Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Reality Gone...

Chapter Twenty-Two

by Dr-Giggles 5 reviews

I cringe at my brother's outburst. He's only making things worse for himself.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-09-27 - Updated: 2010-09-27 - 1206 words - Complete

“Mikey,” Frank breathes, shakily, “We have to get in there. Now.”

"Why?" I ask, frowning at him.

"Mikey, I'm fucking serious," He mutters, beckoning me to look through the window.

At first, I hesitate. I am almost actually afraid of whatever Frank is freaking out over. For a moment, I'm frozen. But when I hear Gerard. When I hear him crying in panic, I snap out of it and spring into action. I jump up and crouch beside Frank on the tree branch. Reluctantly, I follow his intense gaze towards where my father is standing far too close to Gerard. Already, my breathe hitches as I see the immediate danger my brother is in. But my mouth runs completely dry when a glimmer in my father's hand catches my eye.

"No," I whisper, "Oh, god. Fuck no."

"Dad," Gerard reasons, "Just chill out, alright? Put the fucking knife down!"

"No, Gerard," My dad roars, "I've had enough of you and all the shit you've caused. You never fucking listen and you're a bad influence to everyone around you. Especially your good for nothing brother!"

I immediately tense at his words. Fucking bastard.

But then I feel Frank's arms around my shoulders and his lips kissing my temple as he whispers, "Don't listen to him, baby."

So, I don't.

"Don't you dare bring Mikey into this!" Gerard yells, "If he could see what you're doing right now, he'd hate you as much as I do!"

I cringe at my brother's outburst. He's only making things worse for himself.

"Well, too bad he can't see me, Gerard!" My father replies, "Wanna know why? Because he's probably dead somewhere. Dead because you messed him up so much. And it's all. Your. Fault. How do you feel about that, huh? Killed your own fucking broth-"

My dad doesn't get much of a chance to continue because, out of nowhere, Gerard's fist collides with his jaw. As my father stumbles backwards, I can tell Gerard already regrets it because he's staring at his own hand with eyes wider than mine.

"Fuck, dad. I-I'm so sorry," Gerard stammers, fear obvious on his face, "A-Are you okay? Please don't be mad."

My father shakes his head and stares daggers at my brother. He slowly steps towards him, making Gerard literally start shaking on the spot.

"P-Please don't, dad," He whimpers, sound more vulnerable than I've ever heard him, "I-I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I-I swear."

But it's useless.

In a flash, my father has Gerard against him, holding him there with an arm across the front of his shoulders. The other hand, holding the knife, suddenly shoots up and before I have time to even think about moving, my father places the shiny blade against Gerard's neck, and drags it across his skin.

I watch, jaw dropped, in shock and horror as blood trickles down from Gerard's neck gash.

"No!" I scream, breaking the glass in the window and jumping in the room, "Leave Gerard alone, you bastard!"

My dad looks at me and his face runs pale, but I pay no attention because his grip on Gerard falters and I catch my brother before he hits the ground. Tears fill my eyes as I stare into my brother's terrified ones.

"Fuck, Gerard," I sob, "J-Just hold your neck, okay? Put pressure on it. Fuck, I don't know. Just fucking hold on. You'll be okay. I promise."

He looks up at me, making gargled, choking sounds as the blood continues to flow freely from his wound. I will my fangs back, as I fight temptation.

"No, don't talk, Gee," I whimper, "Don't say anything. Just breathe, okay? Just stay with me."

More blood flows onto his clothing as tears fall down his face. I know he's scared. I just need to figure out how to help him.

"We need to help him, and we need to help him fast," Frank says, suddenly kneeling beside me.

I turn to look for my father, and I do find him. Knocked out on the floor, that is. I don't recall hearing Frank attacking him at all.

"Wait," I whisper, "Is he-"

"He isn't dead," Frank says, brushing some of Gerard's hair from his face, "I just knocked him out. But, look, we need to help Gerard."

I agree with a firm nod. As I catch my brother's eyes, they slowly start to droop closed.

"No, Gerard!" I cry, "Don't black out! Stay with me."

"You need to do it. You need to change him now," Frank tells me.

"I-I don't wanna hurt him," I sob.

"It's gonna hurt him, at first, Mikes. But if you don't do it, he's going to die."

Those words send chills down my spine and I suddenly feel the urge to do it, as quickly as possible, "I'll fix his neck," I whimper, "You can bite him. I don't trust myself."

"Okay," Frank nods, leaning to Gerard's face, "Gerard, just stay with us, okay? You're about to feel some serious pain, but it'll all be over soon. We promise. Alright?"

Gerard slowly nods his head, clearly losing consciousness.

"Just hold on, Gee, please," I whisper in his ear, "I can't lose you."

I don't await a response before I attach my lips to the bleeding wound on his neck. My eyes fling wide open as the urge to drink his blood become so strong, my hands start shaking.

"Mikes," Frank says, noting my reaction, "You can do this. It's Gerard. You can save him. Just block it out."

I nod and regain my composure, pushing my fangs back. As my mouth waters, I slowly drag my tongue across the broken skin, doing my best not to lose control at the taste of his blood. I keep rethinking that this is my brother, and this is helping him. Once I seal his scar, I turn to Frank.

"Go," I whisper, staring as my brother loses consciousness.

Frank grabs his wrist and bites down, detaches and seals the wound, all in one quick motion.

"Are you sure this will save him?" I ask in a small voice, the thought of losing Gerard making me feel physically ill.

"I don't know," Frank admits, "I hope so."

We both watch as Gerard's body suddenly starts twitching uncontrollably. Immediately, I wrap my arms around his convulsing body and hold him close and tight.

"F-Frank," I cry, softly, "Please tell me he'll be okay."

I feel Frank curl up beside me before placing a tender kiss on my cheek. He strokes the back of my neck, softly, and whispers, "He's going to be okay. We're all going to be okay."

As he speaks, Gerard's body suddenly ceases movement completely. I let out an uncertain noise and turn my head to Frank.

"You did that too," He tells me before pecking my lips, "He's gonna be fine. Trust me."

I fix my gaze back on my brother and hope to fucking God Frank is right.


I'm back! Hello!
Sorry for my lack of postage. Exams were hectic and then my laptop crashed.
But I'm back.
Hoping you didn't forget about my little story.
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xo, Dr-Giggles.
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