Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat

Chapter 21

by MCR_Vampire_321 4 reviews

Someone gets rejected and so many randoms...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-09-20 - Updated: 2010-09-20 - 333 words - Complete

RaechyBabe - Okay Gerard, I can only be on ten minutes, so make it quick
NotOkay - Well, this conversation will probably need more than ten minutes
RaechyBabe - Well I don't HAVE more than ten minutes
NotOkay - We'll have to make do then
123sex123 - Can I stay?
RaechyBabe - GO HOME!

-123sex123 has just left the chatroom-

NotOkay - Before we start, is anybody else in the friggin' chatroom?

-Bob has just left the chatroom-

RaechyBabe - o_O
NotOkay - So now we can talk honestly.

-MWay has just left the chatroom-

RaechyBabe - ¬¬
NotOkay - Look, Lucy asked me out...

-FootballFan has just left the chatroom-

RaechyBabe - >.<
NotOkay - But I said no, because...

-blackgreenrose has just left the chatroom-
-PenceyPrpe has just left the chatroom-
-Torosarus has just left the chatroom-
-I-HateYou has just left the chatroom-

RaechyBabe - I think that was all our friends
BunnyRabbit - Apart from me :3
NotOkay - ... Who are you?

-BunnyRabbit has just left the chatroom-

NotOkay - I'm guessing we're finally alone
Mr-Cool - You can never be too sure of that :D
RaechyBabe - Oh my god...

-Mr-Cool has just left the chatroom-

NotOkay - Before anyone says anything, the reason I rejected Lucy was because I like you!
RaechyBabe - Really :D
PunkPrincess - Really?
NotOkay - ¬¬ Do you mind!?

-PunkPrincess has just the chatroom-

RaechyBabe - But seriously, do you honestly like me?
NotOkay - Yes. And I was wondering if you would go out with me...
SmileyFace - Say yes...
NotOkay - ¬¬

-SmileyFace has just left the chatroom-

RaechyBabe - No
NotOkay - ... No what?
RaechyBabe - I'm rejecting you
NotOkay - ... Why?
RaechyBabe - Lucy told me what you did, and I'm not impressed. Get a life!

-RaechyBabe has just left the chatroom-

NotOkay - D: I just got rejected!
YourPainIsMyHappiness - Sucks, doesn't it?
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