Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Angel Claw

Shatter Me With Hope

by MyFamousLastWords 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Ray Toro - Published: 2010-09-09 - Updated: 2010-09-09 - 873 words

“My name is not Nibe!” I spat angrily, struggling against Sawib’s grip. “Just let me go, please, just let me go home,” I lower my head and whisper.
Sawib lightens his grip on me, but still not letting me go, he nudges my head with his, causing me to look up.
“Why do you want to go home, Nib-, Ray?” he asks in a gentle tone. I bore my eyes into his.
“Because this isn’t normal…for me, at least, this isn’t my life, this can’t be my life. The things you’ve done to me and my friends, it’s just not for me, please, why don’t you let me go?” I pick my words carefully.
“Why? Because I love you,” he says, rubbing his thumb gently in circles against my shoulder. I almost had to resist the urge to rest my head on his shoulder and wrap my arms around him. I stare at him, our eyes never leaving each other. If there’s one thing I’ve learned since being with Sawib, it’s that he doesn’t lie and surprisingly, he isn’t as scary as he seems. Slowly but surely, I’m beginning to feel safe around him and that’s what worries me.
“But how can you? You don’t know me Sawib, you don’t. You kidnapped me, tortured me, raped me and made my life a fucking misery!” My voice was getting higher and astoundingly Sawib’s grip on me was getting looser. “You’ve hurt my friends! Took me away from going back to my family, and apparently now I’m married?! Just what is this? You’re a sick, messed up fuck, and that’s all you’ll ever be,” I roared.

I was expecting to receive a blow to the head, or a kick to the stomach, but what I got was tears. Tears were now flowing down Sawib’s face, his body was beginning to shake and sobs were quietly erupting from his throat. I stood with my mouth agape.
“I-I…uh,” fuck, I curse myself mentally. I tenderly wrap my arms around his shaking torso and thread my hands through his dreads. I’ve seen mothers do this with their kids and it usually works. My anger was disappearing and being replaced with pity for the man crying in my arms. I suppose a sick, twisted part of me does care about him, love him. From the looks of it, it didn’t seem that Sawib was going to stop crying anytime soon, I softly pat his back and usher him up the stairs and into the bedroom. Man, I feel like a mother.
“Sit down,” I sigh and sit along with him. I pull the blankets away and tell him to get under, I snuggle in beside him and pull the blankets over our heads, covering us in darkness.
“Talk to me,” I say, wondering how the conversation got from one point to this.
“Where do I start?” Sawib croaks.
“From the beginning,” I watch him as he shakes his head and rubs his eyes, like a little child.
“It started when I first saw your friend, Gerard, I was just taking a walk, and usually I order the Llreary to stay away from campers, but Gerard, well he looked quite different than the rest, so I followed him back to the camp, for a day or two I kept watch, and that’s when I saw you. I just felt it, that I needed you and when I saw you leaving the cabin that night, I took my chance. I now realised I could have approached all of this in a different way…but it is tradition. Normally we don’t marry outside of the pack, but you were a extraordinary exception.
“At first, it was just lust, but I still decided to train you as a, shall we say contestant, many people were not please, that I, their High would marry outside of the pack? But I get what I want, no matter what, and you proved me right. You were worth it.” he said, looking at me wistfully.
“But didn’t you think what this would all do it me? Or Gerard or Waqaar? And that hurting me along with everything else?” I squirmed.
“I suppose not…I did realise when you tried to runaway from me, and when Sky and Raviee were beating your friends, I had never felt so heartbroken in my life, when you told me you hated me. I was very angry. I apologize. But, there is something you should know,” Sawib muttered.
“What‘s that?” I raised an eyebrow,
“It is long tradition that if a partner leaves another, if he or she doesn’t feel to belong to them anymore, then the other partner shall die, by his or her own hand, or be killed by said partner,” mumbled Sawib. And that was when things got much, much more complicated.

I'm back! And can you believe it? 'Cause I can't.
This story is probably going to end on Chapter 20 or so. No more than 23 anyway. It isn't the best comeback in my opinion!

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