Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > It's Not That Complicated


by AlexisSCREAM 1 review


Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-10-26 - Updated: 2010-10-26 - 659 words

yay! update again! WOOOTT!!

-2 Months Later-

Cat’s POV

It was pissing me off. My son would cry 24/7 and my best friend spent too much time with her hot fucking boyfriend to pay any attention. Also, Toni was too busy trying to do a ‘Shadow’ and get herself kicked out of school. Ryan and Brendon had started working to support us and the others; well they just got drunk all the time. I couldn’t look after a child.
“Shade?” I called out when someone walked in the apartment. She’d finally got her own set of keys. Well, only after she was grounded.
“Yeah” she called back, walking into the room.
“Help?” I asked.
“Okay, sure” she giggled. It was just like it was at first. Shadow lifted Lauri into her arms and snuggled him. She was very protective of my son. She was like a second mother.
“Are you doing anything tomorrow?” I asked her.
“No, I don’t think so… Whys?” She asked. She always said ‘whys’ when she was happy so I smiled.
“I want us three to go out somewhere. A park or something. You can play on the swings and all that. It gives Lauri something interesting to think about” I smiled. Shadow started out laughing. “Shade, I wasn’t trying to flirt, you fucking bitch!” I giggled.
“I know. I mean, this is just like old fuckin’ times!” Shadow laughed, placing Lauri in his crib and leaving the room. She came back with two cans f Red Bull. She tossed me a can, a smile sketched across her face. I’d almost forgotten about life before Lauri.
“Shade, I’ve missed spending time being weird with you” I sighed, opening my can. Shadow had already opened hers and probably had swallowed half of it… Typical Shadow.
“Same… Y’know what… ask Bden to take the day off work… tell him to call in sick and let him look after Lauri. That was, you and I can go out and be even weirder!” Shadow smiled, her eyes lighting up. I hadn’t realized how much spending time as best friends meant to her. It made me realize why she had been reluctant to spend time with Lauri and I. Because she had to be mature.
“Okay!” I smiled, causing Lauri to cry.
“Fuckin’ typical!” Shadow muttered as I rolled my eyes. I’m pretty sure she did the same, but the room was pretty dark. Shadow drank the rest of her Red Bull and threw the can across the room before gently lifting Lauri out of the crib and holding him in her arms. She perched herself on the edge of my bed and began singing a song that we’d written together a few years before. It was one of the songs we had played as the last ever S.C.A.T. concert, the night Alex was arrested. We couldn’t really play without a bassist, though. All of our friend's bands had been doing really well, Green Day and My Chemical Romance ahd been signed and Pete had set up his own label and obviously signed his own band. He was planning on signing the other bands, Shade and I knew this, but the others didn't. And that was when I remembered something Shadow had told me before.
“Shade, you told me Daeo can play bass, right?” I asked, knowing he had been released from his hell hole of a hospital room.
“Yeah… Why?” She asked. Half a second later a look of realization quilted her face. She smiled widely and nodded eagerly as she placed the now sleeping Lauri back into his crib. Since we shared a room, she climbed into her bed and I climbed into mine. I could tell how happy she was bout S.C.A.T. and I was glad to see her genuinely happy about something instead of faking a smile.
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