Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Kingdom hearts III Masters of the Keyblades

The intruder

by Necrophiliac666 0 reviews

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-10-24 - Updated: 2010-10-24 - 1953 words

The Intruder
Kingdom Hearts belongs to square Enix and Disney, as do most things I use for this story. Plot and OCs belong to me.

Silently, a ship landed within the courtyard of the Disney castle, though only the pilot would have known, for there was a stealth Gummi block installed in the ship. This Gummi block created a shield that surrounded the ship, that shield made the ship not only invisible to the outside world, but silent too. Out of the ship jumped a dark haired man. He wasted no time as he sprinted to the castle, for this man was here on a mission, he was here to destroy the cornerstone of light.


'I really don't care,' Leon answered the old man sitting across the table from him, a glass of liquor in his hand.

'But we have to do something, otherwise...otherwise,' complained Strago.

Otherwise what? What exactly is it that you're afraid of?' Leon asked as he took a drink from his glass. A shuffling of a seat sounded shortly before footstep. Leon turned his head to see Shadow pass by and move to the window. Leon finished his drink before getting out of his seat and joining him.

'I take it you noticed it too,' Leon simply stated.

How could one not?' Shadow simply asked without diverting his gaze from the window.

'Most likely a stealth block. Whoever the pilot is, he must be incompetent. A ship with a stealth block emits a loud humming, that is why they are meant only for use in space, where sound does not travel.'

'Have the kids noticed, or must we awaken them?'

'I don't know, they're deeper in the castle, so the sound my not have traveled that far,' Leon answered, 'I'll wake Sam, I don't know if he'll be able to find the intruder with that meditation of his, but I might as well ask.'

'And of the others?'

It would be quicker if someone else were to wake them,' Leon answered.

'I assume you speak of me?'


With nothing more to say, Shadow silently accepted the task and left the room. It would be best that he simply abided the wishes of all of them. That would decrease the likelihood of Heartily...Shadow shook the thought from his head as he descended a flight of stairs. From his encounters with the boy back when he was with the Paramekians and Shadow worked for those men and women who controlled the Heartless, he knew Sam would resort to any means to achieve his goals. Surely this was no bluff. No matter how close he and Relm got, Shadow had no doubt that he would carry out his threat.

His thoughts had ended the moment he reached his destination. Shadow closed in on the door and reached for the handle. As he turned the handle and pushed on the door, it swung open. It was one of many guest bedrooms, and inside was a double-bed with two figures silently sleeping. Teenagers now-days must have changed. When he was their age, Clyde barley ever slept while sharing a bed with a girl, nor would he be dressed. Though that was a long time ago, back when Shadow went by the name Clyde.

He walked forward towards Sora and Kairi before outstretching his arms and shaking the two awake. Kairi slowly opened her eyes and rose into a sitting position. Sora released a disobedient groan which forced Shadow to shake him harder.

'Alright, alright, I'm up,' Sora stated as he sat up with a yawn.

'Get dressed, we have company,' Shadow stated as he walked out of the room.


Alistair Creedal poked his head out from the corner of the hallway; the gigantic doorway took up the majority of the wall. As he pulled his head back from plain view, he dug into his pocket and pulled out a golf tee shaped object.

'Okay, what did that old scientist say? Push the button at the top, put it in the ground and step back, right?' Alistair thought as he followed the instructions, showing great strength as he impaled the object into the ground with the needle-like tip at the bottom. As the head-hunter stepped back, the top of the device exploded in a very small and quiet blast. After which, many gray shadow-like figures flew out of the now exposed top. Though they were tiny to start with, they quickly grew in size before flying off in all directions. Alistair returned his attention back to the enormous door, 'hopefully that'll distract everyone long enough for me to finish my job and be on my way,' Said Alistair as he made for the door in a run.


'Alright, ready!' Sora announced as he and Kairi stepped out of the room.

'Go wake the other one,' instructed Shadow as he looked at Kairi. She abided his request and went down the hall in a jog. Shadow then turned to Sora, 'We're finding the intruder,'

'Alright, so where do we start?' Sora asked. Shadow did not reply, for he was now looking down the hall.

'Get ready,' Shadow instructed as he drew Striker and Man-eater. After that, he let out a sharp whistle. There was a loud bark as Interceptor ran up the stairs and stood by Shadow just in time to witness many Gray figures fly their way from the hall and take shape as Mechanical looking Heartless.

'How did they get in the castle?' Sora asked as he called his weapon forward.

'They're machines, not Heartless,' Shadow stated, 'They weren't replied because they are not creatures of darkness.'

'Heartless or machine, they're going down either way!' Sora announced.

'Wait for us!' called a voice that could belong only to Donald. Sora turned around and a grin came to his face as Donald and Goofy rushed to his side.

'Glad you could make it,' said Sora.

'What are they doing in the castle?!' Donald asked.

'I don't know, but let's kick them out already!' Sora replied.

Sora jumped forward and quickly brought Heroes crest down upon one of the mechanical Heartless (The Mecheart-1.0) and destroyed it with such ease, that it looked as if a child could do it. A Mecheart jumped forward and slashed at Sora with its metal claws, however he rolled out of the way and the Mecheart went straight past the Keybearer. Sora quickly spun around and slashed the Mecheart, vanquishing it instantly. Another Mecheart ran towards Sora, but he just shot a thunderbolt forward and destroyed it.

Donald outstretched his staff and fired a thunderbolt forward and destroyed several Mecheart in a single strike. One of the mechanical Heartless lunged forward but Donald fired an icicle towards it, impaling it before it dematerialized. As several of the Mecheart surrounded him, Donald created a ring of fire around him and destroyed them all. One of the Mecheart made for the stairway, but Donald disposed of it with a ball of fire. There was a horrific screech as one of the Mecheart fired several blue laser-like projectiles towards Donald, all of which hit dead-on target. Donald let out a loud 'Wak' before he fired a thunderbolt and defeated half of them.

Goofy lunged himself forward, smashing down any Mecheart that were in his way in the process. After which, he was facing away from the majority of his enemy, so his next course of action was to spin around. Now facing the enemy, Goofy threw his shield, which struck several of his foes before returning to him like a boomerang. One of the Mecheart jumped at Goofy but he blocked its body with his shield, this made the Mecheart fall to the ground, it then quickly scurried away before it could be vanquished. One of the other Mecheart jumped at Goofy but he slammed his shield into the mechanical heartless, destroying it in mid-air.

Shadow and Interceptor both jumped forward and took out a Mecheart each. One of the Mecheart jumped at Interceptor, but the dog caught it in his mouth, before showing a great deal of strength by crushing its metallic body in his mouth with what looked like ease. 'Interceptor!' Shadow called. Interceptor responded by head-butting one of the Mecheart into the wall, Shadow then threw both of his weapons into the air and pulled out a shuriken and threw it at the mechanical Heartless. After it was destroyed, he pulled out six Kunai, one between each finger, and threw them at the remaining Heartless. As the weapons hit, the Mecheart were instantly destroyed. As Shadow's weapons fell back down, the ninja caught them before quickly sheathing them in what seemed like a fraction of a second.

'How many do you think got into the castle?' Asked Sora as he dismissed Heroes crest.

'Maybe if we find their leader, we can stop them all at once,' Goofy suggested.

'That'll probably work, but where is the leader?' Sora asked.

'Is it not obvious?' asked the familiar voice from behind, a voice which could belong only to Sam Heartily (Whose bandages and crust where removed the previous night, I forgot to mention). Sora turned to face him.

'Do you know where they'd be?' Sora asked.

'Think about it. If only one is sent, then why is that? Because their other forces can not get through, perhaps. Under those circumstances, where would they strike?'

Shock suddenly hit Sora, 'you're talking about the Cornerstone of light?!'

'Yes,' replied Sam, 'they would most likely be striking the Cornerstone.'

'Then we have to stop them!' Sora stated, 'come on!'

'Wait for us!' Sora turned to the voice and Riku as well as Kairi rushed to his side. They had no time to waste; they quickly rushed to the throne room.

'Where are the others?' Sora asked as he and his comrades rushed through the courtyard and into the next section of the castle. Together the group made short work of any Mecheart that attacked them.

'Protecting the queen, and holding most of the Heartless back,' replied Riku as they rushed up a flight of stairs.

'Look!' Donald exclaimed as he pointed at the throne room's door which was slightly open.

'Are we too lat?' asked Kairi.

'No way!' Sora replied as he ran for the room, his comrades behind him.

As soon as Sora entered the room, a Mecheart jumped at him, however a kunai quickly flew past Sora's head, just missing his ear by a few millimeters, and penetrated its body, vanquishing it.

'You almost hit him!' Kairi complained.

'It was close to his head, yes, but not close to striking him,' Shadow answered. The Mecheart soon surrounded the group.

'Get to the Cornerstone! I'll hold them off,' said Riku as he summoned way to the dawn.

'Okay, be carful,' Sora replied as he, Donald, Goofy and Shadow made for the Cornerstone chamber.

'What are you two still doing here?' Riku asked Kairi and Sam.

'There's too many, you'll need help,' Kairi replied.

'What about you?' Riku asked Sam.

'It would be best that these creatures be disposed of quickly. We wouldn't want our enemy to call them back and overwhelm our comrades. This is too important to leave to the hands of only you,' Sam answered.

'What are you saying?'

'Nothing at all, now let us disposes of these maggots.'
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