Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Gotta Be Cruel To Be Kind With Vamp's Like Her

I Want Her Back

by MrsPatrickStump_FOB 1 review

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-10-05 - Updated: 2010-10-05 - 1097 words

She blinked in the harsh lighting. She was in a bedroom, it looked posh and even more luxurious than her room at the base. The lighting dimmed as somebody moved the bed side lamp that had been facing her. She sat up.
"Hello Scarlett" the man said.
"Oh great..." she growled -More of you, just what the world needs- she thought angrily.
"Now then no need to be so mean..." he said placing himself in an antique, cushioned chair and crossing his legs. "I'm William. I trust you have heard of me."
"Sadly yes but don't worrie, you wont be hard to forget." She said getting up.
"Listen love, i want you here and i get what i want." He said getting up to approach her.
"Hate to dis-"
"Shush now, i saw what you did to those newbies the other night, impressive. I'm always looking for the best people i can find to join me, conceder this a great privilege."
"Yeah it was such a privilege to have your little lap dogs kill me and then just leave me lying there."
"I admit, i miss placed my trust, but you must remember they were new at the time and for some reason still feared those amateurs that you met afterwords. I had asked them to bring you back to me alive but things took a different turn when you killed one of them, they bit you as a defense and then when the slayers arrived they panicked and ran, still what did i expect, they were new bloods."
"So why did you have them bring me back, seems allot of effort for one girl"
"Ah, well now you see, those newbies you killed, i myself had a score to settle with them which was why i was there when you burned them down. You had something to you that reminded me of an old friend of mine whom i turned, he was the best of the best, Peter Wentz."
Scarlett widened her eyes. "I am nothing like that basterd."
"Oh but you are my dear. Unfortunately, Wentz ran after his first kill, i thought he would return after he got used to it, so i had him watched and made sure he was feeding, he got a few more kills and was almost adjusted and ready to return but then he met those damn slayers and they changed him, hes nothing but a sniveling pet to them now. I wont let the same happen to you. Trust me your better off with me"
"Firstly. Neither me nor Pete are their "pets", Secondly. As i told Brendan im not a dandy."
"And you don't think you are like Peter?" He smirked.
Scarlett narrowed her eyes at him. "No"
"Come now, Its time you met your new family." He said, moving her from the bedroom to the dinning room.


"Pete for gods sake we don't know where they went! We cant just drive around all night!" Patrick shouted at Pete who was in the drivers seat and hurtling down street after street after street.
"We have to find her, they'll get in her head if we don't find her!!! im not letting that happen! I know how those basterds work!!!" he shouted in distress punching the dashboard and leaving cracks in it.
"Pete!... calm down and think it through, we cant find her like this, we will find her but we need to figure out how first!" Andy shouted and Pete shut his mouth.
"I cant get a hold of Gerard or Mickey, both phones are switched off." Joe said looking at his phone from next to Pete.
"Well get hold of them!" Pete growled
"How!?! Your meant to be the phycic one here!"
Pete just kept his eyes on the road as he swerved around another corner avoiding other cars and almost hitting a guy and a girl crossing the street.

The car screeched to a halt. In front of them stood Mickey and Gerard.
Pete didn't waist a second in getting out of the car, quickly fallowed by the others.
"TURN YOUR FUCKING PHONES ON!" Pete shouted angrily shoving Gerard.
"Hey we were busy!" he shouted back before patting down his jacket. "Or don't you want to know where they took your girlfriend!?!"

Pete glared at him

-She is not my girlfriend!- he thought

-No but you want her to be! i can read your thoughts, you like her...- Gerard thought back

"What do you know?" Patrick asked.

Gerard and Mickey were like their spies, they knew pretty much everything. Except the dandies location.

"Well they wont hurt her, Becket wants her to much" Mickey started. "They took her to somewhere just outside of Chicago we know that, thats as far as we could fallow them before the car disappeared, also we had a word with Frank..."

Petes head lifted in hope. Frank, was a friend of the Way brothers, he was like their inside man for the dandies, unfortunately he would always refuse to give up the location of the mansion incase Beckot figured out there was a mole in the group.

"Hes gunna try and help her out, but no promises" Mickey finished with a sigh

"Thats it!?! Thats all you got!?!" Pete shouted "We could be to late by then!"

"Look we tried ok?" Gerard said soothingly "Well call you if we find out anything else"

"OOOOH no! Your coming back to the base! if you find something out we need to be there if and when it happens" Pete said in a serious tone.

"Fine but it wont make things go any faster" Mickey complained getting into the car.

When they arrived back at the base, Andy went straight to his computer to try and find any piece of information that could help them.

Patrick went to his to desk and started to record everything that had happened that night.

Joe sat down on the sofa with Mickey chiseling away at stakes and sharping knifes.

Gerard went to the kitchen to make smoothies for himself and the other two vampires.

Pete went automatically to his room.

He started to paise up and down on the deep blue carpet. He bit his nails and his eyes welled at the thought of what they might do to her. Why couldn't he stop thinking about her? He wanted to apologies for everything he had done to her at that very moment, he wanted to hold her in his arms, he wanted her to be his.

"Please God let them bring her back..."
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