Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Sobriety Diaries.

I'm not even gonna try...well ok maybe since you said THAT..

by KylaMonster87 2 reviews

just read it. lol.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-10-03 - Updated: 2010-10-04 - 628 words

About twenty minutes after my “therapy” session I was released to go home. Something inside kinda wished I coud of stayed. The other part of me was glad, I kinda needed a drink…

I sat at home for a whole five minutes then told my mom and Mikey that I was going for a walk, that I needed to think about things and get my head cleared. Sadly, they bought it. Now don’t get me wrong, I feel like absolute shit lying to them, but I wanted to get fucked up. I ended up getting ahold of an old friend who was having a party and headed there.

At the party I got completely shit faced. There were a few drug dealers there. I managed to et my hands on both coke, and some Xanax as I couldn’t refill my script yet. I know everyone was expecting me to clean up, but this is all I’ve known for the past three years. I cant just change over night. Hell, who knows if I will ever change at all? I’ve been the resident family fuck up all my life. Ma and Mikey probably expect me to fail and not get better. I’ll show them a failure…

I started heading home with drugs in me, and my pocket and drunk off my ass. I know I wasn’t walking in a straight line but who the fuck cares? I stumble through my front door around 3 or 4 in the morning, I’m not exactly sure. Ma and Mikey were both sitting on the couch with worried expressions. Ma spoke up first.

“Gerard Authur where have you been? Are you drunk?”

“I think he’s high too mom.”

“Ah, you would both be correct”


Wow, I have never heard Mikey yell like that.

“Fuck this, I’m going to bed.” but as I walk I away I start to feel…wrong? I shouldn’t feel this stabbing sensation in my lower stomach area. What the fuck is wrong? It feels worse each step I take.

Next thing I know I’m on my knees throwing up. I hear Mikey yell at ma to call an ambulace and wonder why. Then I look down and see all the blood. I’m throwing up blood, that can’t be good.

“Mikey…I..I think I’m going to pass out” and I do.

Yet again I wake up in a hospital. Boy this is getting annoying. I fucking hate hospitals.

“Ah, Mr. Way, you’re awake. How are you feeling?”

“Sore, wanting to get the fuck out of here.”

“Well, if you want to get out of here this time, you’ll have to go through a detox, and seriously think about rehab. You’re damaging your liver severely with your lifestyle. That’s why you threw up blood earlier. Your liver is slowly weakening and will eventually shut down if you don’t stop.”

“What happens if it shuts down?”

“Well, You die.”

I let out a rather loud long sigh.

“Does my family know yet?”

“yes they have been informed.”

“Can I see them?”

The doctor leaves, and in walks my mom, Mikey, and the guys. This time, I’m not gonna talk shit, say I’ll get better and not try. I guess when death was in my control it was okay, but now that I know it’s out of my control, I’m scared shitless and am gonna do what it takes to get better. Needless to say everyone was thrilled to here that and see me go through the detox. Now it’s a matter of what to do about the band and rehab..
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