Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cross My Heart

Closer then Family

by Motherwar_13 2 reviews

We’re practically family, hell Mom thanks of you as a surrogate daughter, Mikey calls you his annoying little sister.”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2010-11-08 - Updated: 2010-11-08 - 979 words - Complete

“I can’t believe that school starts tomorrow.”

“I know it sucks. It seems wrong that its still warm out and we have to spend all day in a building.”

“Are you nervous about starting high school?”

“Scared to death. I bet you’re excited though since your going off to college.”


“Look at it this way, how many freshmen get to ride to school with a senior.” Gerard spun his self around in the giant ring float to face her. She had changed so much, the glasses where gone thanks to contacts, no more pig tails and Care Bear lunch boxes.
Though they had both grown up a lot since those days, the still managed to spend time together. Between her hanging out with new friends, and sleepovers, she still considered him her best friend and him the same with her.

“Gerard, I over heard some girls that’s in my class talking at the mall. I don’t think they knew I was on the other side of the jackets. They said something about us, something I never looked at as wrong before.”

“What did they say.”

“That it wasn’t normal for a 18 to want to hang out with some one as young as me, that its almost gross.” She lifted her sunglasses and looked over at him.

“I guess just looking at the age wise it would seem odd, but I mean I have known you since you still slept with a Smurf nightlight. We’re practically family, hell Mom thanks of you as a surrogate daughter, Mikey calls you his annoying little sister.” They both laughed and he splashed her. “So there is nothing wrong with us. Okay?” He waited for her to nod.

“Gerard, we’re closer then family.”

“You promise.”

“Cross my heart.”

Abigail was standing among a group of five other girls in the center court area of the mall. He spotted her right away and made his way too her, staying behind her where she wouldn’t notice. He put his finger to his lips for the other girls to stay quiet when he covered her eyes with his hands and whispered in her ear to guess who. She let out a small squeal and turn around when he released her.

“Gerard!” She smiled wrapping her arms around him hugging him tightly. What are you doing here!”

“You didn’t think I would miss your sixteenth birthday did you?” He smiled releasing her both of them ignoring the strange looks the other girls were giving them.

“So this is Gerard?” One of them smiled eyeing him. “Nice to finally put a face with the name.” Abi quickly introduced him to her girlfriends.

“Ladies you don’t mind if I steal Abi here for a while do you?” He gave them the childish grin and Abi quickly said bye following Gerard out to his car. The two of them climbed in his car and there was a small package sitting on the passenger side dash. She looked over at him and he gave her a smile and nodded. Abi quickly tore into the present reveling a small box she pulled off the top and pulled out a silver necklace.

“This one is a bit better then the one I made you when we were kids.” He smiled as she gazed at the small vile of pixie dust and ivy wrapping around the glass.

“Awww Gerard I love it!” She reached over the center console and hugged him tightly.

“Happy Birthday Abi.”

“Thanks Gee.” she sniffled a little and pulled the chain over her head. “So where are we off too?”

“That is a surprise.” He winked and started the engine. They rode chatting about his independent life and her seemingly boring one. He drove down the gravel rode and parked.

“Here put these on.” He handed her, her ice skates from the backseat. “one good thing about a December birthday.” He chuckled as they both got out and set on the hood of his care lacing up the skates, both carefully stepping on the frozen pond they swam in many summers before.

“Any boyfriends I have to beat up for not treating you well?” He smiled as he caught his balance quickly.

“Nope, don’t think you have to worry about that. Seems I am not dating material or so I am told. And how about you and the college ladies?”

“Well those guys are assholes and there aren’t really any to speak of.”

“Are we just a pair of awesome losers.” She smiled as she stopped spinning around.

“I guess. Come on its snowing and I bet you’re starving. Besides I am starting to lose felling in my extremities.” He smiled grabbing her hand and leading her to the edge of the pond. They drove to their usually eating place and settled in a booth in the back.
“You are going to be here for the party tomorrow. Right? It sucked last year when you stayed in the city.”

“Yeah I guess, what kinda friend would I be if I stranded you two New Year’s eves in a row?”

“One asking for a beating.” She smiled squirting ketchup on her fries.

“I guess I should get you home, I told your mom I would have you home before 11.”

“You told my mom you were taking me out, awww Ger you’re my first date.”

“Cute, but I didn’t want her to freak out when her baby didn’t come home.”

He parked in his parents drive way and walked across the snow covered lawn to her door.
“Well this was the best birthday surprise ever, I’ll see you tomorrow. I had a lovely time.” She smiled and kissed his cheek.”

“Night, Abi sleep tight.” He waved and waited till she got her door unlocked.
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