Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Walking Contradictions (Gee/OFC)

"You're Obsessed With the Smell of Sex"

by Axelroxsox

Mikey is Traumatized for life, and Ray doesn't listen to Frank... [Teeny bit o' shmex in this, not too much, and the rating may be a little OTT but still...]

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2010-11-06 - Updated: 2010-11-07 - 1848 words

A few days later the tour bus rolled into the city of Chicago; it was largely impressive, and Amelia gazed out of a window as she took in the scenery. Despite the fact her brother had, she had never had the pleasure of visiting this city and was captivated by it.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t stop for food in this city, only to re-fuel, which in itself received plenty of attention. This meant Amelia had to wait until they parked up at the venue to see Gerard. He was treating her better than she could have dreamed, and certainly better than any of her previous boyfriends. When they were together he would shower her with love and affection, often complimenting her out of the blue. And when they were apart he would call her, and they would talk for a few minutes, or sometimes even hours, there was never a dull moment or conversation.

She had also grown closer to the rest of his band mates, significantly so to Mikey and Frank, for Bob was quite reserved, and Ray spent much of his time on some sort of games console, or in his room with his beloved guitar. Frank was genuinely one of the funniest guys Amelia had ever met, and he was always so cheerful and knew how to make everyone else happy. And, as cheesy as this may sound, Amelia loved Mikey as though he were her brother, for they always made a point to speak to each other, and he was so nice and sweet, she always had time for him.

Milo, Zac and Sam also got to know the rest of the band, and situations that put them all in the same room together became less and less awkward until there wasn’t any tension at all.
Things were going well, better than well, they were going amazing, but Amelia had a niggling suspicion that something was going to go wrong, as it always did when she had a period of happiness. She often shrugged it off however, never letting her it damper her spirits.
Sometime later they arrived at the venue they were to play in, and for the band members this would be the first time they exited the buses since they departed from last night’s destination. Amelia stepped off the bus, stretching and yawning before gazing around quickly to find Gee.

“Afternoon, sugar,” came his unmistakable voice from beside her. She turned around with a grin and flung her arms around him, burying her face into his clothes, smiling all the while. “Missed me then?” he laughed the rhetorical question.

She looked up at him, and they brought their lips together in a moment of passion, not even halted when Milo walked off the bus, and with a sigh teased “Get a fucking room.”

Moments later they followed everyone else into the venue, hands intertwined.

The whole concert that night went amazingly, and Amelia was considerably less nervous, when she went on. The weed had only been smoked the first two nights, and now she went on completely sober, free of any ailments, and she had to admit, it did feel good.

It was that night that the two bands decided to join together for a friendly game of kickball in the parking lot. Amelia however, for many reasons, one being that she was the only girl decided to sit out, favouring the humour in watching to humiliating herself by playing. She had always been, and would always remain terrible at any kind of sport, except Horse riding which she enjoyed up until the age of sixteen.

And so she sat against a wall, with a notepad and pencil trying to jot down any lyric ideas that popped into her head. Unfortunately, recently she seemed to have no muse, and could never get anything onto paper, she hated it. And so she decided to watch the game unfold, Milo was clumsy, and often got his long legs in some kind of tangle usually resulting in him, and at least one other person tumbling to the ground.

After about ten minutes, Gerard made his way over to her, and upon noticing from relatively far away that she was huddled up and shivering slightly laid his hoodie over her with a smile. “You looked cold,” he whispered gently as he bent down to plant quick kiss on her lips.

“Thank you,” she said with a sweet smile.

“Wanna head back to the bus, we don’t get much time to ourselves,” he suggested, with hints of a smirk twitching at the edges of his lips.

“I’d like that,” she stated with a smile, slipping into his hoodie, and zipping it up, before taking the hand he extended, pulling herself up and beginning to walk off with him.
She pulled out a cigarette, and offered him one, which he graciously accepted. They smoked as they walked, hands intertwined in a comfortable silence.

They quickly stepped onto the bus, Amelia sighed with relief as she felt the warm air engulf her body. She unzipped his hoodie, and handed it to him.

“Thanks, smelly” she teased with a playful grin.

“Oh, I’m the smelly one?” he said with a grin as he walked toward her, causing her to back up.

“Well, I sure as hell ain’t,” she stated as her back met the cold surface of the thin wall that led to the bunks.

He chuckled almost darkly as he placed one hand either side of her face, pinning her to the wall, allowing her almost no means of escape. She just smiled up at him, luring him towards her, and as she saw his eyes flutter shut, she quickly ducked under his arm. “You’re sneaky,” he stated, his arms still on the wall as he looked around at her, attempting to glare, but his smile causing him to fail.

“No, you’re just stupid” she mocked.

“Gee, thanks,” he stated, mocking hurt.

“No, you’re Gee; stupid,” she said, her tone taking on a more childish element now. He laughed at her, before walking over, and wrapping his arms round her body.

“Now where were we?” he whispered, his voice low as he leaned in, she met him half way, pulling his head down, intensifying the already heated moment.

Moments later she felt his rough hand travel under her shirt and up her back, and moments after that her shirt was pulled off and discarded. They kissed again, and she smiled into it, grabbing his hair, and pulling his head back as she began to move her feather-light kisses down and along his jawline. She stopped at his neck for a few seconds, hearing him suck in his breath sharply she was satisfied and let go, admiring the mark that was already forming.

“You’re mine now, bitch,” she whispered with a grin, returning to her kisses, moving back up this time.

“I was anyway,” he replied, as she placed a kiss over half his mouth. “But, why don’t we make it…” he didn’t finish his sentence, as she pushed his lips to hers, swallowing his words, he proceeded to push her back against the wall. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he supported her against the wall, holding her up with his body.

“Not, being funny, but I do not want to do this pinned against a cold wall to be honest,” she stated a few minutes later, as she dropped his top onto the floor beside them. Gerard pondered for a moment, the bunks; someone would seriously damage their head if this proceeded to unfold there, for it was a tiny space. So his gaze wandered across to the sofa, and that’s where he took, well carried her, before dropping her down and climbing over her. “And, if someone walks in?” she squirmed slightly, underneath him.

“And if they don’t?” he looked up at her with a smirk.

Sometime later, everyone was making their way back to the buses, Frank was pretty hyper, but everyone else was exhausted, kickball took everything out of them, so they all returned to their own buses.

Mikey swung the door open, only to make; what can only be described as: the oddest noise in history, it was a mixture between shock, disgust and outright fear. Frank, curious as to what had caused this new sound, sprung onto Mikey’s back, gazing over his shoulder at what appeared to be his best friend, naked on top of a girl he had come to recently befriend. He let out, the most feminine, dorky, cute laugh anyone has ever produced, which in turn caused a very embarrassed Amelia to let out a snort of laughter.

“Gerard, no!?” Mikey cried as he turned around, and slammed the door, Frank still clinging onto his back.

“That’s the funniest thing, I’ve seen in a while,” Frank said as he slid down, and sparked up a cigarette.

“You concern me a great deal Frank Iero,” Mikey said, his face the picture of traumatization.

“What’s going on you guys?” Ray said as he walked up the steps and put his hand on the door handle.

“RAY NO!?” Frank said reaching out his hand, and pretending to run in slow motion. Too late.

“FUCK NO.” Ray cried, slamming the door shut as soon as he opened it.

“No-one ever listens to me,” Frank stated, exhaling some dirty smoke. “The bus is gonna smell like sex now,” he added.

“I will never look at my brother or Amelia for that matter in the same way,” Mikey stated, looking un-amused.

“Sorry about that,” Came Gerard’s voice as he opened the door, clad in his jeans. Amelia was now fully dressed, as she poked her head over Gerard’s shoulder, and smiled apologetically.

“I did warn him,” she stated bluntly, as she lit up a smoke.

“Make sure the bus smells like a bus inhabited by five men, not like sex please,” Frank commanded.

“You’re obsessed with the smell of sex,” Bob stated, bluntly.

“How long have you been here?” Mikey questioned.

“I arrived shortly after Frank,” he stated, no-one could see his blank facial expression in the dark, so they all shrugged it off.

“Guys, we need to be heading off soon,” came the drivers voice as he walked around the corner to see them all congregated by the door.

“I need to get back to my bus,” Amelia stated pushing past Gerard slightly.

“It left, while you two were sexing it up,” Frank stated with a giggle.

“Looks like you’re with us then,” Gerard grinned.

“Please, no more sex,” Mikey squeaked.

“You’ve permanently scarred your little brother. This makes you an idiot, this means, I was right,” she grinned as she flicked her fag butt away and stepped with him onto the bus.
He said nothing, just laughed as everyone else followed them.

I love this chapter, I had alot of fun writing it ^^ Tell me what you think :3
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