Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Lasarythe

Chapter 2

by lynn 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-09-22 - Updated: 2010-09-23 - 603 words

“Gerard, where do I begin?” Father let out a sigh and turned his eyes to the ground. I did my best not to speak out of turn.
“You are my eldest son Gerard and you will be king once my reign has ended. I cannot have you ruining your future due to stupid decisions you make as a rebellious young adult. You must realize your duty and what it means to your family and the people. You need to shape up Gerard…”
He started to rant about duty and what is expected of me as the eldest prince and all the stuff I’ve heard over a million times. I didn’t ask to be prince. I didn’t care. I just wanted to have a fun life without having to care about the best idea for the rest of the people. Mikey cared more about it. He was the one that was into all this being king business. Sometimes I felt that things would be better if I just let him take over. My father would hear none of that though.
“….is that understood Gerard?” I snapped back from my own little world and nodded my head in understanding.
“Yes father.”
“Good. Now the real reason I called you and your brother in here is to tell you some important news about your future.”
“Should I send someone for Michael?”
He thought about it for a moment and then he said, “No. That is alright. I should probably wait until he is your age to tell him what I am about to tell you. He is still young.”
I was really confused and curious at the same time. Rarely did father speak to me alone if it wasn’t to yell at me for something I had supposedly done wrong.
“Well son, you are at the age where you should probably be out in the public eye more so than you are now. Your mother and I were thinking about some grand ball we could throw in your honor…”
I had heard this all before. This wasn’t anything new. I was itching for him to get to the point. The important part that pertained to me specifically and not Mikey.
“I am getting off the topic though. Gerard you are almost the same age as I was when I met your mother. It was an arranged marriage of course and at first I was opposed to the idea, but in time I grew to love your mother and I believe it was a very wise choice of my father. It pushed me in the right direction to being a great king and I desire the same for you…”
I couldn’t believe it. They were going to arrange a marriage for me. I had just started to get friends. Sure they didn’t know I was the crown prince of their kingdom, but they were great friends none the less. An arranged marriage meant the end to my fun. This was not okay. This was the last straw. I was done with this prince shit.
“….now your mother and I have already started the process of finding you a suitable bride. We’ve narrowed it down and we will present all your possible wives at…”
“No! I will not marry some random girl! I won’t let you and mom pick out my future wife! I quit! Fuck you father! I’m fucking done!” I ran as fast as I could out of the throne room and down the hall.

Sorry if its short. Chapters will get longer soon. I promise.
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