tone of voice.

Sighing, Luna closed the book gently and put it down beside her. It was a hot day and the sound of the wind rustling through the grass in mix with the heat was making her sleepy. She absentmindedly wondered whether it would be worth it to pick herself up and go inside to take a long nap, but decided it wouldn't. After all, the effort necessary to stand up alone might put her right to sleep! And then what would become of her? She might fall and scrape her head on one of the rocks that littered the small front lawn of their house.

So she didn't. Instead, she leaned head back against the trunk of the tree and began to daydream about the wondrous world of Zonko's, her most favorite store in the whole entirety of the world.

Suddenly, a small, white-tailed rabbit with beady pink eyes hopped past her, all the while muttering to himself, "Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!". This strange phenomenon didn't seem odd in the least to Luna, her tired mind bogged down with the heat of the day, until it took what looked like a small watch out of its waistcoat pocket, glanced at it quickly, and then rushed on.

Luna, slightly confused by the rabbit's actions, hopped up from the tree and continued to follow it. While not the strangest thing she had ever seen (after all, nothing seems strange after one has seen an orange with the ability talk), Luna was curious as to how it had been enchanted. After a short little chase (in which the rabbit took no notice of her), the small furry animal came to a hole in the ground and hopped into it, never slowing its speedy pace. Frowning, Luna kneeled down next to it and peered down the hole, but it was to dark to make anything out.

After several short moments of contemplation, Luna had made up her mind. She would follow the rabbit. Slipping one foot in after the other, she held herself up with her skinny arms and took a deep breath. Looking around and seeing nobody in sight, she let go.

After falling for several minutes, Luna, being the bright young girl that she was, realized that it might not have been a good idea to follow the rabbit. After all, a fall like this could very well end in a hard and painful landing against a stone floor. No amount of healers from St. Mungos would be able to fix her then. All thoughts such as these where washed immediately away when she noticed the cupboards and cabinets and pictures that lined the walls of the tunnel.

"How curious." She said just as she fell slowly past a jar labeled Orange Marmalade. This mystified her. Shouldn't she be going a mite faster than this? People usually fell at a much faster rate. "Perhaps it is some sort of effect that getting nearer to the center of the earth has on people. Yes. That must be it." She grinned then, her fears washed away by her findings, and relaxed on the very comfortable pocket of air.

After a very long time, Luna became bored of doing nothing and began to talk to herself. "I wonder if father and mother will miss me tonight at dinner? I'm sure they will. After all, they do love me very much. But then again, maybe they won't. They do seem rather... spacey sometimes." Luna made a hmming noise in the back of her throat. "I wonder why that is. Maybe it's a side effect of the snorkacks that father constantly talks about. I bet it is. But maybe-"

Luna's deliberations were suddenly cut off as she felt her back hit gently against some sticks and dry leaves, the collision making them rustle and click together.

Blinking, she stood up and stretched before surveying her surroundings. Above her, the hole was too dark to see much of, and Luna dismissed it with a wave of her hand. Turning her head to her front, she saw that she was in a long, narrow passage, down which the creature that had capture her attention earlier was hopping quickly. Deciding that she had better follow it, Luna began to run again after the rabbit, the white bobbing of its tail acting like a beacon to her. When they finally came to a corner, Luna was close enough to make out the rabbit squeaking nervously to itself.

"Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting!" it said. When Luna turned the corner herself, she found herself alone in another long hall, this one lit up with lamps lining the sides. Shrugging, Luna began to try each of the doors in quick succession, turning and juggling the handles back and forth. When she had been up and down the hall and tried all of the doors on each side, she wandered sadly back to the middle, finally having begun to wonder how on earth she would get out. Suddenly, Luna was startled out of her thoughts as she came upon a small, three-legged table made of glass, on which was resting a tiny golden key. Grinning in delight, Luna started to try fit the key into each door she came upon with a lock on it. After a good many doors, Luna realized that it was no good, and sat down with her back to one of them and was about start crying, when, with a startled yelp, she fell back as the door she was resting against gave out.

Looking up, she saw that it wasn't really a door, but a low curtain which fluttered this way and that in the wind which rushed down the tunnel. Turning around, she saw, to her delight, another small door, no larger than fifteen inches tall, with a tiny lock that seemed to be made of the same golden material as the key. Holding her breath, Luna placed the key in the lock and turned it. A loud "click" was made, and Luna pushed the tiny door open with two fingers. Pressing her face down close to it, she was able to make out a garden with lush trees, neatly trimmed grass, colorful birds flying about, and a sky so blue that it seemed to be painted on a canvas. Luna felt as if it were the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her relatively short life, and she yearned to be able to sing and dance in it, but she was to big to even get her head inside of it, let alone her hole body. Scrunching up her eyes, a single tear began to role down her face before she felt a strange sensation tingle through her body. Gasping, she opened her eyes again and found herself gaping up at a once small, three-legged table.

"I must have done accidental magic!" She exclaimed excitedly, her blonde hair bouncing up and down as she began to jump. Smiling happily, she turned around, expecting to find herself at just the proper size to go through the door, but frowned when she noticed that it was closed.

"Oh dear. The wind must have blown it shut." She said while searching through her pockets for the key. Finding nothing, she glanced over at the glass table and spotted the frustrating object lying innocently on it. Her hopes dashed once again. Luna sat herself down against the door, and closed her eyes. So much excitement in one day had thoroughly worn her out.
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