Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Angel Claw

The High End of Low

by MyFamousLastWords 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2010-10-14 - Updated: 2010-10-14 - 478 words

This is what it came down to. Sawib and I stood in a triangle painted on the ground, wearing nothing but shorts in the middle of a forest. Where we got married to be exact. Sky, Raviee, Gerard and Waqaar stood on one side, and the rest of the Llreary stood on the other side.
My hands were shaking uncontrollably, my eyes were wet from tears. This is how it’s got to be.
Sawib stood with his head down, and fist clenched by his side. In his other fist, he had a small knife. I had one identical in mine too. The man who had married us, made his way to the tip of the triangle, spoke something in the language of the Llreary, this time his cloak was dark red, to signify blood. Death.
According to Sawib, this ceremony has only happened three times in the whole history of the Llreary.

The atmosphere was tense, there was no wind and no sun. Grey clouds loomed over the sky with the occasional flash of lighting. The crowd dispersed as part of the ceremony. Sawib dropped his blade and ran to me. I stared at him with cold eyes.
“It cannot be undone now,” he whispered.
I nodded.
He reached up and cupped my face with his hands, looking into my eyes.
“I love you, Ray,” he said, then kissed me, more so passionate that ever.
He went back and lifted up his blade, we smashed them together, signalling the crowd to return.

It was finally time.

No one knew who was going to make the first move. All were waiting. Some were actually crying. All their cloaks were black.
I watched Sawib clench the knife, and came face to face me with. He took a few steps forward. Alright, this is it, he’s going to kill me now. But I didn’t want to die.

I ran forward, and screamed out. It all happened so fast that I could hardly comprehend it. The blade slashed into gut and deep, red, blood spurred out of mouth. It was then I had realised Sawib was going to walk away from it all. It all made sense.
“Ray, are you sure you want to do this?” Sawib squeaked, it was hours before the “divorce” ceremony.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” I nodded.
“Once the words are spoken from the on that tied us together, it can’t be undone,” he told me.
“Yes, okay,” I gulped.
“I suppose the only thing I can do is walk away from it all, everything, for you,” I heard him whisper, before disappearing up stairs.

I had killed Sawib, my husband. The only one who truly loved me, and until now, that I didn’t realise, the one who I truly loved too.


Thank you to everyone that stuck and read this. :)
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