Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > friends aren't suppose to fall in love

what's wrong with me?

by emo-girl 0 reviews

Gerard's getting more confused... comment please!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-10-29 - Updated: 2010-10-29 - 410 words

School again, the word school just dragged my spirits down more, I just about made it out of bed but I soon drank my early morning coffee and I felt better.
I made it out of the door to see Frank leaning against the fence smoking a cigarette.
“Hey Frankie boy,” Mikey said. Frank looked up and smiled the tiny little curls at the end of his smile that formed, the small dimples that appeared they weren’t really noticeable.
His eyes gleamed so much and his Mohican (sorry if not spelt right) hair that was dyed red on one side and black on the other, the longer side. Shit why was I doing this?
“Hey Mikey, Gerard,” he said flicking his cigarette.
“Come on then let’s go to hell,” Mikey said as he walked in front of us. Frank pushed his one hand deep into his pocket and the other held the cigarette that slowly burnt away.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“Nothing, why?” Frank asked.
“You’re not your usual self, you know the hyped up mad thing,” I said.
“I don’t know, maybe if I have some skittles…” he said smirking.
He took a drag from his cigarette.
“Come on or I’ll tickle you,” I said.
“Fine,” he said. He tossed his cigarette away and then jumped on Mikey making him struggle as he tried to keep balance.
“What the fuck Frank!” Mikey yelled.
“Gerard said he thought I wasn’t acting normal so I had to do something,” Frank said as he got off Mikey.
“Well do it to Gerard not me,” Mikey said trying to sort himself out, I was in stitches of laugher.
“Shut up Gerard,” Mikey said. Frank started laughing too.
“Fine then be little twats that you are,” Mikey said as he carried on walking faster, trying to get as far away from us as possible.
“Aww Mikes in a mood,” Frank said.
“And your back to yourself,” I said.
“I was always myself sweet cheeks, I’ve just had a few things to think about,” he said.
I nodded and carried on walking with Frank.

“Move it fags,” said a jock pushing his way threw with his bimbo cheerleader girlfriend.
Really why can’t they just leave us?
“Frank you okay?” I asked.
He looked up and nodded.
He looked so innocent and child like. What the hell? Shut up brain!
God what is going on with me?
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