Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Lasarythe

Chapter 1

by lynn 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2010-09-21 - Updated: 2010-09-21 - 857 words

A bright light hit my eyes and I fluttered them open. It took a minute to get adjusted to the brilliance of the light around me. When I finally got accustomed to it I looked around and judged my surroundings. I was in the middle of a forest, an amazing forest with the tallest trees and the most interesting ferns. Then it struck me, I had no idea how I had gotten there. Or anything about my past. Who was I and what was I doing in a forest??
I tried to stand but got lightheaded and dizzy. I fell back down to the earth with a thud. Suddenly the lightheadedness and the bright light of the sun became too much for me and I blacked out.

“Mikey! Gerard! Get in here now! Your father wants a word with you!”
That was our mother, me and Gerard’s. We’re brothers. I’m 18 which makes Gerard 21. We’re very close, but he is starting to rebel against our parents. Ah the curses of being royalty. You see our parents are king and queen of Lasaryrthe.
I walked across the hall and knocked on Gerard’s door.
“Gerard!? You coming? Dad wants to talk to us. Didn’t you hear mom? Come on. Get out of bed. Gerard?”
I listened at the door for any signs of life….nothing. I figured I would try at least one more time. He tends to be a heavy sleeper.
I banged on the door as I screamed and I heard a loud thud. I started laughing. I heard the shuffling of footsteps and saw the doorknob turn. Then I was faced with a very groggy looking messy haired Gerard.
“Good morning sunshine,” He just made a grunting noise and stared at me.
“Hurry up and make yourself presentable, dad wants to see us.”
“Ugh. What is about this time? More rules?”
“How should I know? Just get dressed and I’ll meet you in the throne room.”
“Fine fine. I’ll be there in a minute.” And with that he slammed the door in my face.
This was probably the fourth time our father had called us into the throne room. He was dishing out rules that we should abide by being princes of the kingdom. We had to exemplify model citizens in order to give our father a good image and ourselves a good image as future rulers. Also, no longer being children we had to start putting ourselves out in society so we could make high status connections that we could use during our reign and blah blah blah blah blah. It was all stuff we knew but our father felt like he had to tell us anyway. Just so if we fucked up he could say he told us not to or that we should’ve listened to us.
I got to the throne room and there was my father in his very elaborate throne and right next to him were three similar thrones. One was occupied by my mother and the next two were for me and Gerard. The only time they would all be occupied is on special circumstances. Such as hearing subjects, receiving a messenger from another country, balls, and stuff like that. When we were being lectured by our father we had to stand at attention so he could inspect us and make sure we paid attention.
I flashed my mother a smile as I walked across the hall to my dad’s throne. Then I stood at attention and watched my father’s eyes give me a once over and then he made eye contact.
“Where is that brother of yours? Still asleep?” It was hard to read his voice. He was always so serious. I barely remember a time when he wasn’t so stern and strict.
“He’s on his way sir.”
No sooner than I said that did Gerard came slowly into the throne room. He looked still half asleep and he had forgotten his crown. Our dad was going to be very angry. Gerard waved to our mom and stood at attention beside me. I watched my dad give him a once over and I could see the disappointment in his eyes.
“Michael, I need a word alone with your brother. Take your mom out to the garden. I’ll talk to you later.” I turned to my mom and she got up without hesitation. I offered her my arm and we made our way to the garden. I gave Gerard a look trying to tell him that I was sorry for whatever happened. He flashed me a smile in a way to tell me that he’d be fine. My mom and I made our way out of the throne room and into the garden. When we got there my mom turned to me and said, “Will your brother ever learn?”
“I really hope so ma. I really hope so.”

~Please review! This is my first story and I really want it to be good! I don't want to post shitty stories and disappoint you guys. Thanks
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