Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 7 Minutes in Heaven

7 Minutes in Heaven

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Playing 7 Minutes in Heaven with My Chem. could it get any better?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-10-10 - Updated: 2010-10-10 - 314 words - Complete

I was sitting there in Jeanine's house, we were having a sleep over, when all of a sudden there was a knock at the door. Amanda looked at Jeanine and asked, "Who is that?"
Jeanine responded back, "I invited a few people over, don't worry, you know them."
"Oh, okay" Amanda answered back.
Robyn walked towards the door and opened it, and to my surprise five guys entered in the house.
"Hello" said one of them, he had long black hair that stopped at his shoulders, with pale skin. "My name is Gerard" he held out his hand for me to shake it, I tell him my name, and then Kate hopes all over him and introduces herself.
I soon learn the others names, James not leaving Bob or Mikey alone. I must say, I have never seen a group of men that were so attractive in my life. I have always thought attractive people formed some kind of secret clubs, I was wrong, they form bands.
"I know what we can play" Jeanine said with a smile across her face, Amanda must of already known what she was about to say, cause she got up to get a hat. "Lets play seven minutes in heaven, put something of your's in the hat here, if someone picks it, you go to the closet with them for seven minutes with the door closed, you can do anything in there." As the hat came to me, I put in my favorite bracelet in there. My mom had given it to me.
"Who wants to go first?" Jeanine asked

(How this story works: Go to the chapter select thing and chose the name of the character you want to go, repeat this until you want to end the story, once you want to end it go to the chapter title "the end", hope you have fun :D )
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