Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Rain Dance


by love2be4gotten 0 reviews

Category: Naruto - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-09-06 - Updated: 2010-09-07 - 594 words - Complete

Yay! My second chapter! Thanks for the reviews they fuel my creative juices. :D Ok here we go

"Please don't!" Hinata cried. He laughed cruelly, "don't worry, if you stay still maybe you will enjoy it this time." She used as much strength as she could muster to push him away, but he was too strong. "Now now, we're not going to have to do this the hard way again, are we?"

The man pulled roughly at her shirt, causing it to rip. "No please stop!" she shivered in fear as pushed her onto the floor on her back. "Why would I stop if I'm having so much fun?" He began to work on the button on her pants with one hand as the other held her down. She cried harder as he succeeded in loosening her pants and began to pull them down. "Why are you doing this?" The man stopped what he was doing and turned towards her, "why?" He leaned in closer to her face, hovering above her lips, "because I love you."

Hinata jolted awake. She looked around her living room for any signs of anyone. Finding none, she tried to calm her breathing, 'a dream?' She wiped away the tears that had been streaming down her face. She turned towards the window and noticed the rain had stopped. "I guess I fell asleep watching the rain…" She got up from her chair and walked into her room. "Why are you haunting me?" She whispered to herself. Looking at the clock, she realized she was going to be late for school. Grudgingly she began to gather her wardrobe for the long day she had ahead.

"Hey Hinata, you look a little out of it today." Hinata jumped at the voice that came from her best friend Kiba. "S-sorry." He laughed, "Why are you apologizing? Did you sleep well last night?" She gave him a weak smile, "not really, nightmares kept me up." Kiba gave her a confused look, "nightmares? About what?"

She shook her head, "nothing too serious." He nodded and began on his lunch that was on his lap. "Aren't you going to eat?" "Darn! I knew I forgot something today," Hinata mentally slapped herself. "It's ok; you can have half of my bento box" Kiba pushed his lunch towards Hinata. "Thanks you're a life saver!" Hinata smiled at her friend. 'Where would I be without you Kiba?

She ate some of the rice, but stopped as she caught Kiba staring hard at her, "what? Is something on my face?" He shook his head, "it's just, you've been acting really weird since last week when you went to go get that book. Did something happen?"

Hinata silently shook her head, "no Kiba, really it was fine." He gave her a stern look, "Hinata, you and I both know that I can tell when you are lying, and we've known each other since preschool! So tell me the truth, what happened?" Hinata looked away from Kiba, "it was nothing really." Tears welled up in her eyes as the memory burned through her head. "Hinata I'm your friend, you can tell me anything." A sly smile crossed his face, "did you get a boyfriend?"

Hinata stood up expeditiously, "nothing happen! Just stay out of it!" Kiba watched as his friend ran back into the school building with tears streaming down her face. "…Hinata."

OMG who's the mysterious Man? Reviews please I eat them up like candy! And please tell me who you want the man to be. Until next time!
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