Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Original Sin

Black Dawn

by devilsgyrl 0 reviews

Narcissa has a dream...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Narcissa - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-11-17 - Updated: 2010-11-17 - 2338 words

Lucius and I were lying side by side in a big, fluffy king-size bed. It wasn't at all like the small, hard-as-cardboard beds that were placed in the dormitory. We were gazing at each other with a combination of love and lust. Actually, I think I was mainly the one with the lust. In Lucius' eyes, I saw mostly love.

I reached out a hand for him and begged, "Come on, Lucius, please? I want you." He was such a tease just lying there inches away from me. I felt like I was going to go insane. Luckily, Lucius knew my limits and slid over across the bed so we were lying right next to eacah other. I flipped onto my right side to face him and he flipped onto his left.

It didn't take long before we were kissing with a fiery passion, our limbs were entwined, and our legs were tangled up. Lucius pushed me onto my back so I was underneath him and continued to touch and kiss me. He hit a sensitive spot and a series of little whimpers and low moans came out of my mouth and then...

"Narcissa Black, wake the fuck up before I have to dump a bucket of fucking water over your fucking head!" a voice from far in the distance interrupted the little love scene. The voice certainly didn't belong to Lucius. No, it sounded much more like my sister. But my sister wasn't here...was she? Slowly, the scene before me dissolved and a new one took place.

I was in my little bed in the Slytherin dormitory with all the other girls. Bellatrix was leaning over me and was shaking my shoulders, looking irritated as hell. Oops...had I done something wrong? Had I slept through the stupid alarm again? That was most likely the problem. I was so damn tired and it was hard to get myself to wake up in the mornings.

Trying to shake myself awake quickly, I turned bleary eyes up to Bella and asked, "Oh my god, is it really time to get up already? I feel like I just went to bed an hour ago. I'm so tired." Normally, Bella would've sympathized me, but right now, she looked just plain pissed off. In an irritated voice, she replied, "No, Cissy, it's not time to get up. It's one in the morning."

Confusion immediately flooded over me. Why in the world was she making me get up at one in the morning in less we had class? As I thought about this, a horrible solution came to me. Looking nervously at Bella, I asked in a panicked voice, "Is Tom summoning us?" Feeling kind of hysterical, I ripped up the sleeve of my night gown to see if the tattoo on my arm was pitch black.

"No, he's not," Bellatrix replied shortly, having absolutely no mercy for my panic attack. Gazing at me with hard eyes, she said, "I'm waking you up because you're keeping everyone else up. What's up with all the moaning and whimpering? You sound like you're having an orgasm while you're sleeping or some shit like that. I do so not want to hear about whatever dream you were having."

My cheeks immediately went tomato red and I glanced nervously around the room. Just like Bella had said, several pairs of sleepy eyes were looking at me with annoyance. Oh god, I wanted to die of humiliation. Had I seriously been making moaning noises? Apparently so. My god, who would've ever guessed that what you say or do in a dream can also happen in real life?

Wanting to go disappear or something, I apologized to Bella, " about all that. I'll try not to have any more dreams." Bella nodded emphatically, brown hair swishing all over the place as she replied, "Yeah, you better be damn right about that. I'm really tired and I have a test tomorrow for Divination. The last thing I want to do is end up sleepwalking there!"

With a little sound of annoyance, Bellatrix stood back up and stomped across the room back to her own bed. I watched her go and then looked around me to see if anyone else was still staring at me. Most of the girls in the dormitory had rolled back over and were attempting to go back to sleep. Well, all but one girl. The exception was coming from the bed straight across from mine.

It was Natasha. I grimaced and waited for the snarl and snide remark that I expected from her. So when it didn't come, I was very surprised. Natasha was staring at me, but her gaze was rather unseeing. She had the stare of someone who had died. You know how people die and then there eyes are just kind of staring straight ahead? That's what Natasha's gaze was like. Her lips were in a thin line and she was deadly white. Hell, what was wrong with her?

I contemplated on what to do for a few seconds. The small compassionate part in my soul told me to go over to her and try to figure out what was wrong. However, I wasn't sure if that would make things better or not. Most likely, I would just end up pissing Nat off. Still though, I did want to figure out what was wrong with her. There was no denying that there was something wrong at this point.

Before I could quite decide what to do, Natasha suddenly jumped out of bed and ran down the hall to the one, small bathroom in the girls' dormitory. It really sucked to have only one bathroom in the whole bathroom. It was just about impossible to get into because someone was always in there in the morning. However, at night, there was rarely anyone in there.

Natasha slammed the door to the bathroom behind her and moments later, we heard a splatting and choking noise. My stomach squirmed inside of me even though I had not eaten lately. Natasha was obviously puking up dinner. Unfortunately, she wasn't exactly doing it quietly either. Most of the girls in the dormitory were sitting up in bed and rubbing their eyes irritably.

"Ugh, what now?" Bellatrix's voice came from across the room. "Cissy, is that you?" Bella slowly sat up in bed and craned her neck so she could see if my bed was occupied or not. I shook my head and answered Bella's question, "No, I'm fine. It's Natasha. She's obviously getting sick. Do you think we should bring her to the hospital wing or something?"

"No," Bella said resolutely. "The bitch can take care of herself. I think I'm the one who needs to go to the hospital wing because off all these interruptions in my sleep. I'm going to totally fuck up on my Divination test tomorrow!" With that said, Bella flopped back down on her back and stuffed a pillow over her ears to try to help block out any unwanted noise.

Not really sure what to do in this situation, I sat up straight silently in bed a moment later and tried to think of what to do next. I really did feel bad for Natasha. True, she could definitely be a bitch at times, but nobody deserved to be sick. Deep inside, I wondered if me hooking up with Lucius was what was causing Natasha to act so strangely.

As I thought over this rather disturbing idea, sleep overcame me once more and my eyelids grew heavy and started to close. I would have to deal with the whole Natasha/Lucius thing tomorrow when I had more sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~

The next morning, I was waken by Bella much too early. Bella didn't look much better than I did - we both had big, puffy eyes and pallid complexions. I didn't think anyone had slept too well last night after my moaning in my sleep and after Natasha's little episode in the bathroom. Speaking of Natasha, where was she? I hadn't seen her all morning.

I was in a hurry to get to the Great Hall and talk to Lucius, but I decided that I really should take some time to do my hair and makeup. I didn't want to disgrace Lucius by looking ugly. Of course, I was kind of ugly no matter what I did, but still. The makeup would help at least a little. So despite the fact that everyone else from the dormitory was already in the Great Hall for breakfast, I stayed behind and sorted through Bella's cosmetics.

It took me a while to find something I liked. Finally, I decided some black eyeliner, sparkly gray eye shadow, and mascara would work alright. My eyes were my best feature usually when I wasn't so tired. Hopefully, the makeup would help obscure the dark circles that indicated my sleepless night. Too bad I didn't know a spell that got rid of puffy eyes. Maybe Severus knew one? I made a mental note to ask him about that next time I saw him. Severus was really smart and was very knowledgeable.

Somehow, I managed to apply all the makeup without stabbing myself in the eye with anything. After that, I ran a brush through my hair and tied it in a low ponytail at the back of my neck. The last thing I wanted to do was have my hair in my face today. Figuring it was as good as it was going to get, I took one last look in the mirror and then headed out of the dormitories and out into the common room. Surprisingly, nobody was in the common room at this time in the morning.

Wasting no time, I sprinted out of the common room and down the corridors to the Great Hall. By this time, I knew how to get there all by myself without someone giving me directions. You're probably thinking it's about time I learn my way around Hogwarts, but finding your way around here is a lot harder than you'd think. All corridors look identical and Hogwarts is a lot better than you think.

Heart beating excitedly at the thought of seeing Lucius, I burst into the Great Hall and hurried to the Slytherin dining table. You can't even begin to imagine my disappointment when I did not see a single blonde head at the table. On one end, Bella and Tom were whispering, Rabastan and Rodolphus were chit chatting loudly, and Nott and Rosier were cracking jokes.

Feeling like there was now a rain cloud over my head, I plopped down miserably on an old wooden chair and put my head in my hands as I waited for Lucius to arrive. Deep down inside, I wondered if he even would arrive. What if he skipped breakfast? There was a possibility that he might do that...right?

I sat for a long five minutes without any sign of Lucius. I was starting to give up hope on him altogether when suddenly I heard the noise of a chair scrapping wood next to me. Figuring that someone (better be Lucius) was taking the chair next to me, I whipped my head up off the table and put a big smile on my face...only to have it fade two seconds later.

The person sitting next to me was definitely not Lucius. Oh no, he was like Lucius' opposite. This guy was shorter than Lucius, had dark hair, dark glittering eyes, and hands that would scare me and haunt me for the rest of the life. The person sitting next to me was none other than Walden Macnair, the guy who had attempted to rape me at the dance not so long ago.

When I saw who it was, I instantly panicked. Oh god, what was I suppose to do? My nerves told me that this was a "fight or flee" situation and of course, I chose to flee. Without wasting time, I jumped up from my chair and was about to go tearing towards the entrance towards the Great Hall. I never made it that far though. Walden grabbed my hand before I could get anywhere and held me back. I stared at him with wide eyes and tried to yank my hand out of his grasp, but it was too strong.

"Narcissa, please!" Walden begged, not loosing his grip on my hand one bit. "Please sit down for a second. I want to talk to you." I studied Walden closely and tried to decide what to do. His eyes looked remorseful and his cheeks weren't red. He wasn't drunk anymore, but I still didn't trust him. I wanted to run, but maybe it was better to face Walden.

As I hesitated, I glanced over at the opposite end of the table. Bella and Tom were still deep into a discussion. Walden obviously couldn't hurt me here in front of them. Bella would never let Walden harm her little sister. Deciding to face my fears and get this over with once and for all, I slowly sat back down rigidly on the edge of my chair and said, "What is it you want to say?"

Walden sighed and gave me a really sad look so that I almost felt sorry for him. Almost, but not quite. Still keeping that tight grip on my hand, he said, "Firstly, I wanted to apologize for the other night at the dance. I had no right to leave you to be with that Durmstrang girl. I seriously have no idea what I was thinking. You're much prettier than her."

Prettier than her? I thought not. The only reason Walden was saying that was because the Durmstrang girl had gone back to the Durmstrang school and I was the only girl left now. I had been second-choice and still remained that way. In a completely cold voice, I replied, "You were drunk. That much was obvious."
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