Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hot & Cold


by MCR_Vampire_321 2 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-09-09 - Updated: 2010-09-09 - 561 words - Complete

[A/N] - The last part of the last chapter was a bit rushed, sorry, my Mom was screaming at me to get off the computer but I really wanted to update.
So here's the next part, which will hopefully not be rushed (:

Lucy's POV...

Things were working perfectly. Hollie may have been doubtful whether Nikki was telling the truth or not, but was too scared to carry on dating Mikey. She didn't tell him the real reason, just made something up about not feeling anything anymore.
I felt guilty when I saw the look on her face, but it had to be done.
Chloe was going to be harder. She wouldn't be scared off at all. But I had a plan.
Raechel had listened to what I said to her closely. She was in the school drama club so I knew she could pull it off perfectly.
I got Raechel standing at the end of one corridor, and started walking down with Chloe on the other side with linked arms. I started talking to her about maths homework, something not related to Frank.
Then we got to the end of the corridor, and as I had planned, Frank and Raechel were kissing.
"Frank!" Chloe yelled, unlinking our arms and running towards him.
He pulled back, looking shocked. But before he had a chance to explain anything, Chloe slapped him and ran off again.
Frank ran after her, but she hid in the girls bathroom and refused to come out until he had bogged off. In the end he gave up and walked away.
Okay, I have to admit, I felt pretty bad that my sister's were so unhappy. But it meant we didn't have to hang round with Gerard and his friends.
Hollie was worried that if she went near Mikey that Nikki would be on her case again, and Mikey was nearly always with his brother so I was okay there. Chloe was fuming at Frank for 'cheating' on her that she didn't want anything to do with him or his 'stupid' friends.
I was happy though.
So I thought...

Gerard's POV...

"Mikey, what's wrong?" I asked. I hadn't seen him most of lunch and he looked upset.
"Hollie broke up with me." He told us.
"Why?" Bob wanted to know.
"She said she didn't feel anything for me anymore." He was trying to act like it was no big deal, but you could just see him getting upset.
"You'll never believe this!" Frank came stomping over "Chloe's broken up with me!"
Two break ups in one group?
"Why?" Ray asked
"Because that Raechel girl started kissing me, and Chloe saw, and I tried to explain it was innocent but she ran off and hid in the girls bathroom!"
We were all silent for a moment until Bob finally said the thing that we were all thinking "Something's not right about this."
"No." I agreed "Two break ups on the same day?"
"And in the same friendship group." Frank said.
"I bet it was Lucy!" Mikey suddenly piped up.
"Lucy's not like that..." I told him, but when he said, I realised the odds...
"Well, she does hate all of us!" Ray said
"Yeah, she may hate US, but would she do that to her sisters?" I asked
"I don't know." Bob said "But we're going to find out."
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