Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > These Wings Of Ashes

Show Me Your Teeth

by breestar 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-11-02 - Updated: 2010-11-02 - 618 words

Thank you shortygirl and mychemgirl33, glad to know you like my story. Thanks for the awesome reviews guys. Keep 'em coming!
Is this chapter okay? Let me know. I might re-write it.

Show Me Your Teeth

"Do you know how embarrasing it is for a royal to ask for a DNA test?" Gerard sighed.
"I hate you.." I cried.
"Oh, how I wish I could hate you.." He wiped the tears from my face.
"Just leave me and Frank alone.. Please, I love him. Not you."
Gerard slammed his fists on the back of the chair, picking it up and shooting it across the room where it hit a wall and broke into pieces.
"You will learn to love me!" He tried to gain control of his exposure as he walked out of the room, and I could see Frank trying to enter, but Gerard had grabbed him by the throat. Frank struggled, but knew if he didn't listen to Gerard, and try to attack him, the whole town would go after him. They would kill him for disrespect to a royal.
Frank entered the room, neck bleeding. He had dug his nails into his neck.. I was going to kill Gerard. But how does a human kill a vampire?
"Frank.." I tried to touch his wounds, he pushed my hand away.
"I will heal fast." I could see the wounds slowly closing.
"Frank, I need a favor.."
"Anything for you my love.. What do you want?"
"Change me.. Into a vampire. Like you.."
Frank looked shocked, then puzzled. "No."
"Look Frank, I need to be changed.. I want to kill Gerard."
"Don't worry about him, I will find a way." He held my hand..
"No, Frank! I need to be changed, I don't want to keep living like this! I don't want to be pregnent, or hurt.. I just want to spend the rest of eternity with you.."
"If I changed you, you will still be pregnent, and your wounds will heal.. But Leigh, if you stay human, you have a chance of going back to your old life.."
"I don't want that anymore, I just want you.."
"Are you sure you want this?"
I nodded my head.."Will it hurt?"
"Leigh, I don't think.. You got so scared when you thought I was in your dream!"
"I wasn't ready then, I am now... Please answer my question."
"Yes," He sighed. "It will hurt, but only for a few seconds.. I need your neck."
I slid closer to him, moving my hair aside. He glanced down, smelling my neck. Hurry... I just want this over with. He let his fangs slide down it, leaving small cuts.. Then he dug his fangs in. It felt very intimate, but also very scary.
I'm not sure if I screamed from the pain, or cried.. I opened my eyes and everything was fuzzy, and loud.. Fangs were digging into my bottom lips.
I looked down and saw Frank changing me out of my hospital gown and into jeans and my t-shirt.
"Your eyes are so red.." He gave moved up to give me a quick kiss.
A doctor was walking in, holding some charts. He was looking at them while he said "Gerard, this isn't your child. The DNA samples don't match.. He looked up for a reaction. His eyes wide in shock as he seems me with Frankie, and my red eyes. Frank ran over and kicked him down, ripping twisting and ripping his head off his neck. I smelled the blood, and it smelled so good..
"We need to hurry, before anyone tells Gerard." Frank grabbed my hand. We took off down the hall and into Seth's old car.
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