Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Gotta Be Cruel To Be Kind With Vamp's Like Her

I Will Resist... Almost

by MrsPatrickStump_FOB 1 review

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-10-17 - Updated: 2010-10-17 - 670 words

Scarlett eyed them all as they introduced them selfs. Their had to be about 20 boys and 15 girls. The boys had the basic dandy outfit but the girls looked better...almost... some of them were dressed in beutiful Victorian/Goth/slightly arousing clothes most of which looked like they had been bought in Hellfire or Osiris the others were all dressed like sort of expensive sluts that one might see in some sort of shitty 50 cent video.

"I'm Frank" the last of them said smiling at her. He was sitting down at the dinner table. His elbows sat on lightly on the mahogany as he reached for his glass of wine. He had a floppy black fringe and a slightly jazzed up dandy outfit. It was much the same but with a few patches and badges and a school tie and other random accessories that brought the whole thing together. He winked at her.

"Sit, love, sit" said Beckot pulling out the antique chair to the write of his. His being at the head of the table. Before of her, a banquette of sorts.
"To celebrate your arrival." the girl next to her whispered.
The table was covered in candle. Their was some human foods, fruits and breads. Bottles of expensive wine and champagne. Bottles of blood, each bottle had something written on it. After everybody began to talk and eat, she took a bottle in her hand to read it.

"Male. New York. Age 22. A-."

"Go ahead. have some. Its fresh and a damn site better than what they were feeding you on" he encouraged her.
She didn't want to. She really didn't want to. She could feel Frank watching her to see what she would do. It smelt so delicious though. She stared at it, her lip quivering with both fear and need. Beckot also kept one eye on her. A smile worked its way across his face. He could tell she was fighting it. The slayers had only had her off blood for a few days. She couldn't be completely free from her cravings. She had caught the attention of the girl sitting beside her.
Scarlett didn't blink, just looked at it, inhaling the scent. She was desperate to get out of the situation. For the first time she wished she was back with the slayers. She wished for help.

"So Scarlett..." Frank interrupted trying to help her in anyway possible as Gerard had instructed. "How are you finding us?"
Scarlett looked over at him helplessly but regained her strong stony face. "Wonderfully" she said sarcastically. She suddenly caught the eye of Brendon who was at the other end of the table. She sent an icy glare to him and he shamefully returned his eyes to the table.
"Well I'm glad to hear it," he shot back "I hear you were with the slayers for a while?"
"yes" she nodded.
"Must have been fun..."
"As little enjoyment i had with them this place is quite frankly, the worst place iv ever been"
"But you have barley been here an hour" he said "How can you tell?"

"Frank, let the woman eat first, she must be starving after being stuck with the food they were keeping her on" Beckot interrupted. What he failed to relies was that Frank never actually drank the blood, he would eat the human food and drink the wine and tell the others off his many (nonexistent) kills but he would sneak vampire smoothies when he went out at night.
"Go on now love, have something to eat" he pressured, uncorking the bottle and pouring a glass. He handed it to her.

She tried to look away but couldn't it was just to hard. She gave in and drank.
-Oh god- she thought as she gulp down the thick, dark, warm blood.

But it was wonderful and she wanted more.

Sorry, My Computers Blasted Into A Space Lions Shoe So I Need To Use Other Peoples Computers Now And Thats Why Updates Will Be Slow
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