Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The High School Nightmare

there is something you need to know...

by emo-girl 1 review

read and find out

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-10-22 - Updated: 2010-10-22 - 552 words

I was in the corridors with the guys, Johnny had his arm around my waist.
“So you two together, we were so right,” Jenny said.
I looked at Johnny, and smiled. I did feel something for him but not as strong as I did for Gerard. But Gerard is probably going to end up being a great dad and husband, so why can’t I have happiness? Johnny seem the prefect guy, he always cares, he doesn’t want to hurt me.
“It’s like the love group,” Frank said. We laughed.
“Yeah come on Ray and Bob get moving with the girls, I’ve seen snails go quicker,” Mikey said.
“Well me and Jenny are dating thank you,” Ray said blushing.
“Aww…” I said.
“Kitty has Bobby asked you out yet?” I asked.
She nodded and blushed, so did Bob.
“Aww…” I said.
“Stop with the aww’s please,” Ray said.
“Never!” I said.
“Come on Babe, it’s art,” Johnny said.
“Yeah, come on Kitty,” I said.
We all went our separate ways, Kitty came along with me and Johnny.

I dreaded going into the art classroom, but I did, with Johnny still holding me. Gerard looked shocked at me, Johnny kissed my cheek and we went to our places.
“Right… get on with your self portraits,” Gerard said.
We all started, I added more shading and more detail to my nose and eyes.
I felt a warm breath on my neck.
“Meet me, after lesson,” he whispered in my ear.
I nodded, he walked away.
“What did he want?” Kitty asked.
“He was saying add more detail to my eyes,” I lied.

The bell rang, Johnny waited for me but I told him I’d catch up with him later. I kissed him in front of Gerard and Johnny left.
“What the hell Lucy?” he asked.
“What Mr. Way?” I asked.
“Don’t go all student shit on me, what with you and Johnny?” he asked.
“Well, we’re going out,” I said.
“What about us?” he asked.
“What about us? Well what about that girl that turns up pregnant with your child?” I asked.
“She… I’m going to support her and the baby and that’s it, we aren’t going out or anything,” he said.
“Gerard, it still broke my heart,” I said.
He looked me in the eyes, I wanted him to be mine, to be my love, but I was just hurt.
“I’m sorry Lucy, that’s all I can say, I love you so much, but I can see that you don’t want me anymore I’ll just leave you to it,” he said.
I stroked his cheek.
“I do want you,” I said.
“But what about Johnny?” he asked.
“That’s the problem thought, I have something to tell you,” I said.
“What?” he asked.
“I slept with him,” I answered looking away.
“When?” he asked.
“When I left you with her, I was upset and angry,” I said.
“Well ad least we’re open about it now,” he said.
“Your not angry?” I asked.
“No, well a little but I could never be angry with you for too long,” he said.
I nodded.
“Bye Mr. Way,” I said.
“Bye Lucy, love you,” he said.
“Love you too,” I said.
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