Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Rain Dance

Book Trouble

by love2be4gotten 0 reviews

He let out a low laugh that sent chills down her spine, "why are you afraid?" He pushed her against the wall, and pressing his lips roughly against hers began to unbutton her shirt. The rain fell h...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Hinata - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2010-09-06 - Updated: 2010-09-07 - 615 words - Complete

Ok my first story.

If the writing looks like this, it is a flash back.

The rain fell hard against her window with a tap tap tap. Looking out the window, Hinata sighed. 'Why does it have to rain today out of all days?' She thought to herself.

For three hours she had been sitting on a chair in front of the window with her head propped up on her hands, and as she got up to stretch she felt her muscles beginning to punish her. Letting out another sigh she made her way into the kitchen to make herself something to eat. 'Maybe some food will calm my nerves?' Searching through the cabinets, she decided on cereal. Pouring the cereal into the bowl, she shivered as the rain continued its attack on the world.

Tears ran down her face, 'why won't you leave me alone?' She tried to steady her breathing as the memory came back to her. Shaking her head, she focused on fetching the milk for her cereal and carefully poured it. Wiping her tears, she took her cereal back to her chair by the window in the living room. Instead of sitting, she leaned against the wall. "Why?" She told herself, "No, how could you do that to me?"

Walking down the aisles of the Usagi Book store Hinata searched for the proclaimed famous book, Kitsune Candy. 'I wonder what all the fuss is about. Practically everyone at school's read it.' Finally, she spotted it, and looking over the small book, she noticed it had a childish look about it. Shrugging her shoulders, she turned to walk towards the counter to pay for the book. 'This book better be worth the four hundred yen I'm paying.'

Finishing she walked out of the bookstore, and began her journey home. A light drop of rain fell on her nose, "damn I hope I can make home before it begins to pour." Turning into an alley, she searched for a shortcut home, 'maybe this alley will get me home faster?' Continuing down the twists and turns, she growled in frustration at seeing the dead end. "You lost?" Hinata jumped at the sudden voice.

A man, she was positive it was a man, maybe in his late thirties stood behind her covered in black, and it was impossible to see his face. "U-um n-no I was just looking for sh-shortcut home," she stuttered. "Well maybe I can help you," the man said. Hinata was sure he was smiling. "N-no I'm fine," She tried to walk past him but he grabbed her wrist, "why the rush?" He pulled her roughly towards him, and put his lips close to her ear. "How about a little fun?" He whispered seductively. She struggled against his arms, but he held on tighter, "p-please I really need to get home." He let out a low laugh that sent chills down her spine, "why are you afraid?" He pushed her against the wall, and pressing his lips roughly against hers began to unbutton her shirt. The rain fell harder against them. "Let's begin."

She felt the tears streaming down her face again. "I hate you," She whispered to herself clenching her fist, "I hate you so much." A pair of arms grabbed her from behind making her drop the bowl to the floor with a defending CRASH! "You don't really hate me do you?" A seductive voice whispered. "I thought we had fun that day in the alley, oh well I guess I'll have to show you a better time this time." His laugh rang through her ears, 'please kami don't let this happen again!'
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