Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The High School Nightmare

party at the way's house

by emo-girl 2 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-10-28 - Updated: 2010-10-28 - 618 words

I dressed up in my tight black skinny jeans, my tight anthrax t-shirt, my red converses, my red and black checkered hoodie, I put on some black dark make-up, I put my lip ring and nose ring in. I put my ipod, my phone, my keys in my pocket and rand downstairs.
“Hello Sweetie,” mom said.
“Hey mom, going over to Mikey’s is that okay?” I asked.
“Boyfriend?” she asked.
“No mom, he’s gay, he’s got a boyfriend, we’re just hanging out,” I said.
“Okay sweetie,” she said, she kissed my cheek and I ran out of the house. I saw Johnny standing there waiting for me.
“Hello Lucy, you look great,” he said kissing me softly. I moaned in our kiss.
“Don’t do that you’ll make me have a situation,” he said.
I giggled.
We went hand in hand to Mikey’s.
Mikey opened up the door holding a beer.
“Hey Dudes, come in!” Mikey yelled, we walked in. Mikey gave us a beer.
“So what’s the plan?” I asked.
“To get drunk as possible!” Frank shouted.
“Loving the plan,” I said as I took a large gulp of my beer, I guess I never drank like a girl, I drank more like a boy, well that’s what my mom says.
“Okay, put the film on,” Mikey said.
“What film?” I asked.
“Grudge,” Mikey said.
I looked at Johnny.
“If you get scared you can hide your face,” he said.
“Shut up I’m not scared,” I said.
“Okay lights off,” Mikey said. It was dark, but I could still see where I was going.
“I’m going to the toilet first,” I said.
“Do you want us to wait?” Mikey asked.
“No, I’m okay,” I said.
I got up and went upstairs. I went into the bathroom, there was Gerard, in the bath, naked.
“Umm… hi,” he said.
“Hi,” I said. He looked so beautiful, his hairless but muscular pale chest, his strong muscular arms as I felt a throbbing feeling in my womanhood.
“I’ll go,” I said.
“No,” he said, he stood up and quickly wrapped the towel around his waist.
He got out and stood close to me. I melt into him, I ran my fingers along his chest and kissed his chest gently.
He lifted my chin and kissed my lips softly.
“Lucy… I want you,” he said in my ear as he sucked the lobed softly.
“Please Gee… everyone is downstairs, Mikey, Frank, Johnny everyone,” I said, it came out like a kind of moan.
He started kissing and biting my neck.
“Gerard, how do I know you mean it, what happens if suddenly I get pregnant by you? What then? Would you leave me? What happens when I leave this school, would you get bored of me and move on to someone else?” I asked.
“No, Lucy, I love you, I don’t want you as a quick fuck I want you, I didn’t mean to get her pregnant, we were both lonely, we just did it, if you ever got pregnant I would stick by you, I would love and care for you and the baby,” he said.
I turned away.
“I going downstairs,” I said.
“Don’t,” he said.
“Make me stay then,” I said. He pulled me into a heated kiss, he lifted me up and sent me on the counter, he stood in between my legs. I moaned in our kiss.
“Will you stay now?” he asked.
“No,” I answered.
“What would make you stay?” he asked.
“This,” I said, I kissed him again, but much more harder and heated.
“Lucy? You in there?” Ray asked.
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