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Ready To Go Princess?

by VampAndGerardLuver 1 review

The boys pick Mina up.........

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-09-12 - Updated: 2010-09-13 - 367 words

“ Done!” I sighed out in relief. I had just packed my new shower supplies, shaving cream, razors, and lady products for the tour. Clothes was different. Pretty much I had packed all my clothes cause it’s a whole year so I’ll need all of them.

“ Oh fuck.” I grabbed my ipod charger and cell phone charger and stuck them in my purse. Now I was done packing. After that I pretty much just had to chill until the MCR crew got here.

I laid on my bed listing to music off my ipod touch and started falling asleep.


Before I was fully awake he jumped onto my bed scaring the shit out of me.

“ Holy fuck.” I gasped.

“ Way to go.” Bob said.

“ Nice anime books.” Mikey smiled and said.

“ Ha. Thanks.” I smile awkwardly since frank was laying right next to me on my bed.

Then Gerard walked past Ray and my attention went from playful Frankie to Gerard. He looked around my room and seemed to approve. Then he laughed at my to MCR posters above my bed.

“ Nice.” Gerard laughed.

“ Frank has a like crazy bulge.” I bluntly said. Then I cover my mouth and look at Frank who was now staring at the poster by us.

“ Good times.” He smiled at me.

I guess I still had that oh fuck look on.

“ Hahaha its fine chill I’m glad your not shy bout this kinda stuff.” He laughed and began to hug me.

After the hug and I said my good-byes to my family. Bob and Ray put my bags in the trunk and climbed on the middle seats. Mikey and me were in the back.

“ So the other girls are already there?” Ray asked as we pulled into Alex neighbor hood.

“ Yeppers.”

We pulled in the driveway and the tour bus was sitting by the ditch it was black and had MCR and Covered Up on a banner on the side.

I put my hand on the van window in aw of the RV. Frank tapped my shoulder. All the guys were already hopped out but us.

“ Ready to go princess?” He smiled.

“ Fuck Ya!” I yelled.
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