Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When I Fall Can I Catch Myself

Little Bandit

by LittleMissFae 1 review

Rose is pregnant, what will everyone else think?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-10-14 - Updated: 2010-10-15 - 607 words - Complete

Gerard and I stood infront of the room. Donna and Donald, Mikey, Lilly, and my parents were all sitting before us, waiting for us to announce whatever it was we had to say.

I couldn't take the silence any longer and just spit it out, "We're pregnant!" Tears of joy were spread across the room. My mom and Donna both swarmed around me. Jumping up and down, crying, kissing, and hugging me. Mikey was congratulating Gee and Donald was standing awkwardly away from us. He looked like he was holding back tears.

"Do you have any names yet?" Donna asked. 

"Not really. We haven't gotten that far. We're both still realy shocked and can't get past the fact that we're going to be pregnant."

"You're going to be a wonderful mom, honey," My mom whispered through her tears. 

"Gerard, I'm not sure. I don't think Maria is ready to be anything major with a baby. I was thinking more on the lines of Hayley for the godmother. Is that okay?" I hoped it was. 

"Sounds like a plan. Godfather?" Gerard asked. 

"I picked the godmother you pick godfather."

"How about Mikey?"

A smile came onto my lips. Perfect. He would be so happy. "I think that sounds great."

Gerard and I were now 18 weeks pregnant, almost half way through the pregnancy. Instead of waiting another month to find out the sex of the baby we had made an appointment for a 4D sonogram. 

We had been in the waiting room for 20 minutes already and had started making plans for the baby. Finally we were called back. 

After they put the jelly on my stomach they put the doppler on it also. The doctor moved it around for about 3 minutes before snapping a picture. "Do you see that?" he asked. 

"See what?" Gerard mumbled, he was so active already in the baby's life. 

"Right here." He pointed at the picture on the screen. "Are you wanting a girl or boy?"

"We just want a healthy baby."

He looked at Gerard. "Is she going to be daddy's little girl?" 

Gerard and I smiled to each other. I have a daughter! We called our family and told them the news, they were all thrilled.

On the ride home Gerard and I were fighting over baby names. "Jordan?" I suggested. 

"No. How about Bandit?" At first ithought he was kidding, then noticed the serious look on his face. 

"Are you serious? You want our daughter to be related to a criminal?!?! That is so ridiculous."

"I was just telling you what names I liked," Gerard mumbled, embarresed. I suddenly get bad, stupid pregnancy hormones! 

"Bandit, Bandit, Bandit Way. Actually, nevermind. I like it." 

"Really?" Gerard seemed so hopeful. So far, this is the only name he liked AT ALL. 

"Maybe not as a first name but as a middle."

"So it's planned. Her middle name is Bandit."

"Yep, now we just have to discover a first name." I was blank for a second, then it hit me. "What about Elena Bandit Way?"

"As much as my grandma would love it not as her first name. I want her first name to be her. I'd love it as a middle name though."

"A bunch of people are giving their kids two middle names these days."

"I don't want two middle names." Gerard was so hard to satisfy

"Then two first names." I stopped, thinking about names that sounded nice with Elena. Then it came to me. "Eliza Elena. Ellie. Eliza Elena Bandit Way."

Our eyes met and I knew we had finally agreed on something. Our daughter wasn't Little Miss. Nameless anymore. 
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