Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Only Hope


by Mizzy1122 0 reviews

2019's Draculoid Disaster

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-11-15 - Updated: 2010-11-16 - 2961 words

They sat in their chairs, crosslegged. Morning was painted on their dull, groggy faces. Meg and Kendle sat with their cereal bowls in front of them but were too dead to even bother to eat.
"C'mon! Eat! Eat! You don't want to be late for school, do you? You can't go to school without your breakfeast to keep you nice and strong!" Meg rolled her eyes and turned to her mother,
"Could you not talk like that? We're not six years old, mother." Rachel, Kendle and Meg's mother, narrowed her eyes,
"Sorry for living in the moment." She grumbled and left the room.
"Pass the chocolate cheerios?" Kendle asked and Meg shook her head.
"No, last time you ate the rest. Wasted it more likely, you need to stop spilling your cereal."
"Shut up! You pushed the bowl and it landed on the dog!"
They argued until their mother demanded them to shut up and get to school.
It was the year 2014 and the population of Earth was dying out and apparently, the whole human race was leaving for Mars in a few days time(But Kendle and Meg don't know that), they didn't even care about the crisis around them, for all they knew, the world was just as violent as it was yesterday.
Meg nudged Kendle, "Guess what our first class is?"
"Skipping?" Kendle guessed, totally forgetting that they had chemestry with THE Frank Iero and Gerard Way.
Though people rather have the jocks and high fashioned boys from 2014, Kendle and Meg rather have the outcasts of the school, people might not see it, but they were extremely attractive. Along with Ray Toro(and the starting of his amazing Fro), and Mikey Way, but Kendle and Meg hadn't yet taken the time to know them, so for now, they were going to waste their time with the two men that were probably never going to be attracted to them.
"Idiot, no, we have chemestry." Meg raised her eyebrows in approval and Kendle smiled. For once.
Lets say Kendle never smiled, she could kinda relate to Mikey Way, she's gone through the phase of wanting to put a fork in the toster, but everyone does that, right? The whole spoon in the blender rutine. Knife in the microwave. Heh, it's famous.
They reached chemestry and set their books at seperate tables, you can only guess who they were partnered with, yes, yes, Meg with Frank and Kendle with Gerard. Amazing, yes?
Gerard slumped into his seat and spotted Kendle who sat down next to him, he smile at her and tried to act as if he wasn't too happy that she was sitting by him.
Maybe he did like her? If that were true, I'm sure Kendle would dance with joy, but even so, he wouldn't tell her, Gerard wasn't big on the whole beingrejected thing.
Meg's P.O.V--
I took in a sharp breath as Frank sat down next to me. I smiled to myself before turning to him.
"Lovely morning, isn't it?" I asked in a mocking brittish voice and Frank laughed.
"You so suck at that, you think that after all this time, you would have learned it by now." He purred in an absolutly perfect brittish accent.
He was breath taking, his messy black hair and dark eyes, his smile evil and charming enough to belong to the devil himself.
"Well, let us begin our lessons?" I asked, he smiled again.
"How 'bout a french accent?"
I shook my head, "I'm horrible with anything even related to french." Did is use the wrong grammer? Did I say that wrong? I feel like such an idiot!
"Mmm," He pretended to stoke an invisible beard as he thought, "what about french kissing?"
"Shut up!" I said with a smile and playfully punched him in the arm. I had absolutley adored when he talked to me like that.
The first period bell had just rung, and the evil Ms. Watson had come wobbling in the door. Kendle and I had hated Ms. Watson with a burning passion. She was chubby, vulgure, and had no life. Of course, that's what we thought of all teachers in that lame excuse for a school. She set her sunglasses, purse, and fanny pack down on the front desk.
"Alright kids, I'm not in any mood for bad behavior or chit-chat, so don't get on my bad side today." . Frankie and exchanged annoyed glances.
Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock went the day. Every minute seemed like an hour, and each school day felt like a year. I relied on my sister and my boyfriend in different periods to distract me. The rest of the periods eased by, and eventually, the 8th period bell rang. As Kendle and I strolled to the pickup area outside the school, Frankie and Gerard caught up with us. Frankie caught me by surprised as he put his frale arms around my waist. I smiled and kissed his cheek in return.
I could tell Gerard and Kendle felt a little awkward from our 'public display of affection'.
"Hey..." Gerard greeted quietly as he watched Frankie and I hand in hand. Kendle rolled her eyes and ignored us two and turned to Gerard.
Frankie walked me to my mom's car with Kendle and Gerard following far behind.
"I feel weird today." Frankie said nonchalantly. I turned to face towards him. This can't be good.
"Why's that, babe?" I asked.
"I don't know! Today just feels...different. Ya know what I'm sayin'? I feel like something big is gonna happen. Something...I don't know...revolutionary.".
I thought about it. This day DID have something strange about it. I searched the skies, looking for some sign of something 'revolutionary'. Nothing different. Just the same old, pollution filled skies that hung there every day.
"I agree....what do you think it is?".
"I can't put my finger on it...".
Just as Frankie said that, my mother honked her car, trying to tell me that she was still waiting.
"You worry me, Frankie. See you tomorrow!" I said and gave him a quick smooch. I scurried over to my mom's shiny new car.
"I love you!" he called out. I blushed and waved back to him.
"Yeah ditto!". 'I love you' was a strong sentence. I didn't know why I couldn't bring myself to say it. I slipped myself inside the vehicle and watched as Kendle and Gerard awkwardly hugged goodbye. I had always felt bad for Kendle. Kendle had liked Gerard, and she was dying for a boyfriend. I couldn't even tell if Gerard liked her or not. He tends to hide things very deep down so nobody can see.
Kendle sighed as she slumped in the car.
"Nothing new?" I asked.
"Nothing new." she muttered.
The car ride home usually isn't long at all, but this time, it seemed like 15 minutes, at least. Frankie's words were starting to catch up to me. I had that deep, gut feeling. Something big was gonna happen today. No, scratch that, something HUGE.
...OR Frankie was just getting me extremely paranoid about nothing.
Yeah, that's it.
I tried to convince myself that nothing at all was going to happen, that I was thinking about it too much. But, that gut feeling planted itself inside me.
Mom pulled the car into the garage of our somewhat-tiny house. Kendle and I dropped our backpacks randomly on the ground and traveled upstairs to our combined room. I dropped myself on my black-and-white-checkerboard bed and stared at the ceiling.
"You're thinking about something." Kendle interrupted my thoughts.
"You bet I am.". I replied. Kendle stared at me, waiting for my answer.
"Frankie's got me paranoid. He told me something 'revolutionary' is gonna happen today. And I agreed. Today DOES feel different. Doesn't it?".
"Yup."she replied.
"What, that's it?" I sat up.
"What do you mean 'that's it?'".
"That's all your gonna say to me?"
"Give me an answer! I need some reassurance! PLEASE.".
"MEG! STOP IT. I don't really care. Life sucks for me right now, okay? Don't bug me."
"What, cause your stupid crush won't talk to you?".
"Yes, Meg. That's EXACTLY it. He won't say a WORD to me. He used to talk to me SO MUCH. And now...." Kendle paused and sighed with frustration.
"You know, YOU need to stop dogging me! YOU already have EVERYTHING I ever wanted. You have a great life, decent friends, a BOYFRIEND, a DRUMSET, EVERYTHING! SO WHY DON'T YOU GIVE ME A BREAK FOR ONCE?!" Kendle's voice raised up to a maximum as her face flushed with anger.
"Kendle, wait, you DO have a good life! I-".
"NO! Just STOP. TALKING. I'm done with this.".
Silence closed in on us and I burried my head into the pillows without another thought, I heard Meg's pitter-patter of her footsteps as she locked our bedroom door.
We always felt this insecurity as if someone was watching us, for Meg, it was some random rapist, for me, it was God only knows, more like guilt, I think, I feel as if that everything that I'm doing is wrong and that my elders wouldn't approve, so I felt the need to hide everything I do, lay low and hide... for now.
Meg turned on the TV and I rolled onto my back and watched with her.
Mom left about an hour ago, so we had the house to ourselves, thank God.
Sometimes I feel like if Mom could choose between her life or ours, she wouldn't even hesitate to save her own, she'd leave us, she'd use us as a human shield if it were a zombie apocolypse.
As for Meg... I dunno what she would do, she's my sister, yes, but we weren't that close. She thought she knew everything about me, but she doesn't, she never has and never will. Ever.
"Woah, Ken, you watchin' this?" Meg turned up the TV and I forced myself to watch.
"We inturupt this program to show you the spaceships landing, this is what we've been waiting for, folks, our trusting goverment BLI/nd has used their greatest scientists to make life possible on Mars. In exactly ten minutes, the ship will take off. Whoever does not make it, gets left behind."
"This is a joke, obviously." Meg said and my eyes widdened with horror.
"Meg," I said and she turned to me. "This isn't live, this was brodcasted and hour ago."
Tired. Hungry. Empty. Dirty. Terrified.
Those were the feelings I felt every single day in that harsh place? But where exactly was I? I could never figure that out. All I knew is that I was in a scorching-hot, never-ending desert that I could never find my way out of. I had got myself there in the first place, and it had taken me years trying to get out. Trying to find some sorce of human life like there was everywhere in 2014.
I had lost my beloved twin sister. I remember, on those lonely desert nights, I would regret anything hurtful I said to my own flesh and blood. What killed me the most was that one day, when my life would change forever. I had got in the most pointless fight with her, and I shocked myself with the things that came helplessly out of my mouth. And loosing her...
What killed me even more at some points was Frankie. Every time I had thought of his name made me stop whatever I was doing, important or not, and sit down and cry. Cry for HOURS on end. He was my first real boyfriend, and he treated me like I was his and his only.
And the fact that I couldn't say those words...
"I Love You".
Those powerful words Frankie had meant. It came from his heart every time he said it to me, and it showed. And for some unbelievably stupid reason, I couldn't say it back to him.
And there I sat on the cracked ground of the desert, and mourned the loss of everything that I took for granted.
"Please, PLEASE. Just let me DIE," I would chant to myself. There was no point in trying to survive....when you have nothing to live for.
Night came again, and I was STARVING. I couldn't see much, for there were no lamposts or car head lights and any of that crap. My only light was the full moon and the stars, almost guiding my way to nowhere. My hands were outstretched in front of me, trying to feel my way around if I had a random bolder or something. It was hard to get used to the dark desert nights at first, becuase the desert days were so bright and bold. I'd have to strain my eyes at both parts of the day. Except for sunset.
Even when you're out here on your own, the sunset is often very beautifully. It is difficult to find beautiful things out here, but the sunset was always my favorite part of day. As for the skies in the morning, it had rid itself of all pollution. When most of the human race left, and BLI/nd bombed most of the factories, the skies cleaned themselves out. Now, the skies were always a clear, wispy-clouded blue.
My hands brushed something. I had started crawling on the ground for living prey. What I had touched was a living thing, and the texture felt scruffy and puny. I lifted the struggling object up and squinted close. It was a desert rat. In other words: Dinner.
Just as I was about to dig my long nails into the creature, I felt...presense. Something was behind me.
My heart pounded and my eyes widened, knowing that some very large and intimidating animal was about to make me HIS dinner. I let the desert rat drop out of my hand, as I panically, almost openly prepared myself for a painful death. I slowly turned myself around....
Not an animal.
Right then and there, I leaped off my knees and booked it to who knows where. Yes, I know that I should have been happy that there might be a human following me, but I saw it's face. It has a terrifying mask on, and was wearing a plane white suit, equipped with a gun in its right hand.
My legs had never carried me so fast before, but each time I gained spead, that human only got closer. I was slowly running out of energy, but I HAD to keep myself going. I gave all of the strength my body could keep and let it flow. I sweared I was traveling at the speed of light. And right in the middle of my triumph...
I tripped.
I made an awful faceplant into the dirty desert ground. I felt a ripping along my right eyebrow, and cuts forming everywhere along my body. The figure was gaining on me.
I tried to get up, but I kept stumbling along the way. I let out a terrified scream.
The figure started to yell something at me.
"egg, egg!". Egg.
I started screaming more, disturbed by the fact that this possible killer knew my name. While I was screaming, I thought about more. Only one person that I knew was still on this Earth, knew my name.
The human unvailed herself by taking off her mask. Yup. I was right. Kendle was standing right in front of me.
I jumped away from my terror and ran a huge hug right into her. My happiness was at an all time high in the years that I've been alone. She was a bit startled by my embrace, but she chuckled and hugged right back. My own twin sister, my own flesh and blood, had come to find me.
I was saved.

After working for freaking BLI/nd against my will and to survive, it finally pays off. After five years, of course. I had decided that there was no point in even thinking about 2014, because there's no way in hell we could even go back.
"K-Kendle?" She asked to confirm that it really was me.
"Shh," I whispered, "you gotta act like you don't know me."
"Number 00.03?" A voice boomed from a distance, "You found another?"
I threw my mask on and turned to Korse, he eyed me before looking at Meg.
"Yes, sir." I said and straightened my posture, God only knew what Korse wanted.
He hit me in the back of the head. Hard.
"Don't be such a suck-up." He growled and I nodded my head, my hands behind my back as I secretly flipped him off.
If I 'act like a suck-up' he'll hit me, but if I don't, then he'll hit me for acting disrespectful. What a fabulous leader/ruler.
Note sarcasm.
"Throw her in the trunk, she's not the one we're looking for.
Apperantly, Korse was looking for these badass KillJoys, I didn't know who they were, but I didn't really care much. Lately, I have actually been leading Korse off track, I mean, I was the good guy, right? That's actually something I'm not quite sure of lately. I said goodbye to Meg before Korse took her back and put her in a cell, hours later I gave her good while no one was watching,
"Everything's gonna be okay," I assured her and she nodded her head and stared blankly.
It hurt. Just to look at her, she looked so dead and terridyed...
"All Draculoids report to Mess Hall immedietly, this is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill"
Ah, shit.
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