Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > "I Could Wait For You For... Forever"

“Yeah, I’m just the opening act..."

by ilo9vemcrgmfrb 0 reviews

I'd like to take this opportunity to dedicate this story to Catsu. :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-11-19 - Updated: 2010-11-20 - 1383 words - Complete

“Bennie, are you gonna miss me?” Freddie asked as Gerard, Bennie, and Freddie made their way down the hallway to her mother’s apartment. Bennie nodded her head.
“You’re the funnest girl I’ve ever been around in my entire life, Freddie. I don’t know what I’ll do without you, hun.” Bennie said as she pinched Freddie’s cheek. Freddie smiled and pushed Bennie’s hand away.
“Daddy, when you go inside and talk to mommy can I stay outside with Bennie for a minute?” Freddie asked. Gerard shrugged and tucked his hair behind his ear as he knocked on the door.
“If you want, sweetie.” He quickly replied before letting go of Freddie’s hand and taking her bags inside.
“I have to tell you this.” Freddie whispered as she held her hands up to be held. Bennie laughed and picked her up.
“And what would that be, hun?” Bennie asked.
“Don’t mess this up. My Daddy loves you. Don’t make him hate you like Gabe does.” she said before the door flung open and LynZ stood there, eyes wide.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize-” She said, laughing. Gerard laughed.
“If you would have let me finish speaking… I didn’t leave her outside alone. I left her outside with Bennie because she asked me to. She just wanted to say goodbye.” He explained.
“Oh. Hi, Bennie. I’m LynZ. Please don’t think I’m upset or jealous of her spending time with Gerard’s girlfriend.” LynZ quickly said as she extended her hand. Bennie stood there wide-eyed for a second.
“Gerard and I- we’re not- erm- he’s not-” She mumbled as she put Freddie down. Gerard cleared his throat.
“Bennie is just our opening act. Freddie took a liking to her. That’s all.” Gerard said. LynZ’s nervous laughter returned, and Bennie suddenly found herself getting mad.
“Yeah, I’m just the opening act. Your daughter is a great little person. Anyways, I’d better get going.” Bennie excused herself before storming down the hallway, clenching her fists until her knuckles turned white, toward the elevator. She smashed on the button, and huffed as she impatiently waited. She heard Gerard quickly say goodbye to his ex-wife, who profusely apologized for something that wasn’t even her fault, and shook her head as she heard Freddie cry when he promised her dinner next time he was in town. She viciously pushed the button three more times as she heard Freddie shout something at him. And she almost laughed before she heard Gerard run down the hallway after her. She quickly looked over her shoulder, and rolled her eyes when she saw he was too close for her to make a successful run for the stairs.
“What is your problem?!” Gerard demanded as he gabbed Bennie’s arm and spun her around.
“Oh, nothing. Just that I just ruined a relationship with a perfectly great man who saw you kiss me in the middle of the zoo, and you can’t even introduce me to her as your friend?! Is that what I am to you? Your opening act?! Because if that’s all I am to you then you can stay off my bus, stay out of my business, and tell your manager that you don’t want to deal with me any more, because I-” Bennie was cut off when Gerard pulled her into a kiss. She tried to push him away. She was too mad, and she had a lot more yelling to do, but after a few seconds, her arms suddenly found themselves wrapped around his neck, her fingers tangled themselves in his hair, and she was kissing him back. The elevator door opened and closed.
“I told you! I told you he loved you! Mommy, I tol-” Freddie began to shout before a Laughing LynZ picked her up and brought her inside.
Gerard pulled away from the kiss and rested his forehead on Bennie’s.
“Do you want to go back to the hotel and make sure all our stuff makes it onto our busses?” He asked as he pressed the elevator button again. Bennie nodded and turned away from Gerard. brushing the hair out of her face and attempting to catch her breath as the elevator door opened. She stepped in and Gerard followed close behind her, quickly pushing the first floor button and flattening out the back of his hair.

Three Hours Later

“So, what exactly happened?” Delilah asked from next to her on Bennie’s couch on her bus.
“We were at LynZ’s apartment, and she thought we were dating, and then he was like ‘Oh, no she’s just the opening act’ and I got mad and stormed off, and he came running after me, and I was yelling at him, and he came over and he kissed me to shut me up.” Bennie explained. Delilah’s eyes went wide as Bennie recounted the events of that morning.
“And then when you guys got back to the hotel, he was all weird… That’s why?” Delilah concluded. Bennie shrugged.
“I don’t know, the last thing he said to me was ‘What is your problem?!’ right before he kissed me. And he’s been distant, so I have no idea what’s going on. I wish I knew, but I have no clue.”
“Want me to have Mikey ask him about it for you?” Delilah asked, her eyes wide with mischief. Bennie laughed.
“I want to say no… but I feel like I need to know what’s going on.” Bennie quickly said. Delilah smiled.
“Well, I’m asking him.” Delilah said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. Bennie shrieked with laughter and tried to rip the phone out of Delilah’s hands.

Meanwhile, On My Chemical Romance’s Tour Bus…
“You said what?!” Frank shouted.
“Well, I didn’t mean it how she took it!” Gerard shouted. Mikey rolled his eyes.
“Well, how did you mean it, because I feel like there’s only one way totake it.” Mikey demanded.
“Well, I… I don’t know how I meant it, but anyways, after I said that, she got mad, and she said goodbye to LynZ and Freddie, and she ran over to the elevator. So I said goodbye to them, and I ran and I was praying the elevator doors didn’t open before I got there, and so I caught her, and I said ‘What is your problem?!’”
DUDE Why did you say that?!” Mikey asked. Gerard rolled his eyes.
“Let me finish. Anyhow She went nuts, she was talking about leaving the tour, and the whole time, I just… I just wanted to kiss her… So I did.”
“YOU KISSED HER?!” Mikey and Frank shouted at the same time. Gerard nodded.
“Well, what did you say afterward?” Mikey demanded.
“’Do you want to go back to the hotel and make sure all our stuff makes it onto our busses?’” Gerard said, with a weak smile on his face. Mikey and Frank moth groaned in frustration.
“When is your brother going to learn?!” Frankie shouted as he got up. Mikley laughed as his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out and laughed when he saw the text message on his screen.

Please tell me he’s told you.

“So, is that why you were all weird when we were packing and getting onto the busses?” Mikey asked.
“Yeah. I just… I don’t know if I meant it or if I didn’t. I mean, it was a great kiss. It was… Amazing. The best kiss of my life. But… She’s with that Gabe guy. Why would she like me? Plus I’m older thann her by almost 10 years, plus I come with a ready made family. What do I have to offer her?” Gerard rambled. Mikey shook his head.
“Offer her your heart, bro. If that’s what you got, she wants it, offer it to her.”

Oh, they are in love.
Like cheerleader and quarterback perfect on top of it.
We have a mission for this tour.
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