Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Oh brother.

Don't hurt Nix. Don't hurt Nix. Don't hurt Nix...

by bobington 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-09-26 - Updated: 2010-09-26 - 3101 words

Another very long update, hope you enjoy.

Well all sat around waiting for Gee to get out of the shower, we chatted for about five-ten minutes until we heard the shower shut off, I few seconds after that, we heard about the seven different curse words radiating from the bathroom.
Gee emerged slowly, I felt my jaw drop. He had obviously forgotten to bring his clothes in with him to change, because he came out with just a towel around his waist. He was still dripping wet from the shower. I literally had to force myself not to jump on him then and there. His chest was toned, not bulging, but nicely toned. And he had that V line that ran over his hips to his happy centre. WAIT. Did I just say that? HA happy centre, I’m so telling Nix that.
“Err, forgot my clothes, I’ll just change in the bunkroom, so, err, gimmie a minute.” He looked so awkward, he obviously didn’t like his body exposed to girls. Man, it’s not like he forgot his towel as well. He was like a little girl in a locker-room full of paedophiles. It’s not like the guys hadn’t seen him naked; apparently he is quite the nudist when it’s just the band. Weird.
I naturally licked my lips and bit my lip as I looked him over. Was there anything about the man that wasn’t just plain sex? He noticed what I was doing before I did, and smiled nervously, suddenly we wasn’t so awkward. He turned to the bunkroom still smiling and closed the door behind him.
“Dude, I’ve said it before, keep it in you’re pants. We’re still here.” Nix always has to ruin it doesn’t he?
“What?!” I shouted defensively.
“I’m surprised you didn’t leap on him!” Frank nearly shouted.
“I was trying not to.” I muttered, gritting my teeth.
Surprise surprise, everyone laughed at me. Great.
“Well at least keep your tongue in your mouth next time.” Mickey said, still laughing.
“WHAT?! I’m a girl ok. Deal.” Clearly I didn’t find it so funny.
“Whatever dude.” Nixon said, laying down and setting his head on my lap, still smiling. Fucker.
A few minutes later Gee emerged from the bunkroom, wearing tight black tight jeans and a black dress shirt. His hair was still a little wet, but, Meh, he looked good.
“You guys ready to go then?” he asked looking for his keys.
“Yep” we answered in unison; Nix jumped up from his place on my lap and helped me up off the floor.
Gee found his keys and we left in his rental car.
“Traffic’s a bit bad, a lot of fans are tying to get home to, so you can have a little nap if you want. Should fine on the way back though.”
“Good” Nix called out from the back seat, getting comfortable, he always likes to have the back to himself.
I wasn’t tired, and I always felt it rude when passengers sleep in the car, it gets boring for the driver.
“Not gonna nap then?” He asked me, turning his head briefly to look at me.
“Nah, I’m not sleepy. Plus, you should be the one that needs a nap, you were nuts out there tonight.” He gave a slight laugh, well, more of a noise in the back of his throat.
“Nah, I’m fine, I’m always pretty Pumped after a show.” He smiled over to me again.
I smiled back, not sure where to push the conversation.
“So, err. Living with five guys on a bus, is there anything I should watch out for?” It was something I was concerned about.
“Umm, not really. We’re not all that bad. Bob’s the bus cook, so if there’s anything you fancy, I’m sure he’ll do it. He loves to cook, which is handy in a bus of guys that just love to eat.” I laughed a bit at that.
“So uh, will he be ok with me being a veggie?” I asked.
“You’re a Veggie? How come I didn’t know this?” he questioned, apparently it hadn’t been mentioned to him before.
“Oh, haven’t I told you? Oh, ok, well, yeah I am.”
“Ha, we seem to have talked about everything other than that. Well, don’t worry, Frank’s a veg, or a vegan, I’m not sure, either way, we don’t offer him our food.”
I laughed slightly at that.
“Ok, well then what does he eat?”
“Skittles, mostly. We have to get him jumbo packs, coz otherwise he just eats salad. He’s a bit boring like that. But he makes a mean dressing.”
“Oh yay! I love Skittles, and salad. I’ll just do what frank does.” I was getting hyper just at the thought of Skittles.
“Oh no, that’s all we need, two hyper veggies on a bus together with a bunch of Skittles. You and Frankie are going to get on great.”
I was happy already that I had stuff in common with the band; I couldn’t wait to get to know them better.
“Well that’s good, anything else I should know about?” His face changed when he thought of something.
“Err, well, there is one thing I can think of… umm, well I don’t recommend getting up at night, for a drink or the bathroom or whatever, coz uh, a lot of the guys sleepwalk. And, a lot of them like to sleep naked, so err. Yeah you will probably find a bunch of naked men on the bus at night. Bob’s the worst, once we found him sprawled out on the kitchen table, apparently he had a dream he was going to get some, err, whipped cream for him and his girlfriend. But didn’t make it back to the bunk, he was covered in it…” I burst out laughing, so did he. Although I didn’t exactly appreciate the mental image he gave me…actually I did, Bobs quite hot too. Sad thing is, I do it quite a lot as well... this should be interesting…
“He does the wackiest things when he’s asleep, but I’m the one that does it more often, so uh, yeah. I don’t recommend it…” Hmm… maybe I should get up in the night more often…
“Well, I sleep walk quite a lot too, but at least I keep my clothes on.”
“Damn, that could have been interesting.” he smirked.
What could I say back to that? I just smiled and looked back at the road.
“I hope you realize that the whole crowd tonight probably thought we were dating, or at least fucking, with your little out burst. They’re gonna fucking hate me.”
“Why would they hate you?” he asked clearly clueless.
“’Coz they think I’m fucking you! Every single little FanGirl is going to go home tonight and blog about how much of a slut they think I am!”
“That’s not true, how could they hate you? They can clearly see how much I like you,” he put his free hand over to entwine with mine. “and a lot of them respect you for it. Sure not all of them. But who cares? It’s not like we’re actually are fucking, who cares what they think?”
“I do! I don’t wanna look like some slut that’s fucking their idol!” I was really pissed at it, I didn’t care about what he did, I just didn’t like the way they all probably think of me. He pulled over to the side of the road.
“Look,” he turned to me and cupped my face in his hands. “Don’t stress yourself about it. They are nothing compared to you. Don’t let them bother you, so what if they think that? The important thing is that we know the truth. If you’re really not happy with it, then we can set them straight tomorrow night, but I really wouldn’t worry about it if I were you,” He stroked my check with his fingers. “The Important thing is that you’re here with me, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. If you have changed your mind, then I can take you home now, but don’t let this bother you too much.” He looked sad when he mentioned taking me home. Hell I didn’t want that.
“Of course I haven’t changed my mind; I would love to travel with you and the guys. I just don’t want people thinking I’m a slut. It’s not like I would be ashamed of being with you. I just don’t want people to think badly of me without even knowing me. I’ve lived with it my whole life. And I thought it was over forever, I don’t ever want that again.” It was true, I’m sick of people judging me by just looking at me.
“Oh man,” he shuffled in his seat closer to me. “I didn’t realize it was like that, I’m sorry.” He pulled my leg to face him and stoked my other cheek as he looked into my eyes. “I’ll set’em straight if you want.” He rubbed up on the outside of my leg, he didn’t realize he was doing it, but it felt good, I felt like I was on fire from his touch. I suddenly didn’t care what they thought of me, I just wanted him.
“No, don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter; let them think what they want.” I told him, it no longer mattered what they thought. They could think I slept with the whole band if they wanted, as long as I was around him.
“Are you sure?” he asked, stunned by my change of opinion.
“Yeah, let’s just go get our stuff so we can get back to the bus. I don’t want to be stuck in this traffic forever.”
“Umm, sure. Are you sure you’re fine with it for now?” he rubbed up my leg again, in what he thought was a caring and reassuring way, but it just set me on fire again.
“Y-yeah, let’s just get going ok?” I said as I tried to get away from his touch, any more of this and I would bang him in the driver seat.
“Sure thing Sugar.” He said, smiling again. I think he noticed how I was uncomfortable with his touch. He turned back the road and pulled out, and we set off back to Nix’s. I’m still not used to calling it my house as well, I’ve lived there for nearly two years, and yet I still didn’t know where they kept the friggin’ Peanut Butter!
After another hour of driving and chatting, we arrived. I woke up Nix, and we packed our stuff, after a long goodbye to Helen, we were on the road again.
“Right, have you got everything?” Gee asked.
“Yep!” Me and Nix answered together.
“Good, let’s go then.” He said, putting the key in the ignition. “It’s shouldn’t be as bad on the way back, fan’s are home, plus, we are going the opposite way now. It will only take about half an hour.”
“I’m still gonna be out, I need my Beauty sleep.” Nix told us, as he once again spread himself out on the back seat.
“Not gonna sleep?” Gee asked me.
“Nah, I’m still too awake. I never really sleep that much anyway.”
“Really? How come you don’t sleep much?” Gee asked with concern in his voice.
“Nightmares.” Nix answered for me. “They can get pretty bad sometimes.”
“Oh.” Gee seamed like he didn’t know what to say.
“They’re not about my past if that’s what you’re thinking. I just get some really weird ones sometimes. A lot of the time they are about Nix.”
“Oh, what happens in them?” Gee asked, peering away from the road briefly.
“I … I kill him. Sometimes they can get pretty gory, I’ve done it so many times and in different ways, but I always make him suffer as much as possible. I get him to lock his door at night; like I said, I sleep walk. I don’t want to act out in my dreams. That’s the one problem about sleeping in the bunks; I can’t hide him from me. I’m gonna have to tie myself down or something. I’ve never actually tried to hurt him in my sleep, but I just don’t want to risk anything. I would never forgive myself if I ever hurt him.”
“Really? Wow that’s pretty harsh. Have you thought about seeing someone about it?”
“I’ve looked it up on the web, apparently my subconsciousness it holding a grudge against him. But he has never done anything bad to me, there is nothing I could be mad at him for. If you don’t count EATING ALL THE PEANUT BUTTER THEN SENDING ME TO FIND IT.”
“I FORGOT I ATE IT! I’m sorry!”
We all laughed at him, he can be so childish sometimes, that why I love him. “Well, even then, it couldn’t be that because that wasn’t that long ago.”
“Are you sure there is nothing else? He is quite annoying; maybe he’s done something you didn’t like? Even if you weren’t mad at the time; he could have hurt your feelings; maybe it was something that changed, something you wanted to happen? Or...” his face changed, and I realized what he had just thought of, so did Nix.
“Or maybe it’s because I made her carry on living when she didn’t want to.”
We were all suddenly quiet; none of us knew what to say. Maybe he was right? Maybe it’s because he stopped me from killing myself? Maybe I was mad he made me carry on suffering? I still hate life, I hate what my past has made me, I hate that it still haunts me, that I can’t do anything about it. I’m still stuck with the memories.
Nix pulled me out of my train of thoughts. “I’m sorry Rox.” He whispered.
“No. I’m the one that should be sorry. I put you through all that. I wasn’t your fault. I should never have brought you into it.” I could barely push the words out, I felt so bad for him, and I didn’t even realize I had hurt him until I overheard him previously that night.
“No Rox, I should have seen it coming, I should have seen you were so down, I should have made more of a deal out of your cuts, I should have helped you earlier, and it never would have gotten so bad. I should have been at your side every time you were attacked. I should have stopped them. I was such a bad friend for not seeing it earlier. I guess I was just used to seeing you like that. You were always picked on more than me, you wouldn’t fight back. I should have fought for you.” He whispered that last part. I could hear the tears he was keeping back; I was trying to stop myself to. I let it all go when I heard what he had to say next. “I love you, I really do. I couldn’t imagine life without you. I completely freaked out that night Rox, when I read your text, I could barley hold myself up, I was so scared. If I had been too late that night, I would have ended it too. I could never live without you Rox.” His voice was shaken; I could tell he was now crying. I undid my seat belt and climbed over to the back seat, I didn’t care how many laws I had just broken, I had to hug my best friend.
I pulled him to me; I squeezed him like my life depended on it. I sobbed into his neck, and he did the same. I kissed his neck, over and over. I never wanted to let him go. I had hurt him so much, and I didn’t even know it.
“I love you Rox, Don’t you ever freak me out like that again.” He breathed into my neck.
“I love you too Nix, I’m so sorry I did that to you. I promise, I’ll never do it again, I’m happy now, I’ve got you, that barsard is behind bars, and I’m on tour with My Chemical-Fucking-Romance. Life couldn’t be any better. Well, I’m not getting any ass right now, but I can live without.” I heard Gee snigger in the front, who was soon joined by Nixon. I pulled away from him. “HEY shut up its true! I could do with some right now, but I’ll live!” Nixon just laughed harder and pushed me over so I was lying on the back seat with him crouched over me. He had his hand under my waist and held my leg up and stoked it.
“Y’know I could arrange that if you want.” He joked, while kissing my neck.
“AH NIXON GET OFF ME!” I shouted as I pushed his shoulders to release me.
I heard Gerard laughing his butt off in the front again. Nixon is gonna get his ass kicked when we get out the car.
We didn’t say much after that, I felt like the problem was resolved by talking about it, I feel like my mind forgives him now, but I will only find out when I got to sleep tonight.
We got back soon after, and most of the other guys were asleep and the bus was about to leave. Gee handed the car keys over to a roadie so he could drive it up to the next venue. Nix and I left our cases out; we would sort it out in the morning. We got changed into our Pjs and went to bed. I managed to sleep pretty good that night, no nightmares.

Reviews are always greatly appreciated :) ~xo
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