Categories > Games > Tekken > Tekken Ball Z: Soul edge saga

The reawakening part 2

by Necrophiliac666 0 reviews

Category: Tekken - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-09-27 - Updated: 2010-09-28 - 1548 words - Complete

I don't own Tekken
Dragon ball Z
Mortal Kombat
Rated M for Adult themes, Language and Violence
The Reawakening part 2

"Kazuya!" Asuka's voice called out

Kazuya turned to look behind him, "What the hell do you two think you're doing?!

"We're helping" Asuka replied

"Forget about us, go after Lust" Kazuya ordered


"What is there to think about, if they succeed then we're all fucked! So hurry up!"

"Right" Goten replied, "Man, if this is enough to make Kazuya worry then it must be more serious then we thought"

"She has to be nearby" Goten stated as both him and Asuka jumped from tree to tree not noticing that they had become the hunted, and now it was too late. As Goten jumped to a tree brunch a jiggered whip struck it, bringing it down along with Goten who soon took flight.

"Goten, are you alright?!" Asuka called over, suddenly she was grabbed by Crimson Lust from behind, one hand held Asuka's throat while the other was fixed upon her right breast

"Hey, you don't look half bad bitch" Crimson Lust stated, "I bet when Edgarrgh wakes up I could talk him into a three-way"

"Get... off me" Asuka elbowed Crimson Lust in the abdomen forcing her to let go before jumping to another tree branch

"Asuka, you alright" Goten asked as he hovered next to her


"Time to die" Crimson Lust jumped forward and slashed her whip at Goten however he moved backwards and evaded it, as he did so Asuka jumped at Crimson Lust and punched at her as the two flew through the air. Crimson Lust dodged all of the punches and blocked a kick directed at her by Asuka however she was caught off guard by Goten and as a result was sent flying into a tree as he struck her in the abdomen by Goten's fist. The tree suddenly shattered and Crimson Lust lunged forward towards Goten, he fired a Kamehameha wave however she easily dodged it and hastily slashed her whip at Goten. Suddenly a blade intercepted the whip and sent it back at Crimson Lust, sending her flying through the air

"Trunks?" Goten stated puzzled as the his friend floated before him in his super Saiyan form "What are you"

"I saw you guys on the news" Trunks replied, "Sorry I'm late, when you left the museum I had some trouble tracking you down" After saying this Trunks disappeared and appeared over Crimson Lust as he readied his sword

"Whatever you're planning, it will end here, the only way it can!" Trunks yelled as he slashed down

Crimson Lust opened her eyes and Trunks suddenly stopped, his eyes widened, "She's beautiful"

Crimson Lust smirked as she spun up right and slashed her whip at his arm. The blade closest to her was the first to cut in between his right shoulder and torso, the remaining jiggered edges continued to cut through his arm as Crimson Lust pulled the whip towards her, Trunks screaming a piercing cry all the way through. Crimson Lust jumped to a tree branch when she was done but only stayed there for a few miler seconds before jumping at Trunks and repeating the process only this time Trunks fell to the ground. He hit the forest floor hard, his right arm several meters away soon followed by his sword impaling itself into the ground, his deafening screams echoing through the forest

"Am I still beautiful" Crimson Lust smirked before jumping tree to tree away from Goten, Asuka and a screaming Trunks

"Trunks!!" Goten screamed as he flew down beside him

Through his screams Goten could make out two faint words, "Go stop her"

"Alright" Goten stated as he dug into Trunks' pocket and pulled out his phone before activating the distress signal, a feature on the mobile phones of all people with importance in the world

"Come on" Asuka said before the two followed after Crimson Lust

"Graagh!!!!!!" A scream sounded from deeper in the forest

"That sounded like Trunks" Kazuya thought, "What the fuck is he doing here?"

"Die!!" Pride screeched as she readied her Katana to impale both Kazuya and her former student

"Ready to die?" Envy spat

"Fuck, this doesn't look good"

Pride smirked as the distance between her and her target began to close, suddenly two lasers struck her making her fall to the

"What the fuck just happened?!" Envy yelled

As she did so someone or something grabbed her head, making her let go of Kazuya. The figure that grabbed her then flew forward and rammed Envy into several trees before throwing her to the ground; the figure flapped its black feathered wings as it turned to face Kazuya

"Jin, are you still in control?" Kazuya asked

"Yeah" Jin responded

"Good" Kazuya said unenthusiastically, "Then you can help me kill these bitches"

As Pride got up along with Envy she got a glimpse of who attacked them, "You're alive!" Pride observed, "That is impossible"

"Clearly you are mistaken" Jin stated, his voice rougher then normal

"Let's switch!" Envy shouted as she jumped at Jin while Pride jumped at Kazuya

Envy slashed her wave swords however Jin flew back before firing lasers from his eyes; Envy dodged the beams by jumping. After she was in the air she did a flip towards Jin and slashed down, Jin flipped over Envy before grabbing her clothing and throwing her through a tree. Envy grabbed a tree branch and flipped herself up before jumping towards Jin, her blades outstretched. As she came mere centimetres away, Jin grabbed both of her arms; Envy struggled to get free but to no avail. Jin spun Envy around several times before throwing her to the ground; Envy struck the ground hard, winding her.

Pride jumped into the air and slashed her katana down at Kazuya who jumped back a tree; Pride cut through the tree branch and fell to the ground. Kazuya charged his Ki and covered his left fist in lightning before jumping after Pride, as she saw him flying towards her, Pride hastily jumped back, "Nice try" Pride smirked, "But I have won. The moment you land, I'll impale you in the head" Kazuya slammed his fist into the ground, as he did electricity spewed from his body and covered the area around him, "What?!" Pride shouted in shock as the electricity struck her body hammering down at it with pain, after a few seconds the lightning ceased and Pride fell to her knees, impaling her blade into the ground and supporting her weight upon it. Suddenly Envy landed a couple of meters away, as she did Pride looked up and saw the demonic form of her previous opponent, his power had seemed to grow over one-hundred fold.

"Your son, just what the fuck is he?" Pride asked spitting up blood

"He is someone with the blood of the devil running through his veins, the devils son if you will" Kazuya replied, "If you are impressed by him then I think it will be hard for you to hear that he is only about half as strong as I am"

"What?!" Pride exclaimed, "You're lying, you must be!"

"You don't believe me, fine then, I'll prove it" As he said this, Kazuya transformed. A purple and harder skin covered his skin and cloths while his eyes turned red, horns grew from his skull, bat like wings emerged from his back and his hands and feet turned to claws, "Do you believe me now or shall I give you a demonstration?" Kazuya asked, emotion lacking from his voice

"Fuck, you are serious" Pride stated

Jin dropped from the sky next to Kazuya as Envy got up

"Lets get out of here" Envy suggested, "Lust is bound to have reawakened the general by now"

"Yeah, lets go" Pride replied as she pulled out several small black balls from her pocket and threw them hard at the ground

"No!" Jin shouted as black smoke covered the area removing the two from sight

"Come on!" Kazuya shouted as the smoke cleared and the two took flight after the two sins

Goten and Asuka continued to chase after Crimson Lust

"Come on" Asuka thought, "She has to be close by"

"Asuka!" Goten called before hastily grabbing her and lifting the two into the air

As he did so the tree branch Asuka was standing on was slashed off as Pride and Envy raced past

"After them!" Kazuya called out

Asuka climbed on Goten's back, her arms around his neck, "Getty up"

Jin, Kazuya, Asuka and Goten chassed down the two until the trees stopped appearing, then they saw a small structure

"What's that?" Goten asked

"Doesn't matter" Jin replied as he flew towards it and rammed the door down

"Jin!" Asuka cried as Goten and Kazuya chased after him as they entered the facility, Jin stood there, eyes widened and unmoving

"Jin what's wrong?" Asuka asked as she ran over to him

Then she saw him, the long, black haired man held soul edge, he wore black armour and his skin was pale white, his right eye was red while the other was covered with a black eye patch

"His power" Jin mumbled, "I sense it, and it's enormous"
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