Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat

Chapter 20

by MCR_Vampire_321 5 reviews

blackgreenrose tells FootballFan something... Then NotOkay has to confess.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2010-09-12 - Updated: 2010-09-12 - 572 words - Complete

blackgreenrose - Do you still have feelings for Gerard?
FootballFan - What does it matter to you?
blackgreenrose - I was just wondering... Do you?
FootballFan - Maybe I do, maybe I don't
blackgreenrose - Why do you do that!?
FootballFan - Do what?
blackgreenrose - Avoid showing anybody that you like them. It's annoying
FootballFan - I don't!
blackgreenrose - You kinda do
FootballFan - Well, why shouldnt I?
blackgreenrose - It hurts peoples feelings
FootballFan - Look, it doesn't even matter, Gerard broke up with me
blackgreenrose - ... You broke up with him
FootballFan - Whatever, he's gone off and got himself a boyfriend!
blackgreenrose - TO MAKE YOU JEALOUS!
FootballFan - ... What?
blackgreenrose - Shit, wasn't supposed to say that...
FootballFan - He's pretending to be bi to get me jealous!?
blackgreenrose - I think that was the idea...
FootballFan - That dirtbag!
blackgreenrose - Well come on Lucy, it is kind of sweet...
FootballFan - It would've been when we were seven, but guess what Jasmine, we're not
blackgreenrose - See what I mean! It's painfully obvious you still like him and you dumped him over a big fat nothing! Why not talk it out with him?
FootballFan - Fine... Fine

-NotOkay has just entered the chatroom-

NotOkay - What is it Jasmine?
blackgreenrose - Lucy needs to talk to you

-blackgreenrose has just left the chatroom-

NotOkay - Yes?
FootballFan - I know
NotOkay - You know what?
FootballFan - That you're not bi
NotOkay - ... Jasmine told you?
FootballFan - Yeah. So let's just end this now
NotOkay - ...
FootballFan - Will you go out with me Gerard?
NotOkay - No
FootballFan - ... That was a typo right?
NotOkay - No, I mean no
FootballFan - But... Didn't you pretend to be bi so that I would get jealous?
NotOkay - Actually, I did it so you would come crawling back to me. Infact, will I was pretending to be bi you were acting really mean at school
FootballFan - Gerard, I'm ALWAYS mean
NotOkay - And I don't want to be with someone like that. I thought about it, and I wanna give Raechel another chance
FootballFan - HER!?
NotOkay - Yeah. I'm gonna tell her that I want a proper relationship with no lies or secrets
FootballFan - Gerard, you are kidding right?
NotOkay - No. How would you feel if all your 'friends' plotted to break up you and your boyfriend behind your back?
FootballFan - You were one of those people
NotOkay - And I feel bad and now I'm trying to make up for it because it's the least I can do
FootballFan - You're a jerk
NotOkay - Name calling won't get you anywhere
FootballFan - No, really! You wanted me to come 'crawling back' to you? WHY!? So you could laugh at me and make jokes? You're sad
NotOkay - At first I thought I'd say yes. But then I realised, I can do better
FootballFan - How is Raechel 'better'?
NotOkay - It's not really your choice

-blackgreenrose has just entered the chatroom-

blackgreenrose - I couldn't wait anymore! Are you a couple yet!?
FootballFan - No. We're not
NotOkay - And never will be

-NotOkay has just left the chatroom-
-FootballFan has just left the chatroom-

blackgreenrose - And now I'm alone...
123sex123 - Or are you?
blackgreenrose - You have really got to stop doing that!
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