Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blue Moon

Join Us, Stella...

by SmashAuthority2 5 reviews

I honestly couldn't come up with a title so I nabbed a line from, "The Lost Boys";)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-11-09 - Updated: 2010-11-09 - 1719 words

So I've been gone awhile but now I'm back. Hang in there because things are going to get very interesting soon.

I gulp and look around wildly. I mean, what the heck do they expect me to say? Hello? I just found Gerard and we haven't even got back together properly. I can't just say I want to join the sparkly group of undead people already, can I? Do I even want to be a vampire anymore? I know I did, but that was months ago.

I glance at Gerard for assistance but he is staring at a painting with an intense look of interest on his face. Mikey is watching me carefully, Marco is pouting and nodding like an over-enthusiastic puppy, Ulsa is still glaring at me-bitch is annoying, and last but not least, Ulrik is looking at me and rubbing his chin.

"Erm....." I stall for time, praying Marco will break into a musical number. He doesn't.

"So?" presses Ulsa impatiently. "What is your answer?"

"Erm........" I shove my hands into my pockets and gulp again. I cannot seem to form any other words.

"How interesting," says Ulrik. "The human does not seem to want to join her beloved for eternity."

"That's totally not true!" I say loudly. "I just got back together, I think. Yeah, I dunno." I trail off miserably. Whatever will Gerard think of me?

"It's not her fault she doesn't know what she wants." Gerard finally speaks. His voice is soft, low, emotionless. I cannot tell what he is feeling. "And we have just reunited after many months apart. Her confusion is understandable."

"So she does not love you as much as you thought?" taunts Ulsa.

"She flew from across the ocean in one night without a seconds thought when I asked for her assistance. She came with me to save Gerard, trusted me, even though I have attempted to take her life on numerous occasions. All to stop Gerard from being hurt, if that's not love, then what is?" says Mikey lazily. "But I wouldn't expect someone like you to even begin to understand the concept of love."

"You flew out just to rescue him?" breathes Marco, hands clasped in front of him. I nod. "Oh, how romantic!" he sighs.

He gives Gerard a misty eyed look. "She loves you," he says solemnly.

"And I love her," says Gerard quietly.

Our eyes meet and the next thing I know I am rushing forward into his arms. I collapse against his chest suddenly feeling very weak. He lifts my chin and kisses me on top of my forehead.

"I love you, Stella. More then you know," he whispers.

Before I can reply, or even attempt to speak, his lips meet mine and everything is forgotten. I wrap my arms around his neck instinctively, like it is the most natural thing in the world and pull him closer. He runs his hands over my back and my knees go weak. Now I'm hanging on to him for support else I'll just end up on the floor in a heap.

"I hate to interrupt this little moment." I hear Ulrik's sarcastic drawl somewhere in the distance. "But there are other people present in the room."

"Quiet, boy!" chides Marco. "Let them get it on. They're in love."

Mikey clears his throat, only then does Gerard release me. Ulsa is giving me the dirtiest look but I really don't care right now.

"That was so beautiful," sniffs Marco. I see with surprise that he is crying. "Love is grand! Grand I say!" He blows his nose dramatically on a hot pink handkerchief.

"Father." Ulsa shakes her head in exasperation.

"Okay, I've come to a decision." Marco sits up a little straighter in his chair and pushes back his sleeves. "It's so, like, totally clear you two puppies are in love. And everybody knows I love me some love. So killing Stella is out of the question."

Ulsa is apoplectic with rage. "Father! This is an outrage!" she seethes.

"Ulsa, chill, baby girl. Let me finish," says her father gently. "Like I was saying. Gerard, you can go free, so can your girl, but you, like, have to do a little something for me."

"And that is?" says Ulrik hopefully. Gerard and Mikey are totally still.

"You have to turn her."

I suck in my breath, but everyone else in the room remains perfectly still. "You have a year to do it," adds Marco cheerfully. He stands up abruptly. "And now I must leave you. America's Next Top Model is on and I'm, like, totally missing it."

With that he glides gracefully off his chair and is gone. His children follow suit with triumphant smirks on their pale faces. I even catch Ulrik winking at me.

I can't believe it. I have to become a vampire. A vampire. I know I wanted to become one not too long ago but that was my choice. Now that I am being ordered to do it I can't help but feel a little rebellious.

I consider the pros of becoming a blood sucker: I'll be able to kick Mikey's ass if necessary, I'll be able to kick Ulrik's ass if necessary, I'll be able to kick Ulsa's ass if necessary. And I'll be able to spend eternity with Gerard, which is also cool.

Then I consider the cons of turning into a vampire: Jacob will hate me, dad will totally flip out, I'll never be able to eat chocolate again, I'll sparkle in the sun like a dumbass and I'll have to spend all eternity with Mikey around.

"Stella?" a voice whispers sweetly into my ear. Gerard is beside me. "Let's go."

I nod, still numb from shock as Gerard leads me out of the chamber. I barely register leaving the dark tunnels and blink rapidly when I step back into the bright sunlight.

I shield my eyes from the sun and turn to in Gerard's direction. To my surprise he is fully clothed. He is wearing a Slipknot hoodie, sunglasses and gloves. Mikey is attired in similar clothing. I have to say, these guys move fast.

"Shall we?" Gerard watches me intently. I nod and try to keep my face blank.

Mikey leads us back to the Lamborghini. There is a shiny black Jeep parked next to it.
"That's yours, Gee," he says, nodding at it. He tosses the keys to Gerard who catches them without looking at them. His gaze is fixed on me.

"I'll see you back home," says Gerard quietly to his brother.

Mikey nods then turns my way. "I cannot believe I'm about to say this, but I'm glad you'll be one of us." He gets into his car far too quickly for me to respond. The car roars to life and zooms off.

I watch him go with the strangest feeling in my stomach. I just can't believe everything that has happened in the last 24 hours. I zipped across the world to save, and be reunited with Gerard, met an incredibly camp Mob boss who decided my future. And I flew in a private jet, which was just awesome.

"Stella, let's go," says Gerard, breaking into my thoughts. "I have to get you home. Your father will be wondering where you are."

I get in thinking my dad probably won't even have noticed I'm missing. Mindy will have, though, and will be freaking out.

I sit silently as Gerard starts the engine. He doesn't say a word either. "Soooooo." I decide to break the awkward silence. "This has been one hell of a day, huh?"

He glances at me from the corner of his eyes. "Are you okay, Stella?"

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be? Everything is cool," I babble, nodding like a maniac.

"Do you want to talk about what just happened?" he asks quietly.

I think about it for a second. talking about my feelings has never been a strong point of mine. "Can we not?" I request. "I mean, maybe later. Right now I just want to sit and be with you."

He smiles slightly and my heart flutters. "As you wish."

He drives on in silence. I lean back in my seat and turn my head so I can get a better view of him. His face sparkles now and then when a stray streak of sunlight sneaks in and touches his skin. I watch him, mesmerized. He's just so perfect it's ridiculous. Just looking at him makes me feel at peace. I can't believe we have been apart so long. I know it was my fault, well, Mikey played a big part, but somehow Gerard was punished for it.

It suddenly occurs to me how much I must have hurt him. So much, in fact, he had to leave Knives and go far away from me. So much, he was almost executed and didn't even care. Yet, he hasn't uttered one word of complaint against me.

Tears suddenly fill my eyes and I clap my hands over my mouth to stifle a sob. Of course, he notices.

He stops the car in the middle of the road and turns the engine off. "What's wrong, Stella?" he says, touching my arm.

His concern makes me cry harder. "I'm such an idiot!" I yell, punching myself on my leg. He looks alarmed.

I suddenly want to tell him how I feel. To say how sorry I am. I want to tell him how much I love him, but saying, "I love you" isn't enough. I need something more.

"Stella, what's wrong?" he says patiently.

"Me," I reply. "I'm a jackass!"

"Don't call yourself that," he says severely. "Please stop crying," he says in a much softer voice. I don't.

"Gerard." I wipe my nose on my sleeve-not very glamorous, I know. I turn so I can look directly into his eyes. It's not something I do often as it makes my mind go fuzzy, but right now I have to, if only to show him how serious I am.

He blinks in surprise, clearly taken-aback by my behavior. "What is it, Stella?" he says gently.

I take a deep, calming breath.

"Will you marry me?"

Bet you never saw that coming!! But will Gerard say yes?
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