Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Holly Evans and the Spiral Path

Subsurface Tension

by wordhammer 1 review

The Second Task and fallout, now bursting with sexy humor bits.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Dumbledore,Fleur,Poppy Pomfrey - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2010-11-12 - Updated: 2010-11-13 - 14771 words - Complete

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all related concepts are owned by someone who isn't me. I will never seek or accept money for the circulation of this work.

Holly Evans and the Spiral Path
Chapter 47
: Subsurface Tension


26th February, 1995

Good morning, Mum. You missed the secret meeting where they tried to kill me and Fleur.

The Tale of the Early Breakfast

Holly snaps awake at the sound of pounding on her dorm-room door. She checks the time- 5:44 AM. A quick look around and Holly grabs her short grey bathrobe to apply some modesty for herself. For the other girl in her bed, she draws her Lignum Vitae wand and summons a fluffy comforter from her wardrobe, applying a Silencing charm to it as it settles, completely covering her sleeping friend.

The thumping continues during these panicked preparations, so Holly strides to the door, opening it brusquely.

"Of all the days to wake me early--!"

Facing her is no less than the stern visage and piercing monocle of Amelia Bones, Director of the D.M.L.E. Behind her stand two veteran Aurors that Holly doesn't recognise. Unlike Director Bones' steady gaze, their eyes never stop moving.

"Miss Evans, you will come with me, now. Hand me that wand."

Holly squints and steps back, taking a look above the door frame where a limited version of the Map shows the corridor's occupants- Amelia Bones, Gawain Robards, and Thaddeus Williamson.

"Mind if I grab my specs?"

"Don't close the door."

Without changing position, Holly says, "Accio glasses." A moment later she catches and dons her frameless eyewear, following which she hands over her wand to Director Bones with a threatening 'I'm trusting you' look. Holly is escorted by the trio of officials out of the dungeon, past a few early-risers in the Slytherin common room who gawk at their passing; not only is Holly surrounded by law-people, but she is still wearing her knee-length grey housecoat as her sole garment.


The Headmaster's office is a bit crowded this morning. The leaders of all three schools are present, along with Fleur Delacour, Minister Fudge and a small Arab man in well-tailored business robes. (Holly seems to be the only participant who wasn't given time to dress properly)

Director Bones gestures for Holly to stand next to Fleur, while her enforcers take positions to cover the room, each standing next to a window.

Fleur spits out a whispered admonition in French. "{Backstabbing cunt! I knew you would betray me. If I survive this year I will make it my mission to hunt you down and strip the flesh from your body! Only the contest delays me from having that vengeance!}"

"{You're not a morning person, either, eh? You must realise that I never told anyone anything. You're only in trouble because you can't help seeking attention. Now you have it.}"

"{It is your rotted morals that attract these people to persecute me.}"

Holly sighs. "Yeah. Sorry."

Fleur turns to look at the short witch with confusion; Holly looks back and gives her an apologetic shrug. "Vraiment- je suis desolee."

Professor Dumbledore interrupts. "{Ladies, the only ones not understanding you are the officials already here with an agenda. Please behave yourselves and we'll try to sort out this mess.}"

Minister Fudge bellows out in a proclamatory tone, "That will be enough of secrets! We are here today to properly deal with the tainting of this public contest with inappropriate and unfairly advantaged competitors. If the testing of blood from these two 'champions' reveals what is suspected, then their participation in this Tournament will be denied. Any further charges against them will then be evaluated for the proper response."

The small man, named Mostafa, snarls out a reply. "French is not a secret language, Cornelius." He then turns to Fleur and Holly. "The ICW is in the position of assuring fair competition wherever magic is in display to the public. I have come here to determine whether you are proper participants in this contest. For this, I will need a sample of your blood."

Fleur looks to Madame Maxime for some sort of guidance, but her headmistress looks nervously towards the Minister and then gives her a slight nod.

Holly looks around at the assemblage and turns to face Professor Dumbledore. "Sir, I would like to ask a question or three, if I may?"

The headmaster nods. "Now would be the best time..."

Minister Fudge bellows again, "I see no reason to listen to this criminal, or to allow her to seduce anyone with trickery. Silencio." The Minister's wand flicks at Holly but she doesn't dodge or evade, merely giving the Minister for Magic a look of distaste.

Albus stands up and walks around his desk to stand next to Mr. Mostafa, in front of the two witches. With a gesture, he produces a page of parchment and a quill. "Perhaps if you just write them down."

Holly cocks an eyebrow, and then takes the writing materials over to his desk, using his inkwell to scrawl out several lines. She turns and hands both page and quill back to her headmaster.

Albus reviews the scratchy writing for a moment. "Ah. Fair points, all. If I may, Minister?"

"If you must..."

"Miss Evans' first question is, 'Per the rules, what is a proper participant?'"

The Minister blusters and then offers, "Well, of course that would be a proper wizard or witch, student from the schools involved and of appropriate age."

Albus smiles. "Mr. Mostafa, I would like to hear your assessment, if you don't mind."

The official's face sours before he responds, "I would tend to agree with the Minister. The Tournament selects the best students from each school to represent them in fair competition."

"And there's the rub. Both of these women are students at their respective schools, regardless of any interesting nuances their blood may harbour. May I mention Miss Evans' second question?"

Mr. Mostafa glances towards Director Bones, who nods primly. He answers, "I suppose so."

"Her second question; 'Isn't the Goblet of Fire holding our magic and possibly our lives at risk to enforce our participation?'"

Mr. Mostafa replies, "Yes. Selection using the Goblet of Fire means that the competitors are committed to participate in all three tasks, at the risk of their magic. If they should meet some misadventure that prevents their immediate participation, it is in the organiser's interests to reschedule, if possible."

Albus follows with, "Which leads well to Holly's third question; 'If someone were to attempt to prevent me from participating, would I not have the right to defend myself against what is essentially a threat to my life?'"

The Minister exclaims, "What?"

Fleur turns to goggle at Holly. "Vraiment?"

Holly nods.

Amelia speaks up. "Oh, my. Unless they break the law or the rules of the contest, they're committed to compete or else they'll lose their magic. It's like the Dementor's Kiss- if you lose part of your essential self, you're effectively dead, even if the body doesn't know that. If we try to stop them, or any competitor aside from Miss Magritte and Mr. Izarek, from participating in the contest, they have the right to defend themselves as if their lives were being threatened. It is the foundation of magical law- a wizard or witch has the right to defend their life. As our interference is unjust, Miss Evans and Miss Delacour would have the legal right to kill... everyone in this room. Except each other."

Holly clicks her tongue and then quietly adds, "Works for me. Motive and opportunity. Anyone want to gamble on whether I have the means?"

Igor Karkaroff slowly steps back from the assembly, moving his hands into his robes.

Madame Maxime stares down at Holly. "I recall zat you were silenced, non?"

Holly smiles and looks at the Minister. "Weak magic doesn't last long."

Minister Fudge looks first to Director Bones, then to Mr. Mostafa with a worried frown.

Holly speaks up, her voice rising in agitation. "Unless the contract enforced by the Goblet of Fire is broken, or the Goblet itself is cleaved apart, we are all committed to compete under threat of death. I take that as fair reason to respond in kind. Put simply, the next person that tries to maneuver me out of the contest should order up their gravestone. The Goblet of Fire makes that a legal right." Holly turns to glare at her Headmaster. "Maybe next time you won't play with ancient artifacts when setting up an inter-school public-relations show!"

The Minister fumes at Holly. "I'll expel you! You won't be a student then. By the authority invested--"

Director Bones yells to interrupt him. "Cornelius, NO! Did you not understand me? Threatening to expel her gives her no option but to kill you! I'd have no legal cause to protect you! You'd be forced to duel!"

Fudge steps back, clenching his fists in frustration. "This is intolerable!"

Holly replies, "I'll say. I have follow-up questions as well."

Amelia shakes her head, gesturing to Holly that she wait. "Minister, I'm of a mind to reconvene this hearing in a public venue, if you'd like to seek another judgment."

Fudge continues fuming, but says nothing.

After a pause, Albus interjects, "What were the other questions, Miss Evans?"

"Why would we two be the only ones tested? Shouldn't all seven have been brought here for verification?"

Minister Fudge turns to glare at Holly. "None of the other competitors have been accused of being inhuman!"

"We've been accused? Did I miss an injunction?"

"In the PRESS! Surely you couldn't possibly have missed the very informative articles in the recent editions of the Daily Prophet--"

Director Bones attempts to interrupt. "Minister Fudge..."

"--in which your status as a human being is brought into question!"

Holly steps forward, pointing a finger at Minister Fudge. "Really? Well if the accusations of the press require a person to prove their innocence, I'd like to know when you'll be proving that you have no association with a group called the Rotfang Conspiracy, nor that you have been dining upon the flesh of goblins!"

"Do NOT insult my honour! I would gladly take any fair test such a preposterous accusation is meant to prove--"

Holly moves her hands to her hips. "Are you sure you haven't had goblin flesh recently, Minister? None of your... recent meals settled badly, did they?"

The Minister halts his tirade with an expression of shock.

Holly smiles evilly. She says quietly, "You can test my blood, if they test your stomach contents. That seems fair to me."


Holly steps back to stand next to Fleur. "I have one other question."

Albus replies, "Yes, Miss Evans?"

"Why am I standing here accused of anything without my guardian present?"

Fleur pipes in, "Ras le bol! And where is Mr. Bagman, or Mr. Wezzerbee? Should not a delegation from my homeland be present, if zis is a legal matter? When may I call for counsel? Where is my accuser?"

Albus smiles. "The Minister felt that allowing too many others into this discussion might cause undue chaos and lead to disinformation. I cannot speak to the others that were excluded, as the Minister sent the invitations... and commandeered my office."

Holly nods with skepticism. "Right. So, 'Fleur's of age- we can bully her into complying and be fully within our rights; a few threats to her inhumanly large Headmistress about other blood tests should make this an easy win. But little Holly's just evil, so we'll make sure to separate her from her legal protection'- just an oversight, I'm sure. Just as I'm sure this wouldn't have anything to do with us being attractive young women, would it? Of course, legally classifying us as creatures puts our freedom up to the highest bidder. You're not shopping for a better bedmate, are you Mr. Fudge?"

Amelia's fiery gaze moves over to face the Minister.

The wizard blusters, "That is a preposterous leap of logic!"

Amelia replies, "Then why did you insist that Miss Evans be brought in, 'wearing whatever little she had on when found'?"

Albus clears his throat.

Holly looks down, joining the rest of the room now ogling her nearly-naked form. She tightens the belt of her housecoat that had slipped loose and adds, "You are about to have a very bad day, Minister Fudge. Not only does Madame Bones seem a little peeved, but my godmother will want a word with you, about that whole 'enslaving her naked daughter and the alleged Veela' plan."

Adrian the Sorting Hat chortles merrily. "O-ho, Cornelius! You may wish to reconsider your attendance at today's competition. A lioness, defending her cub, particularly THAT lioness..."


That certainly cleared the room quick. Happy hunting, Mum.




Tragically, Minister Fudge was called away on urgent Ministry matters. You will find, however, that Olympe, Igor, Hassan, Amelia, and even Albus may be expected to be a bit more thoughtful in their choices of what and whom to believe in the near future. I'd say you now have the best chance possible of getting a fair assessment in the Second Task.

Good luck, stay safe.

And don't kill anything. It would embarrass me.

With love,

Postscript: You didn't really slip goblin flesh into the Minister's meal somehow, did you?



I have engaged in no tampering, I promise. Given the Minister's girth, I assumed he must have gorged himself to the point of discomfort at some recent meal. The rest was the kind of bluff only my reputation could bring to fruition. It was quite the breakfast- I sipped from the cup of victory, and the Minister ate crow. Sirius will be so proud.

As for your efforts to seek justice for me, only one thought seems appropriate:

I love you so much.



Why don't you tell the tale, for when Holly wakes up, alright?

With love,
Grandmum Minerva



I hate to be the one to ask, but are you sure she's ever going to wake up?

I'll include some explanation from the competitors' perspectives. At least you'll know more about how it went, up until the end.

The Tale of Water and Other Potent Fluids, a.k.a. the Second Task and Related Conflicts

It was already 9:20 AM and Holly still hadn't heard from Tonks, so she sent Winky to look for her. Winky came back with a note; it had been left in the Madhouse, but somehow had slipped beneath the sofa before it could be read. All it said was 'Not Marvel.'

Holly screamed in frustration, and then sent Winky looking for Padma. If Natalia was truly stuck in Deep Cover (DC= Not Marvel; it's a comic book thing), Holly was going to need the Time Turner.

With little time to spare ranting, Holly put on her green and black deep-diving suit, and then switched into Harry to don his swim outfit, retrieved from a box sent by the headmaster.

Looking in the mirror, Harry shook his head- Albus had provided him a purple full-length garb like something straight from the Sears Catalog, circa 1899. Possibly for women- the frilly chemise and pantaloons billowed out like bloomers. In gold letters on the back, once more, was written 'Potter #1'. Harry grabbed a cloak and ran from Holly's room like a circus man with a train to catch.


Harry arrived at the shore of the Black Lake where Hagrid was waiting with a skiff to bring him to one of three platforms placed far into the deeper waters. Hagrid gave him a bit of good-natured ribbing as they skated across the lake, teasing about Harry 'just escaping from some happy witch's arms via her wardrobe'. As soon as he could reach the dock, Harry jumped up and jogged straight into the Healer's tent. Thankfully, only Healer Pomfrey looked to be present. Moments later, Winky arrived and handed the Time Turner to Harry, who then handed it to Madame Pomfrey along with some rings.

He said, "Hold onto these, then give them back to me at the end of my run. I'll spin back, become Holly, and then--"

Holly stepped out from behind a privacy curtain in her green and black wetsuit, interrupting his thought. "...and then I'll hand them to you again later, right after you've given them to Harry. Trust me, it m-makes sense. And Harry? S-save the--"

Poppy scowled at Holly. "Miss Evans! I will not facilitate actual cheating."

She bowed her head. "S-sorry, M-madame Pomfrey." Holly then whispered, "Just f-follow your instincts."

Harry looked straight at Holly. After a moment, she collapsed into a chair, allowing herself to relax. What we noticed then was that Holly was twitching, all over her body. A lot. But that was as much contact as we dared risk for two versions of the same person during the same time.



Lee: "Good morning!"


Lee: "Thank you! Here we are once more, gathered in the Malfoy Sporting Foundation Arena, for the Second Task of the Tri-school Wizardry Tournament. I'm Lee Jordan of local station WWRX and we must have done something right, because we're giving you the Oh!-fficial coverage of the details of the event, broadcast locally and throughout the Wizarding Wireless Network. We're sharing a great view just ahead of the judges box, and as you can hear from the background noise, the audience in the arena will also be heard. WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO SAY?"

(Cheering; chants of 'Krum!', 'Fleur!', 'Pot-ter!', 'Ced-ric!' and the various school songs fight for clarity amid the noise)

Lee: "Alright! Pipe down, now. Settle down a bit. Let's introduce my companions in the commentary for today. Aiding me in relating these exciting events are Ron Weasley, my colour man..."

Ron: "Hey there, world! But Lee, aren't you considered--?"

Lee: "--From the Durmstrang Institute, our returning commentator, Stanislav Konietzko..."

Stan: "Is great to be back, Lee."

Lee: "From Beauxbatons Academy, seventh year student Jeanne Floret..."

Jeanne: "I am Jeanne."

Ron: "Ye've got a face for radio, Miss Floret."

Lee: "Ron..."

Ron: "What? She scowls."

Stan: "Only at you so far, Ronald. You should say nice things to make up."

Jeanne: "Say nozzing to me, inbreed."

Ron: "I really like your... eyebrow."

Jeanne: "PutBeeeep!"


Lee: "And our new, special guest is a representative of LOM Enterprises, Mr. Paddington Pink. Mr. Pink, perhaps you could explain for our listeners about the Task, and what LOM is doing here today."

Mr. Pink: "It'd be a pleasure. Today's Task is an interesting challenge for the competitors, but much of the action will be occurring deep underwater. The champions must dive into the Black Lake, follow the siren song to where the hostages have been secured, retrieve their hostage, and then return to the dock with them. The seniors have been set the additional challenge of performing this task in less than an hour."

Lee: "If they are already racing each other, what difference does the time limit make?"

Mr. Pink: "Their race begins at eleven, local time. At noon, the stasis that is providing for the hostages' safety will expire, no matter where they may be at that time."

Lee: "Any other differences between the senior and junior challenges?"

Mr. Pink: "It is my understanding that each of the junior competitors may bring along a magical aid of some sort. As they were only informed of this last evening, they have had minimal time to select their item. Due to concerns about tampering, they are not permitted to use any probability-changing aids, and as the rules forbid the champions from directly attacking each other, weapons are a poor choice."

Lee: "Interesting. So, again, what are we seeing from LOM today?"

Mr. Pink: "Well, the whole thing is happening underwater! Rather than leave the audience to sit, wondering what feats of magic the champions may be accomplishing beneath the waves, we at LOM have provided the TournaMap. In the center of the arena will be shown two views of the action as it happens. The first, on the south side, is an overview of the champions' progress. It shows the entire playing field, with each competitor identified by a coloured dot."

Lee: "That would certainly help."

Mr. Pink: "It will, but that's not the fun part. The second display will show a focused perspective on the action as directed by the TournaMap controller- that'd be me. If it works as intended, the whole audience will be able to see a rendering of the action, the players and their obstacles displayed as silhouettes, outlined like a Revealer charm for clarity. To aid in following the action, labels will identify when spells, substances and creatures appear or are used.

Lee: "That sounds absolutely banging! However, for our Wizarding Wireless listeners, you'll have to suffer with my recounting of what we see on the TournaMap. The judges will also be depending on this innovation to evaluate the contest, as they have been separated from the champions due to concerns about 'outside influences' affecting the champions' scores."

Mr. Pink: "That's right. Also, both displays are being recorded for later review, in case we miss something or the judges need to sort out a disagreement."

Lee: "Brilliant. As the judges will be up here in the arena, they've brought in two trusted individuals to inspect the champions before the start of the Task. For the ladies we have the Director of the British Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Madame Amelia Bones. For the lads, the Honorable Hassan Mostafa, Chairwizard of the International Association of Quidditch, referee of the most recent Quidditch World Cup and ICW Sports Commissioner. Both luminaries have volunteered their time and integrity to ensure a fair match."

Stan: "Why do they call him 'the Honour-bull'?"

Jeanne: "Mr. Mostafa is also mayor of magical Geneva (you twit)."

Ron: "You shouldn't mumble. We're on radio, y'know?"

Lee: "Ron, tell us about our other reporter for today."

Ron: "Oh, right! Also down by the docks is our girl-on-the-scene, Katie Bell. She's got a... uhh... murky-fone that we can hear up here. She'll be talking to the champions in the dull moments."

Lee: "I guess that means right now, because we have a signal telling us that Katie is ready to transmit. Let's hear what she has to say."


Katie: "You're ready? Great! Oh! Hello, I'm Katie Bell at the dock, and also ready to speak is the Apprentice champion, Harry Potter! YAAAAY!"

Harry: "Hello."

Katie: "How are you feeling today? You were a little late to the dock."

Harry: "I'm nervous, but excited. It was... strange... being around so many people for the dragons. This is better. A bit quieter, y'know?"

Katie: "Oh, right. Well, umm... "

Harry: "I think everyone else is nervous, too. Cedric and Miss Magritte are looking quite pale, Krum is staring like he's going to kill the lake itself, Izarek is quiet (spooky as that is), Miss Delacour has yet to emerge from the ladies' changing tent and Holly looks absolutely beside herself. She's actually trembling. That in particular is a bit odd, really."

Katie: "I didn't think you knew her that well."

Harry: "We weren't raised together, but we've spoken much when we could. Besides, would you expect her to be nervous?"

Katie: "I wouldn't expect her to feel anything. OH! I'm... that's not what..."

Harry: "Calm down. You're doing great."

Katie: "Thanks. Umm... so is she really like it says in Black Holly?"

Harry: "I doubt that anyone has a good idea who Holly really is. I know that a tell-all book isn't written for accuracy- it's written to sell books. Ms. Skeeter has published an entertaining fairytale about sex and murder, based very loosely upon the horrid life my sister has had to live so far. It's almost cruel, picking on an easy target like that- it's like kicking an ugly kitten as it coughs up a hairball, and then screaming 'Look! Look what was inside that thing! It's disgusting!' Anyone's life can be written as a torrid novel of horror and debauchery if you don't care about the truth."

Katie: "So, you don't believe a word of it?"

Harry: "Well, some of it is true, but how would the writer know why Holly was in those situations, or what she was thinking, when all they have to go by is second- or third-hand reports of what occurred? The only thing people should judge her, or anyone, by, is 'what we know actually happened'. I guarantee Holly wasn't interviewed to fill in the blanks, nor was I, so the writer was just using her imagination for all that."

Katie: "How much of the book is accurate, then?"

Harry: "I really can't say, as I haven't read the whole thing, yet."

Katie: "Why not?"

Harry: "I keep stopping to catch my breath from laughing. I mean really- two thirteen-year old girls doing unholy experiments in alchemy when not engaged in prurient and unnatural sex together? What sort of sick mind comes up with that sort of story? Really, Ms. Skeeter should be ashamed. I think she should probably thank me now, too. Everyone hearing this bit is probably going to run out to buy a copy, if they hadn't already."

Katie: "Thank you, Mr. Potter."

Harry: "Call me Harry. I'm just a bloke, y'know?"

Katie: “Thank you, Harry! Back to you, Lee.”


Lee: "That was great, Katie! What do you folks in the arena think?"

(Cheers and applause)

Lee: "Alright! We're going to take a short break. When we return, we'll share some background information. Stan and Jeanne will be telling us how the champions' eggs from the first Task clued them in about this one. Stay tuned!"


It certainly was quieter at the docks on the lake. Aside from the competitors, the center dock hosted Madame Pomfrey, Katie Bell, Hagrid, Madame Bones and Mr. Mostafa, plus a few press photographers like Bozo from the Prophet. The other two docks were occupied by about three dozen students, just hanging about. They constituted a small subset of fans willing to miss the arena experience for the privilege of seeing their favorite champion depart and (hopefully) return, in person. We could hear Lee's broadcast over a Sonorous-boosted wireless the twins had provided, but aside from that, it was a subdued experience as Harry mentioned.

The four senior champions assembled at the front edge of the dock. Eleven o'clock rolled around, and with a cannon blast heard from the arena, they prepared themselves and dove in.

Krum dove in without preamble, then transformed almost completely into a shark. It's hard to tell whether he meant to leave his wool-covered arms in human shape, but he didn't seem to have much trouble speeding through the water with them, and he still had hold of his wand. I guess that's the gamble with self-transfigurations.

Fleur took only a moment to remove her outer cloak, revealing her skin-tight silver maillot for the benefit of the smitten males within sight of her. No Allure was felt, but the girl was flaunting her assets in defiance of the evident cold. Flashes from the cameras fired off madly, enough to send an epileptic into seizures. Once she dove in, it became clear that her strategy for dealing with the cold was to burn internally. Veela are fire-spirits of a kind, and the witch had obviously inherited more than the Allure from her grandmere. Her body fairly glowed with internal fire. Fleur had cast a bubble-head charm and then dove into the depths to follow the song, trailing behind Krum.

Harry and Cedric used matching tactics. Having already scouted the Lake, they knew where both of the potential hostage areas were. Each drew a rune on their swim costume to sustain a regenerating Warming charm without concentration, cast the Bubblehead charm and then dove down long enough to hear the song. Once the song's direction told them which destination to head for, they returned to the surface to make a beeline across the lake, using Banishing charms to project themselves on their backs like speedboats across the waves. It quickly descended into a friendly race, the two wizards only concerned with making it to their diving point before the other.



Lee: "Well, I'm not sure what the champions were told on the dock, but it looks like Viktor Krum has captured the wrong hostage."

Ron: "Maybe his sharki-ness has confused himself."

Stan: "I don't think he would agree. Like clue says, 'something he would sorely miss' was at risk. Why Judges select Granger for Viktor is true puzzle."

Ron: "Well, he did take her to the Yule Ball. Ruddy pumpkinhead couldn't keep his eyes off Ginny, though."

Stan: "Ronald, don't blame the heart for its blindness."

Ron: "You saying my sister's ugly?"

Stan: "No! I'm asking- do you want her desirable or single? One prevents the other, unless she is unpleasant as a person. Your Ginevra is most pleasing to the eye and the ear. Also the lips, if Viktor is--"

Ron: "Alright, alright. Enough about my sister, and stop your grinnin', ya git. Thing is, if they were choosing the hostages by their Yule Ball dates, why grab Fleur's sister? They're not... I mean, she doesn't... love her sister, does she?"

Jeanne: "Imbecile. Fleur Delacour does not value men as equals, nor few women. Only family is important to her."

Ron: "Do you even LIKE Fleur? You almost seemed happy when she fell to the Grindylows."

Jeanne: "Delacour represents ze finest in Beauxbatons education and competence. She fell into an ambush, but her skill wiz magic is not in question. I do not need to like her."

Ron: "Do you like anybody?"

Jeanne: "Do you ever shut up?"

Stan: "Do you two wish to 'get a room'?"

Ron: "Why are you smiling? Stan- why is she smiling? Is she smiling at me?"

Stan: (Gulp) "No, Ronald."

Lee: "Well it looks like Harry is just as confused as we are. Cedric Diggory has retrieved Cho Chang and is now heading back to the surface- given their speeds, it will be a race to see which of the two champions will reach the dock first, though Viktor Krum has an early lead. Harry has freed Miss Granger and still seems a bit conflicted, as he's not moving away with her."

Mr. Pink: "I believe our Mr. Potter is contemplating something dashing and heroic."

Lee: "I was about to disagree with you, Mr. Pink, but Harry is now swimming towards Gabrielle Delacour. The mermen don't seem to be liking that, as there are four spears now pointing towards Harry. Oh! scratch that- Harry is now grappling with the mermen, two of the spears held away while he struggles to fight them off. He's casting... a Sonorous?"

(Mu-- Mua-- Muad-- MUAD-- MUAD'DIB! D'dib... dib... ib...)

(Cheering, some laughter.)

Lee: "Whoa! I think you could hear that- Harry yelled some odd phrase, and the powerful echo reached us all the way back here at the arena! It seems to have knocked his assailants for a loop- they're all floating limply nearby. Why does it seem like some of the audience is laughing? Uhh, Stan?"

Stan: (SNRK!) "I'll... (hee-hee!)... I'll tell you later! Is a muggle literature thing..."

Ron: "Miss Floret, you get the joke too?"

Jeanne: "I am amused. Yet, I do not believe Mr. Potter is ze perfect being."

Stan: "No, but he has sense of humour! Poor lad is struggling with two girls- I should think I envy him more now than ever before."

Ron: "Lee, you get the feeling we're seeing a different contest than these two?"

Lee: "I'm here to report the news, not interpret."

(Professor McGonagall in background): "Finally! It's only taken five years!"

Lee: "Uhh... right. Sorry. Anyway, Harry Potter does seem to be struggling to carry both Hermione Granger and Gabrielle Delacour to the surface. Thankfully for him, it looks like the mermen are not pursuing them. At this point, the race is between Cedric Diggory and Viktor Krum, with Viktor looking to win. Let's hope so, as his hostage will be coming awake before he reaches the dock if he's not careful."

Mr. Pink: "I estimate, based upon his speed, that he should make it with a few minutes to spare."

Lee: "Thank you, sir. We'll see how that plays out soon enough. Meanwhile, Cedric Diggory has reached the surface with Miss Chang, who now looks to be awake and is holding onto her champion with both arms. Cedric looked a little stunned by that yell from Harry Potter, but he's cast a Warming rune for Chang and is now using Banishers to propel the two of them across the water, back towards the dock."

Ron: "Oi. Check behind us- looks like the judges are having a to-do."

Lee: "Well, unless something awful happens to Harry, their scoring is pretty much the only thing in question. I wouldn't guess how they'll rate this one, aside from Fleur coming in last."


Harry brought Hermione and Fleur's sister to the surface, first freezing a few square yards of water, then transforming it into wood to make a small raft. Upon breaking the surface, both girls came to consciousness and immediately were shocked by their cold and wet clothing.

Hermione screeched, "Aiiee! God, what were they thinking?! It's absolutely FREEZING!"

"I kn-know, now sh-shut up and get out of the w-water."

Once the three had made it safely onto the raft, Harry cast Warming charms on the other two. A second later he was tackled by his older hostage. Hermione snogged him righteously for a minute before letting the twitching lad up. Harry sat up with an off-kilter smile, and then was suddenly assailed by the smaller version- Gabrielle jumped into his arms and mashed her lips against his, clutching around his neck as if for dear life.

Hermione giggled, and then admonished the young witch. "{I think you should let my boyfriend breathe, young miss.}"

Gabrielle reluctantly loosened her grip, giving Harry a pouting smile as only a precocious and cute girl can. "Pardonnez-moi."

Harry leaned back so that he could see both girls. "Uhh, not that I don't appreciate this, but until I get us to the dock I'm losing points." Harry then looked to Hermione, hinting for her translate. A whispered conversation between the two resulted in Gabrielle moving to embrace Hermione to assuage her fear and chill, permitting Harry to use Banishing charms to propel them back to safety.

Harry finished the Seniors run in a straightforward way. The second the raft touched the dock, Gabrielle jumped on and ran to her sister's embrace. Viktor and Cedric aided Harry and Hermione onto the platform and shared warm handshakes with their fellow competitor. Cho and Ginny also greeted their school mates, providing much-appreciated blankets. Fleur just gripped her sister tightly, looking over her shoulder at Harry with a smile of gratitude.

Once on the dock and done with the salutations, Harry was shuffled into the Healer's tent, followed at a safe distance by Holly. With Madame Pomfrey's assistance Harry was patched up and able to Turn us back an hour without being detected.

Harry switched to Holly and appeared to her pre-Turned self, warning Harry (Version 1) a little about what was to come. While Holly appeared nervous at the start, what she really was experiencing was tremors, from mermish spear venom that Harry had received during his short fight. Thankfully, the swim costume that Albus had provided was self-sealing, so the cuts didn't let in the freezing water. Nevertheless, Holly played the abating twitches as her own nervousness about the Task. We then got to watch the progress of Harry's run from the spectators' perspective, and several things fell into place. It helped that the upgraded Omni-goggles can show the TournaMap display.

Krum, we could now see, was confused by the merfolk's song and headed off-target several times, losing the advantage of his form's speed on the outward leg. That wouldn't be important for a little while. What Holly found interesting was what happened to Fleur about a half-hour in.

The witch made good progress, given the limitations of deep water swimming. She tripped herself up by wandering through a Grindylow nest just shy of the hostages’ area. The little creatures were drawn to the heat she generated, and she was quickly overwhelmed. When her chances of recovery seemed to dwindle too far, a merman chased away the swarm and sent Fleur back to the dock using a Portkey.

Fleur appeared at the feet of the Junior competitors, her body covered with claw marks and leaking blood from numerous deeper cuts. Ilya stepped back to allow Madame Pomfrey to move Fleur into the Healer's tent, but Margaux just started carrying on hysterical. Holly grabbed the girl by her sleeve and drew her away from her wounded teammate, pulling her into a changing tent for some privacy. Margaux's sobbing and hyperventilating began to annoy Holly, so she shoved her down to sit on the camp-bed. With a sigh, she softened her demeanor and sat down next to the girl, rubbing her back to calm her.

"Margaux, sh-she'll be alright. Well, I sh-should say she'll heal up f-fine- it's her ego that'll be bruised a bit..."

"Non! NON! The wounds, the blood; I... I CANNOT!"

Holly squinted at the blubbering girl for a moment, and then sat back on the cot to take a different look. She mused, "No, you probably shouldn't."

After a few more minutes Holly sat back up, leaning in to whisper to the distressed witch. "I... I didn't want to mention this, but I know j-just how awful it can be down there."


"Go only a few yards down and it's all darkness. All you hear is the sound of your breathing- if you can breathe. I... I also know well about the c-cold..."

"The... the cold?"

"A Warming charm on its own wears out in s-s-seconds in these conditions. That's why my brother and Cedric wrote charm-sustaining runes on their costumes before diving in. Water this cold; it feels like you're being stabbed by a thousand knives. Every n-nerve is sent into shock- even if you're good with the Bubblehead charm; you can't take a breath for the clenching of your chest muscles against the cold. Pain enwraps your body and you sink deeper into the dark... and the c-cold..." Holly then whispered, "...without air."

Margaux became nearly silent, staring off towards the tent opening.

"Isn't that right, Dorothea?"

A ghost of a young girl in tattered Hogwarts robes then rose up between them, her muddy hair seeming to be covering her face. Margaux gasped when she discovered that the ghost's head was simply facing the other direction, twisted grotesquely out of alignment. Dorothea moaned with water gushing from her mouth, "Woooorse. It was the Grinnnnndyloooows, tearrrring at my skiiiin--"


And that's why Margaux came shrieking up to Mr. Mostafa and Director Bones, begging on her knees to be allowed to withdraw. Fleur emerged from the Healer's tent, healed but humbled, to witness the ensuing debasement. Ilya and Holly gathering around as well.

Margaux was crying her eyes out, wringing her hands in the hem of Mr. Mostafa's robes. "Please! I can't do it!"

Mr. Mostafa looked down upon Margaux with obvious disdain. "You must! Your hostage awaits, and your school expects you to do your best to represent them. There is yet twenty minutes left in the senior's run, thus you have an hour and twenty minutes to gather your lost courage, Miss. I suggest you find it!"

Fleur shuffled forward, as she was wrapped tightly in three layers of wool blankets. She reached down to cup Margaux' face, whispering an unconvincing reassurance in French. "{It'll... be alright.}"

That's when Holly stepped in. "Say, I had a notion!"

Director Bones rolled her eyes and held up a hand. "Not now, Miss Evans."

"No, you'll like this- how about Fleur acts as Margaux' 'magical aid'?"

The pathetic girl mumbled, "I was going to use this diving necklace..."

Holly answered, "You wouldn't dive- just send Fleur along to retrieve Mathieu- it is your brother, right?"

Fleur glared at Holly with suspicion, demanding, "Why?"

But Holly just rolled along, turning to the Durmstrang junior champion. "You good with this, Ilya?"

Ilya's reply was interesting. "Oh, ho ho ho ho! Yes. Yes. I would very much like this."

Fleur snapped, "WHY?"

Holly ceased her teasing tone and stared into Fleur's angered expression. "Honour. Your school gets a fair chance. You get a rematch against this lake. That is, unless you accept defeat. Maybe you're afraid of the cold water, now."

Fleur stepped back nervously. "I... I am not prepared..."

"What? Can't take a challenge unless the conditions are perfect?" Holly squinted at Fleur. "Are you just a show dog or do you have skills beneath the allure?"

Fleur dropped her blankets to the ground and stepped forward defiantly. "I am skilled!"

"Prove it. Right now you're just a nice set of teats that failed. Reminds me of another cold, wet defeat you suffered recently."

"Fucking cow!"

"Only when you're unavailable for the milking..."

Director Bones stepped between the two witches. "Ladies, control yourselves! We shall consult with the judges- are the champions willing?"

Holly barked out, "Yes."

"Yes!" Ilya agreed, rubbing his hands together with a certain glee.

Margaux hung her head in shame. "If... if Fleur will do it..."

Director Bones turned to Fleur. "Miss Delacour?"

Fleur's gaze never left Holly. "Oui. I will save Margaux' brozzer and leave you to suck ze algae from my wake."

Holly smirked. "Damn. You know just what to say to make me quiver."


"Nothing." Holly smiled, twitched one more time and then walked off to get another cup of mulled cider.



Lee: "Ahhh... let me see if I can get this straight. Viktor Krum finished first but is being penalized by the judges for bringing back the wrong hostage. Cedric Diggory came in second with the right hostage and is therefore getting the highest base score. Harry Potter brought back the wrong hostage, plus Fleur Delacour's sister, so he gets a small penalty as Krum had already screwed up his efforts, but also a two point boost from each judge for 'heroic efforts'. Fleur Delacour is getting partial credit for proper technique in preparation but lack of effective follow-through. How does that count up?"

Jeanne: "Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter receive 46 points. Viktor Krum receives 39. Fleur is granted 20 points. Had I not witnessed the arguments myself, I would have accused the judges of favouring the native wizards."

Stan: "I am not as forgiving. Krum was punished for others' mistakes. It was also pointed out that the coloured ribbons tied around the hostages ankles do not appear as anything but bright or dark green in the deep water. They are covering for their own embarrassment, and poorly."

Lee: "Any other thoughts, Ron?"

Ron: (mumbling) "Bloody Harry Potter gets snogged in front of everybody and Ginny looks like some sports star's underage girl of the day and he asks me if I have any thoughts?"

Lee: "Uhh, Ron?"

Ron: "WHAT? Oh, Well, I think the juniors run should be more interesting, seeing as Holly's in it and Fleur is taking a second run 'cause her teammate is a spineless piker."

Jeanne: "Batard! You zink zis is easy? You zink Margaux is proud to fall victim to her fears in front of all? You zink Fleur is not worried to return to the depzs that just tore her flesh?"

Ron: "I didn't say it was easy, I said it'll be more interesting! What's your problem, ya monobrow harpy?"


Ron: "Ow! Stan? What the fuBeeeeeep!"


Lee: "Ehmm... while we prepare for the second run, I'd like to thank LOM Enterprises and Mr. Pink. That projection was absolutely fantastic! We could see the details of Harry's fight with the mermen when you zoomed in on them, and I swear I could count the gills on Viktor Krum's shark body. Anything you can tell us about how this works?"

Mr. Pink: "Well, I won't give out our trade secrets, but I will say that LOM is planning to work out a better version, so that the competitors won't appear just as inky blobs up there. Once that wrinkle gets worked out, I imagine we'll be getting more than a few orders from arenas around the globe to get a TournaMap for their own matches. I've already been approached by a Professor from the Brazilian Institute of the Arcane. Mr. Vargas is likely to get the best pricing for being the first to ask."

Lee: "Do you anticipate any challenges for your business?"

Mr. Pink: "Deciding where to retire, maybe."

Lee: "Brilliant. Umm... well... Oh! Katie's got us another interview (thank Merlin)."


Katie: “I am standing with Holly Evans Black, junior competitor for Hogwarts in the Tri-School Wizardry Tournament."

Holly: "'Bout time. You've already interviewed everybody else, including the Healer, the inspectors, photographers, some of the spectators..."

Katie: "A-and we watched the seniors finish their swim about a half hour ago. I understand you were in the Healer's tent with your brother Harry, just now.”

Holly: “Yah. He’s fine. They’re all suffering from a bit of exposure, but should recover by dinnertime. Harry was poisoned by a mermish spear, though. He says he's just going to ride it out, to build up an immunity. Madame Pomfrey has him on bedrest- sent him back to the castle, I think.”

Katie: “How does it feel to compete against your own brother?”

Holly: “At least I get to see him. Most days he’s hidden away, so we don’t get a lot of sibling time together.”

Katie: “Can you tell me a little about your swim costume? It’s... a bit odd.”

Holly: “This is a thermal diving suit or 'wet suit' designed by muggles for cold-water swimming. The special fabric traps heat from my body and pre-heated water in the layers so that I won’t freeze up.”

Katie: “Why did you choose to wear this, instead of more traditional magical swim-robes?”

Holly: “Uhh... lack of information? I was under the impression that I could only bring one magical aid for this Task aside from my wand, which for me is my customised Omni-goggles.”

Katie: “I guess it... uhh...”

Holly: “Don’t worry. I don’t mind working with a handicap- it’ll make winning more tasty.”

Katie: "Holly, can you tell us- how much of the book Black Holly is the truth?"

Holly: "Every word. Especially the part about my being a liar. I'm lying right now, in fact."

Katie: "Ummm..."

Holly: "Yeah, I don't care. My life is hard enough without worrying about what people THINK that I've done. The inhuman part was a low blow, though, particularly from someone who's part lizard."

Katie: "Are you saying Ms. Rita Skeeter is not human?"

Holly: "All I know is that she's a cold-blooded shriveled-cunBeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! ...and I'll leave the proof to others. Gotta swim, now."

Katie: "Thank you, Holly. I mean, Miss Black."

Holly: "Ms. Evans, if you don't mind."

Katie: "Yes, sorry. Good luck, Ms. Evans."

Holly: "Thank you, Ms. Bell."


With Fleur going on the second run, Gabrielle decided to stay on the dock to await her sister's return. Hermione opted to stay with her to keep her company and translate the broadcast so that the young witch could understand how things were going. The other competitors and rescued hostages returned to the arena to watch with Lee's gang. Except Harry, of course.

Madame Bones and Mr. Mostafa did their inspections and reported back their assessments. Holly would be using her Omni-goggles, Ilya was carrying a bandolier of potions that had been verified as containing nothing lethal or luck-affecting, and Margaux of course would be assisted by Fleur. She still had to jump into the water, but Fleur would do the actual run, as if she had been summoned. These four gathered at the dock's edge, awaiting the cannon blast from Mr. Filch. They occupied the empty minutes with a bit of competitive banter.

Fleur started off, "Evans. Should we be expecting you to murder another defenseless creature? Ze blood in ze water may attract ze Grindylows, you know?"

Ilya returned, "Trouble for you, Miss Delacour? Do you think they like the taste of you, now?"

Holly sighed. "Look, I know you probably won't believe me when I say this, but I have no desire to hurt the giant squid. In fact, I'd appreciate it if you'd take care not to hurt Glenda, either."

Margaux turned to look at Holly. "The squid- it has a name?"


"And you know it because...?"

"I asked her. Just so you'll have a way around hurting her, I'll share this little secret. Glenda is a bit... ticklish. Particularly around her suckers."

Fleur snorts in derision. "Surely not. You expect us to tickle ze squid, do you? How foolish do you zink we are?"

Holly smiles back. "Miss Delacour, I am always interested in where a person is ticklish. I'm quite adept at finding such points of sensitivity."

Fleur huffs. "I remember! You attack where a person is most vulnerable."

Holly replies, "Yes, Fleur. It's called tactics. It's what distinguishes the skilled from those who are just lucky."

Madame Bones interrupted the rising tension. "Champions, get ready."

Ten seconds later, the cannon blast echoed across the lake.



Lee: "Mr. Pink, can we get a clarification on that?"

Mr. Pink: "I'm afraid all that I can tell is that Mr. Izarek has consumed a Transmutative potion."

Ron: "His limbs look all rubbery and boneless. What's he doing?"

Jeanne: "It appears zat his limbs and body have been transformed into snakes."

Lee: "Stan, you able to clear this up?"

Stan: "Yes! My friend is human no longer. He is now... EEELYA! Get it?!"

Jeanne: "Oh la! Zat is a terrible joke."

Ron: (cackling) "You gotta give credit to the little bugger- now that he's Eel-boy, he's swimming like a native!"

Lee: "Looks that way. Holly and Fleur's Bubblehead charms probably aren't helping their speed much, so they're moving at an even pace, trying to catch up with the Durmstrang junior. Holly has paused, using a Muto to transfigure some plants into... looks like into a big fish fin. She's attached it to her feet and now seems to be making progress against Fleur's lead. That Diminishing hex Miss Delacour keeps casting- is it thinning out the water in front of her?"

Jeanne: "I believe so. Both witches are now moving more swiftly. Miss Evans is heading off from ze path taken by Izarek--"

Stan: "Eeelya..."

Jeanne: "Non. I will not use zat name. Fleur and Izarek are swimming a course that arcs towards ze 'ostages, yet Evans looks to be heading directly to zem."

Ron: "Yeah. She's not afraid of the long seaweed, is my guess."

Lee: "Looks like that choice might earn her some grief. A school of Grindylows is moving to surround her, the first few approaching from her right while the rest of the swarm gathers left. Holly's casting..."

Stan: "What is... a 'Taser' hex?"

Ron: "Whatever it is, it's effective! We saw a flash in a roundish shape, and now those first Grindylows are running away from her, and the rest of the swarm is doubling back, too."

Jeanne: "It seems ze hex affected Evans as well."

Ron: "Maybe, but she's shaking it off right quick."

Lee: "Ilya... I'm sorry, Eeeeelya Izarek has reached the open space near the ruins where the hostages are tethered. The squid doesn't appear to be in the area yet. He's releasing a potion. The label shows... 'Freshwater Moth Mites'. Both Fleur and Holly are entering the area with the cloud spreading before them."

Jeanne: "Non! He would not dare!"

Ron: "Say, Mr. Pink. Could you zoom in a bit?"

Lee: "The cloud has enveloped both witches. Fleur seems annoyed-- OH, Sweet Merlin! Mr. Pink?"

Mr. Pink: "Yeah, zooming in."

Lee: "Well listeners, I can only report that the Moth Mites... eat clothing!"

Stan: "Ohhhh... that's a lovely view, even in silhouette. I suppose with water so cold..."

Jeanne: "It appears Mr. Izarek is performing a little dance for Fleur. His serpentine limbs are undulating quite provocatively."

Lee: "Hah! That was an unkind gesture! Fleur Delacour is now swimming back towards the seaweed."

Ron: "What's with Holly? She looks like she's burning or something..."


Beneath the surface, the Black Lake was quite murky and dark, tinted with the accumulation of peat from the surrounding soil. The water itself was bitter cold, though I had the advantage of resting within Holly's bubblehead as a measure of protection. Holly offered an occasional glimpse into the Omni-goggles view- everything within was lit up in shades of green, with outlines of denser rock visible through ghostly images of plants and algae, or skeletal schools of fish. In the distance, Fleur appeared like a bright white mermaid due to the heat she was giving off. By contrast, Eeelya looked like a mass of tangled snakes in a humanoid shape- dense, but nearly as cold as his surroundings.

Holly's electrical spell created a shocking effect in a sphere centered at the tip of her wand. It was briefly painful, but that was enough to send the Grindylows to look for easier prey. We both shook off the effect before Holly soldiered forward. Then we encountered the cloud.

At first it seemed like just an oil spill, perhaps left to make gripping her hostage that much more difficult, but then Holly convulsed. The Mites were eating through her wet suit with relish, and Holly's own nightmare tale to Margaux began to take effect on her for real. It was an unusually prompt expression of karma. The freezing water seeped in to wrap around her body, and Holly began to gasp in pain and terror. Her body was assaulted by the water's effect, activating her nerves like fiery needles were being inserted into every one. Holly lost her grip on her wand, and the Warming rune failed on her swimsuit once enough coverage was eaten away. Seconds of panic felt like hours of torture- even I was pierced by the sudden pain of freezing, as my protection was lost with the Warming charm's failure.

Holly clutched at the dissolving shreds of her costume in vain. She then curled into a foetal ball, her limbs shaking madly in a muscle-rending palsy. The Bubblehead remained, but her sudden gasps were more disconcerting than the lengthening silence between them. She forced the fingers of her hand to operate, and with a fierce focus, her body was enwrapped by a new Warming charm.

Able to breathe for a moment, Holly cast a second and third and fourth Warming charm, each one centered at a different point on her body. After a few seconds, she found that her original charm was fading and cast anew. This cycle of casting Warming charms continued for several minutes, and Holly looked around her wildly for a more permanent solution.

It was then that she noticed the Mites enwrapping the hostages to eat their clothing as well, and in the consumption of Neville's trouser pockets, a squishy object fell out into the open water. The Omni-goggles marked the mass once it appeared; 'Gillyweed'.



Lee: "Wow. I mean just... wow."

Jeanne: "Per'aps we should invite a few more female voices to continue our broadcast."

Ron: "Yeah. That'd be... whatever."

Ginny: "Oh, shove over Ron! Yes, Fleur's teats look just touchable when projected at twenty feet in width. Her nips were the size of milking pails, but the girl has fashioned herself a seaweed bikini now. Can we move on?"

Cho: "Ehmm... well, it looks like... maybe Holly was freezing? Her costume was protecting her from the cold, but that's gone now."

Jeanne: "Merci, Mademoiselles. It does seem like Evans has compensated, zough she is preoccupied wiz casting Warming charms."

Stan: "Da. Everywhere. Her legs, her (gulp)... chest, her head, her curvy arse... and she just grasped a pointed nipple for some warmth... ohhh."

Ginny: "We'll just ignore him. Anyway, as Eeeelya had the moment's advantage and stopped making gross gestures at Fleur, he's recovered Tracey Davis---"

Ron: "Her clothing's gone, too. Didn't know she was so stacked, y'know?"

Lee: "Yeah. Yeah. Love how they just... float there."


Lee: "SORRY! Thank you, uhh... Professor McGonagall."

Professor McGonagall: "And as for you, MR. PINK--"

Mr. Pink: "Just giving the audience a clear view of the action, Professor. Oh! Uhh... right. I'll behave."

Lee: "Yeah. We'll be good. Alright, as Ginny mentioned, Eeelya has recovered his hostage and is dumping another potion bottle in his wake as he heads out of the area. This one says 'Anger Unction'. Seems a poor idea, given that his opponents are probably already a bit peeved with him."

Mr. Pink: "Here comes the squid!"

Lee: "No kidding! She's moving as fast as a charging bull. Fleur has retrieved Mathieu Magritte and is warily avoiding Eeelya's new potion cloud, but the giant squid has jetted right through the stuff and started to wrap her tentacles around all four of the nearby swimmers. As I understand it, the squid is meant only to hold them."

Mr. Pink: "That's as may be, but she's looking a bit twitchy, there."

Ginny: "That's right, and it looks like Eeelya's getting some just punishment right now. He appears to be writhing in pain."

Jeanne: "Fleur is also struggling to free herself, but has ze good sense to use a flame cutter to force ze tentacle to release her. She is attempting a Petrifaction Curse."

Mr. Pink: "Yeah, that won't work. Squid's too big for that, unless she's a real powerhouse. See- it didn't hold."

Lee: "Eeelya has torn himself free but is having a time trying to liberate Tracey Davis from the squid's grip. There also seems to be some muck being churned up in the fight."

Ginny: "That's blood, Lee."

Jeanne: "Oui. Ze suckers of a Squid have fangs at ze center, for gripping. Zis squid is no longer just holding zem back."

Cho: "Oh! Look- there's Holly."

Lee: "Holly Evans has swum up to the fight, though she looks a little... odd."

Cho: "It's the Gillyweed. She's a mer-witch, now."

Lee: "Well, that makes sense. Holly also seems to have found her wand again and is casting... a Skin-freezing hex? What's that?"

Ginny: "What's that light for?"

Lee: "It means we have a signal from Katie at the dock. Weird time for it but..."


Hermione: "Hello, Hermione Granger here. The Skin-freezing hex or 'Rigor Tergum' is an alternative spell that I invented to replace the Petrifying Hex. Where Holly strikes the target, the location starts to petrify, spreading further outward the longer she applies it. I can't see what you're seeing, but it should prove effective against the limbs of a giant cephalopod, unlike--"


Lee: "That's great, Hermione. Holly has successfully freed the other competitors and is now floating in front of the squid. Aguamenti? Why cast a water-expelling spell? You'd think there was enough water at hand."

Jeanne: "She is flushing ze potion from ze squid's gills. See, now is... a Potion-acceleration charm? I've not heard of such a spell."

Lee: "Hols has got an interesting bag of tricks, for sure. Eeelya has shared some blood-replenisher with Fleur Delacour. Holly seems to be... caressing the squid?"

Ginny: "Don't guess, Lee! There's some activity there, but it's hard to say what. Now, the squid is jetting off, back to her cave."

Lee: "And the competitors are splitting up; Fleur and Eeelya are grabbing their hostages and Holly has turned back towards the ruins, no doubt to retrieve Neville Longbottom from his tether."


At the time Holly consumed the Gillyweed, I was hiding inside her fingertip inkwell. I would peek out to see what was happening, but I couldn't venture far without freezing. The cold doesn't hurt me, except as a shock, but I slow down considerably, and I wanted to stay awake for this, in case I could help. I guess telling the story is as much as I can manage.

Glenda had been calmed and sent back to her den. She was very sorry, and Holly conveyed her acceptance of the squid's apology, at least as well as interspecies Legilimency could allow. She then swam back to the ruins. When she returned to Nev's now-naked body, Holly discovered another wrinkle- his leg wasn't bound by rope like the others were. His ankle was chained to the largest marble block amongst the submerged ruins.

Holly tried slicing hexes and rusting charms and shrinking his leg, but the manacle and chain looked to be spelled resistant in some way. She was growing quite frustrated when she suddenly felt her arm being gripped from behind. A swift twist around and her wand was pointing into Fleur's face. Both she and 'Eeelya' had returned with their hostages to see what was keeping their fellow champion from returning with them. Holly's smile was reflected genuinely, and they gathered around the chain to pool their knowledge.

All three tried a variety of charms and hexes without success, trading flame writing suggestions to prevent redundant efforts. Finally, Holly gently pushed the two other swimmers to the side. A jigging motion with her wand caused Neville's leg to desiccate into what was essentially human jerky. A second swipe, and Holly had severed Neville's foot a few inches above the manacle. Fleur vomited into the water, and I'd swear Eeelya released some ink, despite his eel-based transformation. Holly retrieved the errant limb, handing it to (a quite perturbed) Fleur, so that she could carry it in the belt of her seaweed bikini, seeing as Holly hadn't bothered with making one.

Now settled, they turned to head back to the dock, only Holly grabbed them both by the arm in caution. Her goggles had revealed that their path ahead was blocked.



Lee: "Wow. I think that must be every Grindylow in the Black Lake assembled there."

Cedric: "Well, they're attracted by the scent of blood. When the champions were struggling with Glenda-- I mean, the giant squid-- they let loose a good sampling to attract those predators. I think Holly may have annoyed them, too."

Cho: "That is her speciality."

Ginny: "Rowr! Pffft!"

Krum: "It does not look promising."

Stan: "The competitors look like they're chatting."

Ron: "Or kissing. I could see it either way, really."

Ginny: "You would."

Ron: "I meant, kissing each other goodbye."

Lee: "It seems they've separated again, but Eeelya is gathering all three frozen hostages into his grip. Fleur is casting... a Siren song. I'm switching to Katie's feed."


(song: 'Aaah ai laaah, leeahh, lai lo-aaahh.')

Katie: "You can hear it pretty well down here. She has a lovely voice."

Hermione: "Yes, but more to the point, it's a more complicated song than the spell calls for. Hang on. What is it sweetie?"

(Whispering in French)

Hermione: "Ah. Gabrielle just told me that Fleur is an accomplished vocalist and that the Siren song can include instructions, if you know how to sing--"


Lee: "Sorry to cut you off again, Hermione. Fleur Delacour's song has drawn the squid back out of her cave. The great creature has swum up and is now taking a position directly between the champions and the Grindylow swarm. They're moving forward... whoa! Holly just shot past the arms of the squid and is using a flame whip to smack away the Grindylows that are trying to maneuver around the squid's reach. The assembly is making a good pace of it. The squid is batting most of the Grindylows away, and Holly is jetting back and forth around their perimeter, chasing off the small clutches of attackers that are able to avoid the Squid's inexorable charge. Eeelya is bringing along the hostages and Fleur looks to still be singing to the squid as they advance. I can't guess how they'll score this one, but to my mind, they all deserve a 'ten'!"


Eventually the swarm came to its collective senses and gave up the chase. The squid gave a happy wave with two tentacles, and then left the champions to finish the last leg on their own.

Fleur and Mathieu surfaced first, followed by Neville who was Stunned before he could realise his short-limbed situation. When Eeelya surfaced with Tracey... things got odd.

Tracey came to, shocked by the freezing water. She then realised that she was stark naked and spun around looking for some coverage. It only took a second for her to catch sight of Eeelya to let out a scream of horror. In her thrashing, she somehow gained hold of his wand and flung some very dangerous curses at the eel-headed wizard, opening up slashes across his eel-like limbs. Tracey was then struck by a Stunner from Margaux, who was still bobbing around at the edge of the dock. They caught hold of Davis and both she and Margaux were brought out of the water, with Tracey given some modesty provided by a wool blanket charmed to wrap around her.

Eeelya downed a few more potions that sealed his wounds and finally returned him to his natural state. Someone tossed him a towel to cover his waist, and he ascended to the dock as well. That left Holly in the water.

She smiled up at everyone from just below the surface, giving a friendly wave to the RE-class kids that had assembled to wish her well. Hermione gave her a knowing look and then turned to address the crowd.

"Holly won't be done with the Gillyweed for another forty minutes or so. For those of you hoping to catch a glimpse--"

Hermione's admonition was cut off by the sound of Holly bursting up out of the water to do a twisting double back flip. As I understand it, only Colin was able to capture the moment with his camera. That might have something to do with Holly signaling him first.



Lee: "Just some last-minute analysis for our fans still tuned in to hear the results. Jeanne?"

Jeanne: "Evans was given fair credit for her spellwork and strategy, winning ze round with 43 points. Ilya Izarek collected 37, despite ze dangers introduced by his potions. Fleur is credited with adding another 30 points to ze Beauxbatons totals, but I feel she and Margaux were punished twice by accepting a two-point penalty per judge for acting as substitute. Perhaps it is guilt that motivated Headmaster Dumbledore to award ze four points to Margaux."

Ron: "He said it was for her recognising her limits. Anyway, don't look a gift unicorn in the mouth."

Lee: "That puts Durmstrang in the lead over Hogwarts by only one point, and Beauxbatons trails them by only eleven."

Stan: "Harry Potter did well, but I don't see how he can win, now."

Lee: "True. Even if he gets fifty points in the last Task, he'd still be one shy of Beauxbatons' current total. I suppose that will all be settled in June, when we hope to broadcast to you once again. Thank you all for listening. I'm Lee Jordan for WWRX."


The assembly at the dock had dwindled to just a dozen or so RE-class students, Hermione, Neville and Madame Pomfrey by the time Holly's Gillyweed finally wore off. She rushed to get out of the freezing water and into an oversized towel held open by Hermione. Their maneuvering robbed most of them of an enticing view, for which several gave teasing groans of protest.

Holly moved into the crowd of well wishers, headed for Madame Pomfrey's tent to get a final once-over. She stopped suddenly, and let her towel drop from her shoulders.

Hermione turned back, noting her friend's exhibitionistic display with some irritation.

"Uh! Holly! What do you think you're-- AIIIIIEEEEEE!"

Hermione's scream drew everyone's attention, including Neville and Madame Pomfrey, who burst forth from the Healer tent. Holly swayed slightly, changing the angle so that everyone could now see the eight inches of tar-covered blade poking up from the center of her chest.

Holly muttered, "Ow. Does... anyone smell... mangoes?" She then slipped off the blade and collapsed to the ground, revealing a shocked boy standing behind her, holding the thin but lethal dagger in his hand, with it still poking through the center of Holly's towel.

He barely got out, "I... I had to--", before twenty different spells arced from the assembled students to petrify, stun, slice, impale, burn, bludgeon and otherwise curse the boy straight off the dock and into the water.

Hermione gathered her wits, turning to the vengeful assembly. "Stand down! That's enough! We need him alive to find out why this happened."

Neville jumped off the dock into the freezing waters of the Black Lake, diving down to retrieve the boy's body. Some of the curses had inflated the boy's tissues, so Neville was quick to find him floating just a few yards beneath the surface.

Hermione magically lifted both wizards from the water, and they were immediately wrapped in Warming charms and animated blankets. Hermione added the ropes of a Binding Hex to their young assassin.

Hermione shook her head. "I can't believe it. Lance Luz. He's a Gryffindor! I was just teaching him the Shield charm three days ago."

The assembly turned then to see Madame Pomfrey shaking her head over Holly's limp form. "I can't help her here. I've put her under a full Stasis charm- it's the only thing keeping her alive."

Neville gasped. "What's wrong, Madame Pomfrey?!"

"The blade was poisoned, and not with anything I can easily cure."

Pomfrey enchanted a paper bird to fly like a shot towards the castle. Neville found the boy's weapon and carefully wrapped it in a cloth, then handed it off to Madame Pomfrey. A minute later, Albus Dumbledore appeared with a sound like cracking knuckles.


"I need a Portkey to the Hospital Wing, now."


Poppy took hold of the Headmaster's kerchief and held it between her hand and Holly's, while also gripping the bound assailant, Mr. Luz. We disappeared a few seconds later.

So the Tale of the Task is told.

Lance is fine now, of course. Any news on a potential cure for Holly?



27th February, 1995


You may be interested to hear that, despite fully recovering from his hexing, Mr. Luz is not fine. He is, in fact, greatly in fear for his life and sanity. My sympathy for his plight has been... difficult to summon.

I'm afraid Poppy has made no progress on the poison. Professor Snape added his skills to the task, but then quickly ended his involvement with this chilling proclamation:

"It is a goblin-made venom. There is no cure known, as that is how the goblins ensure contracts are fulfilled. It is not, strictly speaking, a poison, thus Phoenix tears are of no effect, except to seal the entry wound. To depend on Miss Evans' accelerated healing to save her will only hasten her end. For her to be granted the cure, the goblins must be paid whatever they feel is her life's value in Galleons. If they want her dead... it will cost more."

Hermione and Padma have barely slept, doing research in cooperation with friends beyond the castle in the hopes of disproving Severus' dire proclamation. Sirius and Remus have been keeping Joker quite busy. No one has yet heard from Natalia.

I'll look in on you whenever I can. In the meantime, it looks as though Mr. Longbottom has taken the position over Holly that she once took over Miss Granger when Hermione was petrified two years ago. Please, remind him to do his classwork while he watches over her.

A few prayers wouldn't be amiss, either.

With love,


2nd March, 1995


In hope of your eventual recovery, I will have Newt transcribe the details of a very interesting meeting we recently attended in the Headmaster's office.

The Tale of Burning Black and the Seven Goblins (if you count Professor Flitwick)

Six goblins sit across from the desk of Albus Dumbledore. Also seated in the room are Professors McGonagall, Snape and Flitwick. The lead goblin, Gruum, introduces his associates before growling at the headmaster.

"We did not come here for a conference! You have accused us of conspiring murder, and even insisted upon meeting within your office instead of the proper place at Gringott's. Explain this latest insult, or we shall return to our business and regard this as a toothless waste of our resources."

Albus wrinkles his brow in exaggerated confusion. "What is your objection to the others being here?"

"You are Albus, the Headmaster of the School of the Four, whom we came to see." Gruum points towards Grandmum Minerva. "That one is Black Holly's mother. I assume you've told her not to speak. As you know, we afford mothers no voice in legal disagreements, since they cannot focus on facts." Professor McGonagall looks close to speaking but holds herself back at the last moment.

Gruum points at Professor Snape. "This man... only trades in coin. It is an insult."

Snape replies icily, "Paper is fleeting. Gold endures."

Finally, Gruum nods towards Professor Flitwick. "And that... thing is unwelcome among us."

Albus nods. "Yes, but since you've asked for my Deputy Headmistress to remain silent, her successor in the position is here to represent the school's interests. Treat him by his title- Deputy Headmaster in situ. Professor Snape appears as Head of House for the most recently aggrieved Holly Jade Evans of the House of Black."

"Aggrieved? She is dead. We do not answer grievances from the dead. There is no need."

Professor Snape counters, "Evans is not dead. Her pulse continues, however slowly. Her blood has not yet been consumed by your Vampiric Venom."

Gruum bares some teeth in his smile. "Yet she will be dead, with nothing to prevent its coming. Her days count in single digits. Perhaps we should reschedule--"

Albus snaps, "Enough. I have a grievance, then. Your agents have put lethal weapons in the hands of my students, and extorted their cooperation in performing murder."

Another goblin, introduced as Bonecutter, asks, "Is it murder, if the victim is not even human?"

The headmaster glares over his half-moon glasses. "Unless it is proved otherwise, all my students are human beings and will be treated as such."

The goblin Semniak drawls out, "You have no right to interfere with a lawful contract."

"Oh? That depends on the contract, doesn't it? Which agreement of yours allowed you to plot the fall of a noble House?"

Gruum barks, "The House of Black is not at risk; Evans is not noble."

"Yes, but Longbottom is both. Neville Longbottom is the last able-bodied wizard of his House, but your agents saw fit to threaten his life by securing him to the bottom of a lake in such a way as to prevent his being safely recovered. The Merchieftainess has already caught and punished your collaborator. Dame Longbottom is being alerted of her rights to pursue restitution for the threat."

"I was unaware that anyone was threatened in your contest. Maybe you should conjure up safer entertainments."

Professor Flitwick speaks up with a clap of delight. "Ah! I've got it. You didn't order that, did you? Someone got ambitious. Not just with Mr. Longbottom, but the poisoned blade as well. You're trying to bluff your way out of holding them responsible. Is Holly Evans marked for death as an enemy of the goblins?"

"Tell that thing--'"

Flitwick growls out, "Is she?"


Filius adds, "Yet, someone in the clans believes she is, or they wouldn't have been allowed use of the venom. What is the injustice? Surely, this has nothing to do with the dragon- that was a fair fulfillment, with many precedents. No. You aren't sure why they want her dead, but you are sure that only some of them wish it so." He asks in a commiserating way, "Tell us; is the clan leader for, or against her death?"

A small goblin in the back answers, "Against, for now." The brutish one next to him smacks him in the ear.

Flitwick smirks and nods. "Ohhh! Then you have a problem."

Albus adds, "An internal problem. I suggest you settle it."

Gruum sneers at the headmaster. "Dumbledore, you do not order--"

The warlock bursts to standing in a terrifying display of anger. "SETTLE IT! Decide whether or not the treaties are to be honoured. Ask your leader to tell us what threat Holly Evans poses to their future, that she could be killed in honour. For if it is not an honourable kill, it is a murder and the next step..." Albus shakes his head in sorrow, " war."

The goblins begin looking at each other nervously.

Albus whispers, but the goblins can hear the underlying threat. "I will not tolerate any further interference by the goblin clans in the lives of my students. You stand upon a precipice- 'Wizard children were hired by goblins to kill purebloods'. That's the story in the Prophet if you do not sort this quickly, and... if I may suggest, with generosity equal to your guilt. We have been insulted. I think you should find out why."

"I... will ask Ragnok."

Albus adds, “And you will provide the cure?"

Gruum scoffs. "For ambach se-ull suree charat? No. I value my life. Our meeting is over."

The goblins rise as one and filter out of the room by way of the green flames in the Headmaster's fireplace.

Minerva breaks the tense silence following their departure. "What was it that they called Holly?"

Albus continues to muse to himself, still standing as when he lost his temper. Seeing this, Professor Flitwick replies, "Ambach se-ull suree charat- 'the burning girl of darkness'. It's an unusual title for someone without any... diplomatic value to the goblin clans."

Albus looks down, frowning in concern. "Filius, if I told you that Holly was the 'burning dark girl', what would you say?"

The short man considers for a moment before responding. "If you had asked me yesterday, I would have reminded you that Miss Evans' hair has grown out since September. Today... I can say nothing."

"Thank you, Filius."

Filius mildly replies, "For what?"

Albus winks and smiles. "Nothing, of course."


Once the others had adjourned, I compelled Albus to explain himself. Over the next three hours, he intimated that the 'burning dark girl' is the type of name given to subjects of a prophecy. In this case, a goblin prophecy, and one Professor Flitwick may know. Unfortunately, he is foresworn from telling it to non-goblins.

It is not my preferred source of hope, but the fact that your life seems interwoven with the voices of Fate gives me a small measure of optimism. If your destiny is unfulfilled, surely that means your current situation is merely a temporary setback. I wouldn't have given such value to prophecy before now, but the goblins have always been the definition of practical beings. If they believe their prophecies, it is because they have been found to be consistently relevant. Your own experiences have provided more fuel to encourage that belief.

I look forward to finally being proven wrong about Divination. Perhaps it is a subject worthy of study, after all.

With love and hope,



I have a follow-up concerning my previous message. This morning, Albus received a package, hand-delivered by Urthuk of the goblins. It contained a letter of apology and eleven severed goblin heads- the faction of conspirators who had been responsible for those hired or compelled through debts to take your life.

The list of humans involved was surprising, as more than just your assassin were identified. Nine different students from a variety of years and Houses have been spoken to, based upon the list. Only one other had taken action, but his attempt to poison you apparently had passed unnoticed. The truly distressing part of this scandal is how little money was necessary to induce these children to try to kill you. Most were acting to save their family from debts as small as twenty Galleons being called due. The goblins commonly threaten so much over so little, that such bounties must have seemed worth the risk.

When Albus asked once more for a cure, Urthuk replied, "Either she will live or she will die. Let her Fate decide the outcome. If you wish to buy her life, I believe the properties department is willing to discuss a mortgage upon your castle, here."

Oh, and one other document was included in the package. The Potter account is being audited. This freezes all transactions; the trust will not be refilled again, but the interest accumulating on all loans and incomplete contracts has been frozen. Albus believes that this is a temporary measure, meant to show their willingness to settle things without actually admitting guilt or giving up control of the Potter fortune.

I don't know what this truly means for you. I only hope you have a chance to read about it.

With love,


5th March, 1995


As I understand it, Poppy has found a cure for Miss Evans, but she won't tell anyone how it was accomplished! In fact, she insists that no one ever ask her about it, or she'll quit Healing and leave Hogwarts entirely! Can you shed some light upon this mystery?

With love and relief,



I'm sorry. I've been sworn to secrecy. Holly even heard your conversation with Madame Pomfrey. After you left, she spoke briefly to Poppy on the topic, saying, "Don'... don' do that. You can't quit Hogwarts... 'til I pass th' NEWTs, or I'm dead." We're not sure whether she meant that as an option or the result, but I'm not risking it either way.

I guess we must simply count our blessings.



Second Task scores

Senior Results (scores by A. Dumbledore, O. Maxime, I. Karkaroff, L. Bagman & P. Weasley)
Cedric - Cho 10/9/7/10/10 = 46
Viktor - Hermione (but grabs Ginny) 8/7/9/8/7 = 39
Harry - Ginny (but grabs Hermione and Gabrielle) 7/7/7/7/8 +10 = 46
Fleur - (Gabrielle) 4/6/1/5/4 = 20

Junior Results
Holly - Neville 10/8/7/10/8 = 43
Ilya - Tracey Davis 6/7/10/8/6 = 37
Margaux - 4/0/0/0/0 = 4
[] Fleur - Mathieu 6/7/5/6/6 = 30

Team totals:
Durmstrang 74 + 76 = 150
Hogwarts 60 + 89 =149
Beauxbatons 84 + 54 = 138
Potter 41 + 46 = 87

Personal totals:
Delacour 38+20(+30) = 88
Potter 41+46 = 87
Diggory 39+46 = 85
Krum 37+39 = 76
Izarek 37+37 = 74
Evans 21+43 = 64
Magritte 46+4 = 50


Omake: a couple of short bits that did actually happen

~ Consoling a ghost ~

Drowned Dorothea scoffs as Margaux runs screaming out of the tent. "Damnit. I was just getting started."

Holly stands up and gives the ghost a sympathetic smile. "What can I say? The younger generation is just too impatient."

The ghost seems to grump, "Well, thanks for trying anyway."

"You think you might be able to pass on, now?"

"No. It's just as well. Myrtle has convinced me that watching the boys in the showers isn't a bad way to spend a century or two."

"Oh. Joy." Holly leaves the tent to follow Margaux, not wanting to miss the Beauxbatons witch humiliating herself.

~ The Healer's Secret ~

Early one morning, a simple man in lavender and tan robes walks straight into the hospital wing without tripping the alarm. He sneaks in close to Holly, taking a long, careful look at her pale visage. He reads over Poppy's charts for a minute, then measures out a beaker's worth of liquid from a bottle retrieved from his pocket. A swirl from his wand cancels her Stasis charm. Before he can dump the liquid into Holly's mouth, Poppy lights up the room, wand at the ready.

"Stop where you are!"

Florean Fortescue looks up from his favorite customer to give the witch an impish smile. "Oh! Good morning, Healer Pomfrey."

"YOU! Are you insane? What makes you think I would allow you in here, ever, much less to gain access to one of my patients? By Merlin's eye, you'll leave now or there won't be a point to sending you to Hell for what you'll suffer under my wrath!"

Florean waits a moment and then replies, "Yes, I remember it fondly from our wedding night."

Pomfrey stalks closer, keeping her wand pointed at Florean. "What have you got there?"

"What, this?" Florean smirks and then dumps the beaker down Holly's throat. "This is just Cyanide."

Poppy gasps in horror, temporarily stunned speechless (and spell-less).

Florean tosses the glass container onto the blanket and then snaps forward to grapple with Poppy, making certain to control the aim of her wand with his grip. "Now, now... (urgh)... pet. We musn't... (aghk)... jump to... conclusions."

"Infernal bastard! I'll make you suffer ten times a hundred tortures for what you've--"

Holly's body convulses. Poppy releases Florean to immediately see to her patient. Her opponent slumps against a nearby cabinet, Poppy's wand still held loosely in his hand.

"Just let her be, Poppy. I guarantee she's in no danger."

"No DANGER?! That was Cyanide! A lethal amount depending on dilution! Give me that!" Poppy snatches her wand back from Florean's hand.

"I know, and I'm sure it will be fine, because it didn't affect Mr. Potter when I gave him some a year ago. It will only kill the parasites that are feasting on her blood. Besides, I always have an antidote at hand."

"Amyl Nitrite? Of course you would. Wait. You... fed him poison? How...? No. Tell me why, right now!"

"Testing a theory or three. He seemed unusually familiar to me for a person almost no one had ever seen before, and I wished to find out if common poison could affect one whose blood is rumoured to run with the tears of a Phoenix. He was fine, and we both know that that means... she will be fine."

"Damn you, you incubus. Begone from my sight."

"Well I would stay for tea, but I'm afraid I must be going. See you next anniversary, lambchop."


A few hours pass in anxious monitoring. Madame Pomfrey bustles around Holly's bed, casting diagnostic spells every few minutes- at first, Holly's convulsions worry the Healer, but they abate in favour of Holly breathing very deeply, despite still being comatose. Slowly, colour returns to Holly's cheeks and her breathing settles into a normal rhythm and strength.

The sun is high in the sky when Holly croaks out a plea for water, startling Poppy from her brief nap. The healer jumps up to grant her request. While the Healer is distracted, Newt locks eyes with Holly, communicating a brief summary of recent events. Poppy returns with more water and initiates another bout of diagnostic spells. After a bit, the healer sits down next to her patient.

"I should think you are going to force me into retirement, Miss Evans."

Holly smiles and relaxes. "Liar. You love the challenge. I'm your favourite patient."

"You think entirely too much of yourself, and you trust the wrong people."

"How's that?"

"You were stabbed by one of your tutored students, and you were... cured through the efforts of an untrustworthy associate."

Holly turns away from the Healer and smiles at Newt where she is hiding in the folds of her tunic. "Your husband stopped by?"

"How... he didn't...?" Pomfrey sits back and gives Holly a distrustful look. "I confess nothing."

Holly looks back at her. "It's alright. I found out through other sources. Don't blame Florean."

Poppy shakes her head, and then sits forward to stare into Holly's face. "I must warn you, Miss Evans. That man is not to be trusted! He can be very innocent-seeming, but he has many secrets. DARK secrets, and ones you would not be pleased to uncover."

"Well, I sorta wish you'd mentioned that before Valentine's Day."


"It's something I literally cannot talk about. But thanks for the warning. I'm going back to sleep. Wake me when Tonks shows up."

"Or your godmother?"

"Nah. I'm not up for arguing. I only want visits from people who talk with kisses."

Madame Pomfrey rises up from the chair, heading back to her office. "Then maybe you should act in a more love-worthy fashion!"

Holly smiles to herself. "I do alright, Madame Kettle."


Tangent Alert: '9502 - Holly-leujah'

Holly recovers from almost dying again; Neville expresses his feelings on the matter.
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