Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My baby romance

craving fries

by emo-girl 0 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-10-28 - Updated: 2010-10-28 - 402 words

I ran to the bathroom knocking Ray out the way and then puking my guts up in the toilet, God morning sickness is killing me, and everything will get worse, God it’s going to kill me.
I went into the kitchen.
“You okay Gee?” Mikey asked.
I nodded and sat down next to Frank.
“I’m dying for fries,” I groaned and I put my head on the table.
“Do you want me to go get some?” Bob asked.
I looked up at him, he looked so beautiful but tiered, I nodded slowly.
He half smiled and got up pulling his leather jacket on and going out of the tour bus.
“Ray-Ray?” I asked.
“Yeah?” he asked looking up from his laptop.
“Sorry for pushing you, morning sickness isn’t nice and I’m sure you wouldn’t want me puking up on the floor,” I said.
“It’s okay Gee,” he said smiling.
“Anyone want coffee?” Mikey asked.
“Me!” I yelled.
“No Gerard, it’s bad for the baby,” Mikey said.
“When did you become miss I-know-it-all-about-babies? Anyway I’m not surviving nine fucking months without coffee,” I said.
“You’ll have to get use to it, and no smoking, or eggs,” he said.
“I’m okay without eggs but I’ll die without coffee and cigarettes,” I said.
“Well you shouldn’t have got pregnant,” Frank said. I looked at him, did he just say that? Suddenly I busted out crying.
“Frank you idiot!” Mikey yelled.
“What?” Frank asked.
“It’s Gee choice to have this baby!” Mikey yelled.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” Frank yelled.
“Whoa what’s with the shouting?” Bob asked as he came threw the door.
“Frank’s big gob,” Mikey said.
“Here you go Gerard,” he said as he handed me a large bag with two large packets of fries.
“Thank you! God I could marry you!” I beamed as I started eating, Bob eyes widened.
“Joke,” I said.
He nodded and sat next to Ray.
I carried on eating my fries when suddenly Frank reached over and took one and stuffed it into his mouth.
“That was mine!” I yelled.
“You want it back? Too late now,” he said.
“Motherfucker,” I mumbled.
“Heard that, and only because you love me,” Frank said kissing my cheek and going to the bunks.
“No Frank, you wish I did,” I said.
“Whatever,” he said.
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