Categories > Original > Romance > Love and Death

How Could A Child.....

by jadesohma 0 reviews


Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2010-11-02 - Updated: 2010-11-02 - 520 words

"Rance?" She whispers. Her eyes are opening. She looks like she has been crying. And he skin had gotten the slightest bit of color back in it.

"Yes. Rachel, I'm here." I take her hand.

"Did I scream again?"

"Yes." I pause. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I was back in te camp. Hunger took over me. I started to see everyones deaths again. M-Mother went to the gas chamber. Father was sent to a work camp were he was shot when he didn't work. Jamie was burned. Mark and J.J. were choked. Amy, god Amy, was raped and killed. And Linie was only a little girl! Why?! She was beaten until she died." She crys. Her lip was shaking along with her arms. "Don't let that happen to me. Please. I don't want to die know that I've seen it so close. Please. Don't" Her eyes were pleeding.

"Never. I wont let you." I tell her "You'll be safe now and forever." I wisper to her, scared too loud would shock her.

"Rance! Come here please!" Mama called.

"I will be back" I told Rachel. She noded.

I leave her to see what Mama needed. Mama was standing at the stove. She was all dressed and cooking.

"Yes Mama?" I ask her in the door way to the kitchen.

"I wanted to know if you wanted any pancakes? And would you like me to help with Rachel? I can nurse her back to helth. She needs to and I don't think you have the time or patience to do it.I will be willing to. I am retired so I can. I will help. Promise." She told me. She looked up at me. Shes such a sweet woman.

"Mama, thank you. I don't know how I could repay you." I hug her.

"You don't need to thank me. She seems sweet. I will help anyone whos sick." She tells me.

"Shes only sweet to you because she doesn't hate you. She hates me. I don't know why. She just does."

Mama gives me a look. She puts her hand on my cheek. "She doesn't hate you my dear. Far from it."

"What? What are you talking about." I'm very confused.

"All you boys are stupid." She says bluntly.

Huh? What is she talking about? I don't get it... Maybe this is why. I don't get it so i'm stupid? Whatever.

"Go back to her. You said you'd be back." I turn and go back.

I sat back in my chair and watch her sleep again. I watchand studie her face. The wig is still on her. She looks like she had when I first saw her. I my not have grown up "well", but she did. Even with skin white as winters snow, shes beautiful. I can't help it. I have been tought to hate Jews. I have been told that all the Jews were the reasons for our troubles. But, how could that be? Rachels sister. She was a little girl. How could she do any thing to hurt another let alone a whole country?
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