Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Luna Lovegood's Adventures in Wonderland

The Pool of Tears

by TheChimera 2 reviews

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Luna remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat. "We're all mad here."

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover,Humor - Characters: Luna - Published: 2010-09-06 - Updated: 2010-09-07 - 1900 words

This chapter was pretty hard to do. I had tried making up my own little poem, but poetry really isn't my thing and I ended up going with the original. Getting Luna's character to say things that are similar to Alice's and all the while trying to keep the two somewhat different is extremely difficult, and I find myself nearly copying some of the text. If I've made any screw-ups or you have a suggestion that you think could make this better, please PM me or leave a review; I can stand some critique easily enough, and any at all would be thoroughly appreciated.

Anyway, back to:

Luna's Adventures in Wonderland

The Pool of Tears

When Luna finally awoke from her nap, she found herself almost intolerably hungry, and somewhat angry at herself as well. Why on earth did she have to go about shrinking herself anyway? There must have been another way out. Frowning, she stood up from the uncomfortable floor and walked over to the now huge table. Looking at the see-through legs, she realized immediately that it would be of no use attempting to climb up them, seeing as how they were made of glass and she would slide right down again just as soon as she had climbed up an inch. Huffing, Luna looked around for any way that she might get out of the dreadful place. Seeing nothing, she decided that she may as well have another try at accidental magic to grow herself again.

Scrunching up her face into a cute expression of concentration, Luna tried to remember the desperation she had felt while looking into the perfection of the garden. It was hard, and her mind kept darting off onto other topics, such as how hungry she was. After several minutes of this, Luna opened her eyes and stomped her miniature foot angrily against the stone floor.

"It's no use. I guess I'll be stuck like this forever now." She said, her mood switching from angry to gloomy in a moment. Luna's head dropped down onto her chest in defeat, and she surveyed the floor glumly. Suddenly she noticed a small box which she hadn't noticed before sitting on the ground next to one of the glass legs. As she kneeled down next to it, she noticed that the words Eat me where inscribed onto the top of it in flowery lettering. Grinning in delight at the thought of food, she opened the lid of the box and reached inside, pulling out a small, delicious looking cake. The fragrance of the sweet smelling cake washed over her, and her mouth watered in anticipation. Opening her mouth as wide as she could, Luna took several large bites of it and groaned as the taste hit her tongue. It was the best cake she had had in her entire life, and she made quick work of it, the large morsel of food disappearing down her tiny gullet. After she finished, she burped rather loudly and rubbed her stomach, all the while smiling and feeling content.

Suddenly, the strange tingling from before began once again, and she realized that she was growing at a steady rate. Astonished, Luna barely had the time to snatch the golden key off of the table before she flew passed it, her head already five feet tall and still growing.

"More accidental magic?" She wondered quietly to herself. "But that's impossible. I didn't feel upset this time. In fact, I wasn't even thinking about growing until the tingly thing started again. How odd." Just then, Luna's head stuck against the roof of the hall, making her cry out. Large, pearly tears began to pour down her face once again and they plopped on the floor, making a loud dripping noise. Soon, the now little table was carried away and Luna was standing in two feet of a rushing current of tears. So distracted was she by the pain that she didn't even hear the sound of pattering feet until they were quite upon her, and the white rabbit once again scurried into view from the end of the hall. In its paws he held two white colored gloves and a large fold-out fan, the latter of which he was using to cool himself down, all the while pit-patting across the floor as quickly it possibly could.

"Please Mr. Rabbit. Could you help me?" She asked, her once timid and quiet voice booming across the hall in abnormally loud tones. At this, the poor little creature jumped up into the air and dropped the objects he was carrying before turning around quickly back the way he had come.

Sighing, Luna picked up the fan and the gloves before proceeding to fan herself off and absentmindedly play with the tiny little gloves.

"There must be some way for me to shrink again. Maybe another box of cakes will appear that can undo this. I very much hope so. It would be simply dreadful to be stuck down here for ages and ages. Mother and father would probably forget all about me after a couple of years." Luna's eyes gleamed at the thought, but she was able to hold back her tears this time.

"I wonder if I'm the same person anymore. Maybe all of this is happening to me because I'm a different person. Hmm, let's see. This morning when I woke up... did I feel any different? I'm almost sure that I did. I'll bet the snaberwinkles have gotten to me."

"But if I'm not me, then who am I? I'm not Xenophilius, because he is a man and I'm a girl, so that can't be it. And I'm not Rachel, because she's all grown up and here I am still little. But wait, do I still know all of the things I used to know? Well, there are the twelve uses of dragon blood, which were found by Albus Dumbledore after a drawn out process involving socks, chicken feathers, and- no, no, no. That can't be right. Albus Dumbledore doesn't have a chicken, he has a phonics... or something like that. No, that can't be right either. Phonics is something that has to do with sounding out words. Is it a phrinix? Or maybe it's a- Oh no. It's all so confusing to me! Maybe I should move on. Let's see. What else do I know?"

Suddenly, with a look of delight, Luna snapped her fingers.

"Oh! I know!" Scrunching up her face into a look of profound concentration, Luna began to recite a poem.

"How doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail, and pour the waters of the channel on every golden scale! How cheerfully he seems to grin, how neatly spread his claws, and welcome little fishes in with gently smiling jaws!"

"That can't be right!" She exclaimed after pondering for several moments. "Nothing sounds right at all! Oh dear. I am tired of being alone here." Sighing, Luna looked down absently at her hands and was surprised to see one of the tiny gloves that the hare had been carrying was on one of her hands.

"But... how is that possible? They were much to small for me before, and I can't be..." Looking back up, she realized that she had indeed been shrinking all the while she was talking.

"I wonder what caused it." Here she paused for a moment and squinted suspiciously at the fan in her right hand. Deciding that it wouldn't do any harm, she dropped it and allowed it to be carried away by the current of tears from her earlier episode. It was a good thing she did because if she hadn't dropped it, she probably would have shrunk into a little speck of dust and nobody would ever have heard a peep from her again. Unfortunately though, Luna realized that it had been a very bad thing for her to have cried so much, for now she was floating in what seemed like an ocean of saltwater.

"This day is becoming curiouser and curiouser by the moment." She said. Just then, the sound of something splashing about in the water caught Luna's attention.

"I wonder what could be making such a racket?" She wondered, swimming closer to the sounds. When she finally reached the seemingly huge animal, Luna realized that it was an unfortunate mouse which had gotten caught in the torrent. Not entirely sure how to begin speaking to a mouse, Luna decide that she would stick to her regular fashion.

"Hello Mr. Mouse. Do you think you could help me get out of this dreadful place?" The mouse looked over and winked, but otherwise gave no indication that he had heard her at all. Wondering if perhaps he didn't speak English, Luna decided that maybe she could try French.

"Ou est ma chatte?" It was something that she had heard her father say once when he was giving an interview to some French man who claimed to have seen a snorkack. She had later asked him what it meant and he had told her that it meant, 'Where is my cat'. She was quite missing her cat Murbles, and wondered if the mouse had seen him.

Just as she realized that cats eat mice and it probably hadn't been the best way to start a conversation, the mouse lurched out of the water and began to shiver, almost as if it where in fright.

"Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry. I forgot that you might not like cats." Said Luna apologetically.

"Not like cats!" Luna winced as the shrill sound grated against her ears. "Would YOU like cats if you were me?" Luna frowned for a moment before answering.

"Well... probably not, although I'm sure you would love my cat Murbles. She's so nice. Daddy says that she never is up to any mischief, like most other cats, and she is so awfully good at catching mice- oops!" She cringed as the mouse nearly did a flip out of the water. "I'm so sorry. Maybe we should talk about something else."

"We indeed! As if I would talk on such a subject! Our family always HATED cats: nasty, low, vulgar things! Don't let me hear the name again!" Chastised, Luna tried out a different subject.

"Well- do you like reading newspapers?"

"Newspapers? Yes of course. Every morning at four AM I read the paper. Quite enlightening." Luna smiled as she found something that she could, as she thought, safely talk to him about.

"Well my father is a newspaper publisher. He owns the 'Quibbler', and-" At this, the mouse choked and looked angrily at her.

"That newspaper published an article on the best way to kill mice! I'll never speak to anybody associated with it!" He said grumpily before swimming stormily off.

"Oh dear. Today has not been my day." Said Luna. Looking around her, she noticed that the mouse wasn't the only animal that had fallen in; several birds (including a dodo and a duck), a lory and a little baby eagle. There were several other creatures which Luna had never seen before, but her day had been so strange that she hardly even took notice of them.

"Oh well. I suppose I had better begin towards dry land." She then began to swim towards the nearest bank, the rest of the other animals following some ways behind her.
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