Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Bleed Me A Melody


by vampyGee 5 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-09-11 - Updated: 2010-09-11 - 847 words


“No…………no stop!”

I opened my eyes to darkness,, then looked over at Gerard, tossing and turning in the sheets, mumbling in his sleep, he was having a nightmare.

“Gerard?” I tried to gently wake him out of it. “Gerard?”

“No, please stop it!” He shouted in his sleep, I hurriedly got up from the bed and turned on the oil lamp.

“Gerard!” I shouted, still not working. I went to the bathroom, filled a glass with cold water and dumped it on him. He sat straight up in bed, gasping. “Are you okay?” I sat down next to him, holding the glass.

“I…………just a nightmare.” he shook his head and felt his wet hair. “What the fuck?”

“I had to wake you.” I said, pointing to the glass. “Want to talk bout it?”

He shook his head. “Not really……..just, ick, I need to get this wet shirt off,” he mumbled, standing up and pulling off his shirt, letting it fall to the floor, he quickly went to his dresser to get another shirt.

“Gerard, you don’t need to put a shirt on just to sleep.” I said.

“I do, you don’t want to see all my fat do you?

“I’m never going to win this battle am I?” I sighed.

“Nope,” he said, putting on a shirt.

“Well Gerard, I think your gorgeous.” I said seriously as he joined me in bed again.

“Sure.” he said sarcastically.

“Mmmhm,” I said. “But if you think your so fat, maybe we could work out together, not saying that you need to, but it might make you feel better about yourself.”

“Really?” He asked.

“Yes,” I yawned, “Now I need sleep.” I turned off the light and cuddled up to his side. “So warm.”

“Thanks.” He said, before I dropped back off to sleep.


It’s been a whole month since Frank’s mom has died, I think he has fully recovered from it. As for me, I haven’t drank in a while too, and surprisingly, I have went down a pant size, which made an excuses for another shopping trip into the city. As For Frank, he wasn’t as thin as he was when we were wed, he looked very healthy now, and his hair was getting longer.

However, our relationship hasn’t changed though, we only ever kissed the night of his mother’s funeral. It was killing me, because I’m finding him more and more attractive, I am a male, I do have needs! But I want him to be happy, and I think he is. Winter is almost over, the snow is melting. Frank loves spending the day in the library, or baking in the kitchen, sometimes ill play piano for him, or we go into the city, but I want more.

“Gerard?” Frank called at the top of the basement stairs.

“You can come down you know,” I chuckled, and soon he came down. He looked so good today, in a black suit I had bought for him. He smiled and sat with me on the piano benching, holding a white envelope and a dish of cookies. “What’s that?” I asked.

“Try these,” he handed me a cookie and put his arm around my waist, squeezing my side. “Wow Gee, where are you going.” he teased, yeah, he could tell I was loosing weight, which made my day trust me.

“Very funny.” I bit into the chocolaty cookie. “Now who is the envelope from?”

“Your parent’s.” He said, opening it and handing it to me.

Dear Gerard,

Hello son, I hope you are doing well with your marriage. How is the mansion? We are having a lovely time in France, the cuisine is remarkable.

Have you talked with your brother recently? If you have not, I have news for you. Your brother is going to be a father! Isn’t that wonderful? When will I be getting grand- babies from you?

On a much different note, your father and I are going to be stopping the by on our way home from France, expect us in a week or so.

Much love, Mom.

“Your going to be an uncle!” Frank smiled.

“Babies?” I questioned. I know gay men can produce offspring, it’s not an easy thing, but it can be done, though the father could be either man. But children!

“Yeah, funny.” Frank scoffed. “Are you hungry, I made lunch?” he offered.

“Sure, lunch.” I said, following him upstairs. “But babies?” I repeated, thinking out loud.

“I take it you don’t want children?” Frank said in a serious tone that stopped me in my tracks.

“I………………I have no idea.” I said. “I’ve never even given it much thought, seeing as…….well, we are married but it doesn’t feel like.” I said honestly.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Frankie,” I sighed. “We are not very……..intimate with each other.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Would you like to change that?

Hope you guys like the little plot change.........
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