Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > A Choice of Stories.

Opera for Everyone

by chem_x 0 reviews

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Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2010-09-20 - Updated: 2010-09-20 - 861 words - Complete

The band’s manager paced back and forth in front of Jared, he looked weak and tired, and Jared looked annoyed as he sat in the black spinning-chair.
“It’s already arranged, auditions for it are tomorrow morning Jared, if you don’t want to judge to judge it I’ll just get Shannon.”
Jared rolled his eyes and sat back into the chair further, “No, no, I’ll do it. You want a fabulous opera singer for the show and I want to make you shut up.”
The manager grinned, the bags under his eyes curving into laughter lines, “This, this will be a brilliant thing Jared, you be sure of it!”
Jared stood and patted him on the back, “I am sure of it, I’ll find the perfect duet partner.”

“Next!” He shouted at the man in a black tux and tie who was singing ‘Was it a Dream’ with a booming voice.
Jared was doing his best to find a terrible singer to be his partner so his manager would have to cancel the whole duet idea from his mind, it was genius!
“Name?” Jared asked bored, looking the small girl up and down.
“Maria Chevalier.” She sniffled at him, a French twang slipping through her words. She was wearing a scarf and a thick jacket, her voice was rough and her nose was read. She looked a complete mess.
“Age?” Jared said, noting her hoarse voice and non-appealing looks.
“Twenty-four.” She wheezed in reply.
Jared folded his hands on the table and smiled, “Okay, whenever you’re ready sweetheart.”
A piano beat began to play and Maria pulled crumpled pieces of paper out of her pocket, clearing her throat awkwardly she smiled and began to sing ‘From Yesterday,’ her voice was wildly out of tune and she could hardly hold the note. Jared was smiling wickedly and squinting at the screech from the girl.
“Stop! Stop!” Jared called, pushing himself up and running to the stage with open arms, “You’re perfect.” He grinned, hugging her quickly and pushing information sheets to her.
“Th- thanks you.” She wheezed at him, grinning with flaming red cheeks, she looked astonished and surprised at his choice.
Jared skipped away; supervisors looked suspiciously as the girl beamed on stage.
“Sucker…” Jared whooped as he shut his car door away from the theatre.

Maria grinned and hugged the band’s manager tightly, “Thank you very much darling.” She squealed.
“Have you been a fan of the band Maria?” He asked casually.
She blushed lightly, “I ‘aven’t ever ‘eard their music ‘til tonight.” She pursed her lips, “I am mo’e into zee classics.”
The manager beamed, all he could think about was how much he had to thank Jared for choosing Maria, during a brief rehearsal he had heard the power in her voice, her agent called her “Zee finest of the embassy.” Jared had done him proud.
Maria fixed the red rose in behind her ear and tugged on her fine velvet dress, she could hear her queue from the other side of the curtain, “Introducing Maria Chevalier from the Opera… Academy?” Jared’s voice suggested surprise but Maria was too flustered to notice.
She patted her dress and walked on stage, piano music playing subtly in the background, as she was told, Jared walked over and kissed her cheek, but he seemed unsure and awkward. “He’s a stranger to some and a vision to none…” He began, looking out to the crowd with a smug smile on his face, almost feeling nervous for the girl; she was going to be awful…
He was taken aback that she had looked so different but make-up could do that to anyone.
“From yesterday… It’s coming…!”
She belted, a smile was across her painted lips and her arms out-stretched, the crowd was screaming at the power in her voice. Jared stood astounded on the stage as Maria bellowed the finish of the chorus, he looked baffled and angry at the girl, she was meant to be useless at singing!
Jared finished the song with Maria in harmony with him, he was gritting his teeth, and finally he and Maria linked hands and bowed to the ecstatic audience. Maria walked over and kissed Shannon and Tomo on the cheeks, waving and smiling, she looked thrilled about her whereabouts.
Finally, the show ended.
Backstage Maria was being twirled by the manager; he had tears in his eyes as he saw Jared walk back. The older man hobbled over and embraced Jared, “Well done, well done.” He repeated.
Jared walked over to Maria, “Well you were… brilliant.” Jared hissed, “You sounded completely different from your audition.”
Maria nodded sadly, “I had thee asthma and thee flu.” Jared just heard her strong French accent.
“Must have been awful.” He said in a blunt tone.
She blinked at him, almost saddened by his disappointment, “Your music is very… amazink.” She said as he turned to walk away.
“I didn’t know you’re a fan.” He groaned.
“This is zee first I’ve ‘eard of your music.”
“Well you sang it pretty well.”
“Why thankoo.”
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