Categories > Games > Tekken > Tekken Ball Z: Soul edge saga


by Necrophiliac666 0 reviews

Category: Tekken - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-09-27 - Updated: 2010-09-28 - 1169 words - Complete

I don't own Tekken
Dragon ball Z
Mortal Kombat
Final Fantasy seven
The Seven sins belong to Morbid333

"You have collected the seven dragon balls! I shall grant you two wishes!"

"Alright" Boskonovitch began, "For my first wish, I wish that the late Warlord Leon to be returned to life!"

The great dragon's red eyes flashed for a few seconds before returning to normal, "Your wish has been granted"

"Wait!" Hworang shouted, "Where is he?!"

"We must wish for him to be brought here as well" Jin stated

"Well, that sucks" Hworang replied

"What is your second wish?"

"My second wish, is for Leon to be here, in this dimension, in this area" Boskonovitch said, the dragons eyes lit up and returned to normal once again. Then a large white sphere appeared, it disappeared and revealed a man curled in a ball with short blond hair and with large, white armour.

"Your wish has been granted" With that said, the dragon disappeared in a bright light and the dragon balls rose into the air before flying off into completely different directions.

"Yes, all we ask is that you slay them and their followers" Ronnie said, "And we will even give you an army to do it"

Edgarrgh considered it, "Very well, I will do as you wish, for now at least. We may be removing a particularly annoying thorn from our side"

"I'm glad to hear it; your new army will be with you by dawn tomorrow" After Ronnie said this, he and his followers disappeared with the wind as there bodies turned to purple sand

"And may we never meet again" Edgarrgh spat

"So, what should we do now?" Crimson lust asked

"We rest" Edgarrgh replied. And that is what they did. And in the night, Edgarrgh dreamt, he dreamt of his past and the final battle he fought

6:30 AM
Sirens sounded within the Zaibutsu as explosions sounded throughout the entire island.

"What's going on!?" Jin asked as he rushed out of his room fully dressed.

"We're under attack!" A passing by soldier shouted

"By who?!" Jin asked

"G-Corporation!" The soldier shouted before running off to report to his station

"G-Corporation? What are they up to? First they ally themselves with Edgarrgh and now this." Jin said

"What's going on?" Jay yawned as she stepped out of the room. Jin turned around and put his hands on her shoulders

"Jay, this is very important. Find Jon and get to the emergency lockdown."

"Um, okay" Jay replied as she hurried down the hall. "I hope everyone else is alright" Jin thought before he rushed down the hallway to the control room.


Edgarrgh had an enormous smirk on his face. Crimson Lust, Pride and Envy all had similar faces. Jacks continued to fly all over the island as they shot down various Tekkenshu soldiers

"What should we do?" Envy asked, "It doesn't seem like they need us."

"Let these ones deal with the army. We shall be heading to cut of the head" Edgarrgh stated with a glorious smirk on his face.

"We can't hold them back god damn it!" A Tekkenshu shouted as he emptied a clip from his assault rifle out at a Gun-Jack. Luckily it was enough to bring it down. Many of the Jacks noticed this and immediately started opening fire on the man with the Gatling guns that came out of there fists. (Much like that of Barrett in FF7. In this story it is the same technology and it was G-Corporation who gave it to him.) The Tekkenshu was slaughtered, his blood splattering all over the ground.

"Fuck!" One of the Tekkenshu shouted

"Fall back!! We have to fall back!" another shouted. Suddenly, right before all hope seemed lost. Many of the Jacks were engulfed in flames.

"What the?" One of the Tekkenshu began

"Fools. Looks like it is up to the Shirai Ryu to deal with these intruders" Said a ninja in yellow as he stepped forward

"Scorpion!" Another ninja called as he appeared in a blast of smoke, "our scouts have reported four intruders heading for the Mishima Zaibutsu building"

"I'm heading there now" The first ninja stated as he turned around and rushed back. A Jack spotted this and turned its gun on him. Suddenly, the ninja punched the Jack in the head and decapitated it in a single glorious strike.

"Who wants some more!" The Shirai Ryu shouted. Many of the Jacks ran at him but the ninja of fire merely jumped into the air and kicked the Jack in the head, sending it flying several meters away from the rest of its body. Another Jack jumped forward and punched at the Shirai Ryu ninja's head however he just ducked making the fist travel over his head. His next move was to slam his palm on the Jack's chest. When he did, he fired a ray of fire from his palm and impaled the Jack with it as well as sending him flying away several meters.

The remaining Jacks surrounded the ninja before displaying there weapons and pointing them at him.

"Ka-me-ha-me-ha!" A blue Ki beam suddenly came down from above and struck a few of the Jacks. The beam then proceeded to travel around and engulf the remaining enemies. The attack soon ended; when it did Goten dropped down from the sky and landed in front of the Shirai Ryu ninja.

"You are Goten, correct?" The ninja asked

"Yeah" replied the saiyan

"Where are the others that you fight with?" asked the ninja

"They're all around the island fighting what Jacks they can find." Goten answered.

"I see" the Shirai Ryu said, "Then I doubt this battle well last much longer. Still, I wonder what they're motives are?"

"Yeah, so do I" Goten admitted.


"The battle is at a steady pace. We can't see the outcome just yet" a man in the control room said. Jin thought about this for awhile before coming to a conclusion

"I'm going to head out!" Jin announced

"What!?" A man shouted, "But sir..."

"I'll be fine" Jin said, "You're in charge while I'm gone." Jin said before rushing out of the room and running towards the elevator. He pushed a button and the doors opened. He hurried in and pushed the button for the ground floor. The doors closed and the elevator car began its journey down


The doors opened and Jin hurried out. He ran for the door. He was just centimetres away but just before he could reach for it, there was an explosion that sent him flying away. Jin quickly recovered and jumped back up onto his feet. Suddenly his eyes widened as he saw who was standing at the now destroyed doorway

"Edgarrgh, Crimson Lust, Pride and Envy!" Jin screamed in his head

"Good mourning, Jin." Edgarrgh greeted. An enormous smirk planted on his face.


A/N: I've shortened this saga a bit, only two chapters to go. Reviews would be appreciated.
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