Categories > Original > Romance > Love and Death

My Name

by jadesohma 0 reviews


Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2010-11-03 - Updated: 2010-11-04 - 799 words

Sadly, I had to go into work today and I left Rachel in the hands of my mama. I have no doubt that mama will take excellent care of her, it's still unnerving to have a Jew in your home when they will be kill and so will you. I know very well of the law. I work for it. I think that is beter for me. They wont come looking in my house.

"Rance? Whats up with you today? You seem off?" Lucky tld me. Today we were in the office doing paper work. That time again.

"Oh, I just have alot on my mind. That's all" I nod to him to reassure him.

"Ah, girl trouble ey?" He pats me on the back and shakes his head twords me.

"No. Not really." I say lightly. Which is not all a lie. I'm not having trouble with Rachel.

"Oh dear god, don't tell me. Guy trouble?!" He sounded so sure and scared.

"NO!" I smack him upside the head. How dare he?! "Far from it my friend!" What the hell is wrong with him?!

"I'm just making sure. You never know anymore. Everyone turns out to be a traitor theses days. I hope it's no one I know." Too late for that. At this, I ask my self What if he knew about Rachel? Would he turn me in? Will he help me? Should I even take the chance?

"Yes, that would suck. What would you do? Like if someone you knew close and dear were hiding a Jew. What would you do?" I ask him as if I were going to turn someone in.

"I'd kill them and the Jew on the spot." He says. "Even if they were close I mean, who would do that anyway? All my family hates the Jews. And you do too. You despise them." What? "Don't act so shocked that I know of your pure hatered. I heard you scream at that one for droping the plate. I heard the whole thing." If that's true than why didn't you hear me not kill her? Or let her go free?

"Yeah, they are usless." I feel like i've been socked in the gut. Right after I said it the punch of guilt hit him and knocked me to a winded state. I felt sick. I if I my self would puke by the thought of calling them usless or scum again.

"I know! They can't even clean dishes right! And a shrimp of a boy asked me for food. Ya wanna know what I said?!"


"Sure, why the hell not?" I cooly said.

"'You shit face. You don't disurve food!' I loved it! Right on the spot too! Proud of me?" Lets give alittle more infomation on Lucky. He too is blonde hair and blue eyes. He is not the smartest person in Germany. He's not scrawny and weak like I. He is buff and not nice to people he doesn't know or hates. He's the sweetest man to his girlfriend. His family is wide and vast. His father is still alive and has many siblings of his own. So in short, Lucky is complete opposite of me.

"Yeah, great." I mumble. I'm into paperwork for once so automatically some thing is wrong with me.

"What's wrong? Jannie not being nice to you again?" He thinks this is helping.

"I haven't spoken to Jannie in 13 years." I say to him.

"Is it some new girl friend?" He asks be once again.

"For the last time, I haven't had a girl friend since Jannie. You know this. And will you get off my back? I know I'm a failure at life. Just let me work in peace if all your gonna do is torment me!" I snap at him. 11 years this has been going on and now, I'm thoroughly annoyed and sick of it.

"Yeah, sure whatever, man." His palms pushed the air as he steped back.

I finished my work early and headed home. Lucky had asked if I wanted him to come with. I responded with a cold "No". He stoped in his place when I told him. He didn't seem to happy with me. My feels are the same twords him. How would you feel if your best friend said he'd shoot you on the spot?

"Mama! How did today go?" I yelled in the house. All I got in a welcome was only "Shhhhhhh!"sounding from the guest bed room. I go in and see Mama in my chair next to Rachel.

"How was she?" I wispers kneeling between the chair and cot.

"Good. Perect angel. Well, that is, until the night mares came. She started to scream and cry. She even called out your name once."
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