Categories > Games > Tekken > Tekken Ball Z: Soul edge saga

The reawakening

by Necrophiliac666 0 reviews

Category: Tekken - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-09-27 - Updated: 2010-09-28 - 1020 words - Complete

I don't own Tekken
Dragon ball Z
Mortal Kombat
Rated M for Language and violence.
The reawakening

The brunet jumped at the two however Jin intercepted her, forcing the two backwards

"Stay away from them!"

"My name is Pride. Remember that as you leave this world!" The woman yelled as she charged at Jin

"Get the fuck out of my way" Kazuya ordered the red haired woman who blocked his way as he entered the forest like terrain on the outskirts of the city

"Envy, that is the name given to me by my general" The woman responded, "I hope you didn't take your life for grunted, because it's about to end"

"Is that so?!" Kazuya yelled before jumping into the air at Envy, exhaustion obvious on his face

"You won't beat me!" Jin yelled as he punched at Pride who quickly jumped into the air and slashed down at Jin with a Kunai. The blade slashed Jin's chest, spilling blood to the ground, as Pride grinned. Suddenly Jin done a back flip and kicked Pride in the face as if the slash to his flesh was nothing. Pride got back onto her feet and pulled out another Kunai and charged at Jin who punched at her however in mere miler seconds she appeared behind Jin and slashed his back several times before kicking him away. As Jin flew through the air he slammed his palm into the ground and jumped back on to his feet.

"She's stronger then she looks" Jin thought, "No maybe not strong, but fast"

"Our general shall live again!" Envy yelled as she evaded Kazuya's strike. Envy smirked as she drew her wave swords and jumped at Kazuya who did the same, jumping from the tree he was standing on into the air and towards Envy. They both collided, Envy slashed Kazuya's chest as he slammed her in the face with his fist, they both went through a tree and Kazuya threw her to the ground as he jumped onto another tree. Envy jumped onto her feet before lunging herself at Kazuya and slashing the tree he was standing on. The tree began to fall, forcing Kazuya to jump to another one, as he approached the new tree he pushed himself away from it with his left foot and towards Envy who jumped over him and slashed his back. Kazuya, now with blood running down his back landed on a tree branch.

"Hey!" Kazuya called out, "Before, you mentioned something about your general, what was his name?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" Envy replied

"Yes I would, that's why I asked"

"Fine then I will hummer you before you die" A grin grew upon the red haired woman's face, "His name, is Edgarrgh"

"Kazuya's eyes widened in shock after haring this, "Edgarrgh?! So, you're planning on reviving Wrath with soul edge"

"Kazuya!" Asuka's voice called out

Kazuya turned to look behind him, "What the hell do you two think you're doing?!

"We're helping" Asuka replied

"Forget about us, go after Lust" Kazuya ordered


"What is there to think about, if they succeed then we're all fucked! So hurry up!"

"Right" Goten replied, "Man, if this is enough to make Kazuya worry then it must be more serious then we thought"

As the two left Envy laughed, "Do you seriously think they stand a chance against her?"

"No, but by the time they reach her, the pair of you will be dead"

Jin dodged several slashes dealt from Pride's Kunai before going on the offensive, punching at Pride's gut however she dodged his attack and hastily jumped behind him before slashing his neck, dropping him to the ground, his eyes wide open, blood pumping out of the gigantic gash on his neck like water spraying from a hose. Pride smirked an ominous grin before turning around to join her comrades as she knew that her enemy dead, if not then it would only be a mater of time. No one could survive a wound like the one on Jin's neck. No one.

"Who are they to you?" Envy asked

"No one, why do you care" Kazuya replied

"If you truly valued your life you would not throw it around so recklessly. How about the other one, he looks a lot like you"

"He is, my offspring"

"Then I guess it will be painful to hear that he is dead" Pride Jumped forward to the tree on the other side of Kazuya

"Is that so" Kazuya responded emotion lacking in his voice

"Don't you care?" Envy asked

"That attitude is familiar" Pride stated

"The same as her"

"The same as who?" Kazuya asked

"I suppose they didn't put this in any history books did they" Pride stated

"Crimson Lust was once pregnant" Envy responded

"Pregnant, who was the father?" Kazuya Asked

"Who knows, she was the biggest whore I've ever seen" Envy responded, "Fuck, it was even impossible to rape the bitch, the worst you could get was it being a minor inconvenience"

"And do you know what our general did"

"What?" Kazuya asked

"He very graciously gave her an abortion" Pride replied

"Enough about her, time to die"

Both Pride and Envy charged at Kazuya, one on each side of him. Kazuya jumped into the air and the two followed. Kazuya punched Envy in the face, sending her to the ground before pounding away at Pride with his fists. Pride sped up into the sky with such speed that she looked like a blur, as she came down she directed one of her Kunai for his Jugular vain however he grabbed her arm and threw her into a tree. Kazuya then ducked a slash from Envy's wave swords and punching her into the air. Suddenly an enormous Shrunken came hurdling towards Kazuya, instinctively he dodged it only to be charged at by Pride who had drawn a Katana. At that very moment Envy grabbed Kazuya, Trapping him in a body lock restricting any movement what so ever

"Die!!" Pride screeched as she readied her Katana to impale both Kazuya and her former student
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