Categories > Games > Tekken > Tekken Ball Z: Soul edge saga

The sins strike

by Necrophiliac666 0 reviews

Category: Tekken - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-09-27 - Updated: 2010-09-28 - 1083 words - Complete

I don't own Tekken
Dragon ball Z
Mortal Kombat
The weapon Gunblade belongs to Square enix as do the terms Sorceress and Sorceress' knight
Rated M for Violence and Language
The sins strike

"She killed them all" One of the men in a black and purple robe stated as he examined the laboratory filled with blood and corpses

"It appears so, just as we expected" One of the men in the robe replied

"Whatever just clean it up" A woman in the same style robe spat

"You do it Angela, you're the woman"

"Mind saying that again Kerry" The woman took a step forward

"Why, you got a penis under that robe" Kerry retorted

"You wanna die you weak little fagot"

"Bring it on" Kerry readied an attack however the first man outstretched a strange weapon with the characteristics of both a sword and a gun in front of him

"As Angela's knight I cannot allow you to harm her"

"Enough" a dork fog filled the room and another man in a black and purple robe stepped forward, soon followed by nine others, as they stepped forward Kerry's eyes were instinctively drawn to one of the men

"Who the fuck is this cunt" Kerry asked

"He is our newest member" Ronnie replied, "His name is"

"Move!" Kazuya screamed, forcing himself back as a whip with jiggered blades struck Siegfried and threw him to the ground

As Siegfried got up he saw who attacked him. It was a young woman wearing a purple robe that barely came down past her waist and a round blade like object strapped to her back, "Who are you?"

The woman didn't respond, rather she approached soul edge

"Keep away!" Siegfried slashed his blade however the pink haired woman easily dodged it by jumping backwards

"Who is that" Asuka asked

"I don't know" Kazuya replied with exhaustion clear in his voice, "But don't interfere; I want to see how she fights"

"Get out of my way asshole" The woman spat dragging her whip along the marble floor

"That blade must be sealed away" Siegfried stated readying his blade, "And I won't allow you to stand in the way!"

"My name is Crimson Lust; remember that as you take your last breaths"

"Graagh" Siegfried charged at Crimson Lust however she slashed her whip, scratching Siegfried's armour, she then threw it back in the opposite direction toward Siegfried's head. Siegfried jumped back, preventing a fatal strike, instead only his cheek was cut however it was a deep enough cut to make blood run down his face. Siegfried jumped and slid along the ground past Crimson Lust, he then slashed his sword at her however she parried the attack but was sent back a couple of centimetres. After this Siegfried Jumped into the air and brought his sword down on Crimson Lust like a hammer to a nail. Crimson Lust parried this and kicked Siegfried into the air before jumping up herself and slashing her whip down on Siegfried who parried this attack but was sent crashing down into the floor. Crimson lust came at Siegfried however he punched her in the stomach and slashed at her, Crimson Lust parried the attack but that didn't stop her from being launched into priceless fossil

"This blade wont fall into any ones hands ever again" Siegfried stated as he turned around to face soul edge

"Look out" Goten cried out

Siegfried quickly turned around only to see Crimson Lust her feet and throwing her Ring blade. Siegfried attempted to parry the attack however he was too slow, the Ring blade went through Siegfried neck and decapitated him

"You shouldn't turn your back on your enemy fool" Crimson Lust stated with a lustful grin as she approached the pool of blood which was growing larger by the second, as she approached it she knelt down and ran her hand through the blood and then her hair and face.

"Damn it, I didn't learn anything about this bitch's style" Kazuya thought before turning his eyes to face soul edge, "That blade, maybe if I"

Just as Kazuya thought this Crimson Lust slashed her whip in front of the four warriors and got back onto her feet and approached soul edge. She then bent down and picked up the cursed blade

"No more time to spend on you" Crimson Lust stated as she grabbed her Ring blade and put it on her back, "But I'm sure when he wakes up he will be more then willing to slaughter you" As she said this, Crimson Lust dashed off out and through a window

"That blade could prove troublesome, we should reclaim it" Kazuya thought now in his human form as he jumped out after Crimson Lust

"Kazuya!" Jin called out before turning to Asuka and Goten, "Come on, we should go after him"

"Alright" Goten replied as the three followed after Kazuya, as they jumped out the window, as they landed outside a woman with brown hair jumped out and lunged a kunai at the museum wall, attached to the kunai was a cylinder with a fuse nearly completely burnt out

"Get back!" Jin screamed, suddenly the cylinder exploded, covering the area in smoke.

"Don't bother trying to hide, I now you are all still alive" The brunet stated seriously, "And don't count on your other friend to come and save you. My apprentice is dealing with him"

The smoke soon cleared to reveal the three fighters standing upright covered in dust

"Goten, Asuka. Go on ahead, I'll deal with her" Jin stated

"No way" Asuka replied, "We're helping"

"Asuka!" Jin scolded, "Kazuya isn't in any condition to fight alone"

"His power level" Goten thought, "It feels so different from six years ago" after that Goten followed after Kazuya pulling Asuka along with him

The brunet jumped at the two however Jin intercepted her, forcing the two backwards

"Stay away from them!"

"My name is Pride. Remember that as you leave this world!" The woman yelled as she charged at Jin

"Get the fuck out of my way" Kazuya ordered the red haired woman who blocked his way as he entered the forest like terrain on the outskirts of the city

"Envy, that is the name given to me by my general" The woman responded, "I hope you didn't take your life for grunted, because it's about to end"

"Is that so?!" Kazuya yelled before jumping into the air at Envy, exhaustion obvious on his face
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