Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat

Chapter 22

by MCR_Vampire_321 2 reviews

Frank and Gerard talk about his rejection

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2010-10-13 - Updated: 2010-10-13 - 348 words - Complete

[A/N] - Thanks so much for being patient! I kept meaning to update, then I kept forgetting! I can't even remember the last time I gave an update D:
So here it is, and I will try and update another one tonight aswell :)

PenceyPrep - You got rejected... You got rejected...
NotOkay - I'm guessing that's meant to be in a sing-song voice?
PenceyPrep - Correct. R-E-J-E-C-T rejected...
NotOkay - Yes Frank, I know
PenceyPrep - Rejected... By Captain Crazy... She doesn't like you...
PenceyPrep - She got a new boyfriend. That's why she rejected you
NotOkay - Eh?
PenceyPrep - I'm no longer singing! She got a new boyfriend, that's the real reason she rejected you!
NotOkay - D: But she said it was what Lucy had said about me rejecting her...
PenceyPrep - I'm just messing with you, yeah, it's Lucys fault
NotOkay - But I was really nice about Raechel, while rejecting Lucy
PenceyPrep - Maybe Lucy stirred it up a bit to get everyone against you, as revenge for rejecting her!
NotOkay - No, that's what you'd do...
PenceyPrep - No girl rejects me and lives it down!
NotOkay - Shut up and help me think of a way to woo Raechel!
PenceyPrep - ... Woo?
NotOkay - Just go with it!
123sex123 - I think I can help you
PenceyPrep - Okay
NotOkay - FRANK!
PenceyPrep - What!?
NotOkay - Look, why do you keep popping up out of nowhere!?
123sex123 - It's just my thing. Now come on, listen to my plan!
PenceyPrep - Okay
NotOkay - No!

-NotOkay has just left the chatroom-

123sex123 - System Failure
PenceyPrep - What?
123sex123 - I know where you live
PenceyPrep - ... Uhh, what?
123sex123 - I know where you live Frank hahahahehehe I am the laughing gnome
PenceyPrep - ... WTF!?
123sex123 - I'll climb down through your chimney, and haunt you while you sleep
PenceyPrep - Okay, gotta go...

-PenceyPrep has just left the chatroom-

Bob - Well done
123sex123 - Thanks :)
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